6.0.3 Gnome Sequencer 1 Button Feral AND Guardian *Modified*

What is the thinking about the best way to incorporate Maul now that the Guardian 2-piece Tier17 bonus makes it cheaper?

I just got the 2-piece bonus last night, so I did not have enough time to experiment with modifying my macros.

I would think that especially the AoE macro should benefit significantly, but this should also have the ability to pull up DPS on ST.

Tested the feralST macro on a dummy at 660 ilvl. In a first try i did 16k. In a second try (racing a hunter at 640 ilvl…) I did 18k (I lost, but only by a little). I think I forgot the CDs then. Did notice that with the glyph of savage roar (refreshing it with king of the jungle to max with a single rake), that the macro stopped taking actions. It caused me to cap in energy. Also, at one discontinued attempt, I engaged without prowl. That screws things up quite a bit.

Other than that I was amazed by the macro. When and if the buffs dropped, they weren’t down for long. I also noticed the macro applied rake for instance with heal proc and berserk like I would manually. I hope it performs equally well in the lower health regime of bosses. I hope the bite is then selected over rip. Is that the case?

By hand I stabilized at 19.5-20k dps (no pots, food buffs, augment stones or anything). This is too low for my ilvl. The reason is that I tank as well and have all the enchants, gems and some items for the tank spec (2 items with bonus armor for instance). Nevertheless, the macro seems to work quite well.


I also tried out the guardian macro. I wasn’t happy with the control. At the end I downsized the macro to handle a few abilities, such as Lacerate, Cernarion Ward and Healing Touch:

Sequences[‘GuardianST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Lacerate’,
‘/cast Cenarion Ward’,
[[/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player,combat]Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1]],
PostMacro = [[

I use this macro to spam lacerates (for Pulverize). I have mangle separate (for Berserk spam) and have a small macro that combines it with Savage Defense. I think it’s better to remove it, but where we are in progression, I don’t have to worry much about magic damage. So adding the active mitigation there is fine.

For the rest I prefer weakauras to let me know when an ability is up and droodfocus (addon) for the rest of the info like bleeds, abilities, CDs, etc.

[quote quote=23655]I also tried out the guardian macro. I wasn’t happy with the control. At the end I downsized the macro to handle a few abilities, such as Lacerate, Cernarion Ward and Healing Touch:

Sequences[‘GuardianST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Lacerate’,
‘/cast Cenarion Ward’,
[[/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player,combat]Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1]],
PostMacro = [[

I use this macro to spam lacerates (for Pulverize). I have mangle separate (for Berserk spam) and have a small macro that combines it with Savage Defense. I think it’s better to remove it, but where we are in progression, I don’t have to worry much about magic damage. So adding the active mitigation there is fine.

For the rest I prefer weakauras to let me know when an ability is up and droodfocus (addon) for the rest of the info like bleeds, abilities, CDs, etc.


please upload the whole thing :slight_smile: like ur macros and stuff