this macro uses Gnome Sequencer and Healbot
Pro tip: gnome sequencer dose not work with macro tool kit if you have macro toolkit uninstall it
this video is long winded but is a good guide on how to use Gnome sequencer i recommend notepad++ to change anything in the script
the first macro is to be put into healbot as you would any click to cast spell so were Healing Wave would go you would simply put RestoSham and were Chain heal would normally go you would also put RestoSham
so i would look something like
left click = RestoSham
Shift + left click = RestoSham
left click only will cast all your cooldowns plus Healing wave
Shift + left click will do the same as left click but put chain heal on first priority so it will always cast chain heal when it is off its 3 sec cooldown from the glyph of chaining
Stone Bulwark Totem
Windwalk Totem
Call of the Elements is you goto, “you should know that Totemic Projection is a must in fight like Flamebender Ka’graz and Operator Thogar because you totems only reach 40 feet but if you are on the left side of the room the totems can not heal people on the right”
Ancestral Swiftness is you goto, “you should know that Echo of the Elements is a must in high spike damage fights like Flamebender Ka’graz for 2 Spirit Link Totem”
Rushing Streams
Elemental Blast
Cloudburst Totem and High Tide are equal but i lean towards High Tide
free spot
Glyph of Healing Stream Totem
Glyph of Chaining
Sequences['RestoSham'] = { PreMacro = [[ /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] ]], '/castsequence [mod:shift, nochanneling] Chain Heal', '/castsequence [nochanneling] Healing Wave', PostMacro = [[ /startattack /use Unleash Life /use [combat]13 /use [combat]14 /use [combat]Elemental Blast /use [combat]Healing Stream Totem /use [combat]Ascendance /use [combat]Berserking /use [combat]Ancestral Swiftness /use [combat]Stone Bulwark Totem /use [combat]Call of the Elements /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 ]], }
the second macro is just to put Earth Shield and riptide on the tank that is currently being targeted by the boss this should be used every 10-30 sec to reapply the buff.
note: with the healing macro above you will always be targeting the boss so targets target will always be the main tank(the tank that is currently getting his face smashed in).
Sequences['Shield'] = { PreMacro = [[ /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] ]], '/castsequence [@targettarget, nochanneling] Earth Shield, Riptide', PostMacro = [[ /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 ]], }