6.03 BM (gnomesequencer)

I been using this BM sequence for 8 levels now and I’m level 99. I ran it through some dungeons and it worked fine, as well as leveling solo, I’m able to kill fast, stay alive, and haven’t died in quite awhile (pve).

Talents: 2-1-1-3-2-1

	Sequences['BrewST'] = { 
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=8 !keg smash,jab,jab',
	'/castsequence Blackout Kick',
	'/castsequence reset=22 !keg smash,Elusive Brew',
	'/cast !keg smash',
	'/cast Jab',
	'/cast Tiger Palm',
	'/cast Chi Wave',	
	'/cast Leg Sweep',
	'/cast Touch of Death',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

I keep Spearhand Strike, Nimble Brew, and Dizzying Haze, purifying brew, Dampen Harm hotkeyed.

I don’t like Purifying brew in the mix, because it cost 1 Chi to use and if it’s not needed then why blow a Chi point. The same goes for Guard ability it’s not needed in the rotation because it costs 2 Chi points and for a lot of trash it’s a waste to use it when not needed.

I have Dizzying Haze in the AOE rotation, adds a DOT for when Breath of Fire goes.


Sequences['BrewAoE'] = { 
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=22 !keg smash,Elusive Brew',
	'/cast !keg smash',
	'/cast !Breath of Fire',
	'/cast Dizzying Haze',
	'/cast Jab',
	'/cast Blackout Kick',
	'/cast Rushing Jade Wind',
	'/cast Chi Wave',	
	'/cast Leg Sweep',
	'/cast Touch of Death',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Im curious… Can this be set on a global? I used these, and they seem to work fine, but Ive become a button masher with 1 button macros, and repeatedly press them. The problem im having, is it cycles as fast as i press them. And im having downtime due to it. Any help?

yea add this between sequence and pre macro

StepFunction = [[
		limit = limit or 1
		if step == limit then
			limit = limit % #macros + 1
			step = 1
			step = step % #macros + 1

I’m getting this weird situation where I’ll run the AoE macro and it keeps bringing up the area marker for the keg throw. Any ideas why? Or maybe I’m just doing something wrong.

When I copy and paste the sequence it doesn’t work?