7.1.5 GSE2 Macro

I’m getting an import error, says unexpected char near = in storage?

I’ll re c&p it.

Brug sometimes this macro still locks for me.

I am going to start a new thread… I believe I have perfected it!

I have an issue, i imported and everything just like you said but whenever i try to use it i keep getting a wrong specialization error… any idea why?

I wouldn’t suggest this macro anymore. It does amazing in Mythic+ and dummies, but in raids it does not perform well at all unless there is heavy AOE. See my new thread for an all around high performing macro. Also make sure you are specced into the right talents

This macro will hang sometimes if you get thrown into combat without being in stealth. At least is does for me. I corrected by changing the Keypress section…

    "/castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Shred", - Removed

        "/cast [noform:2] Cat Form",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl",
        "/castsequence [combat] reset=combat Shred, Thrash, Ferocious Bite, Rake, null",

The macro did not start for me, it just locked up