7.1.5 Shockadin/Holy DPS

First time posting here but I use this for WQs and some PVP. I’m not great but I like it.

Sequences['HolyDPS'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Talents = "3,1,?,?,?,2,3",
  Help = "Holy DPS Macro for leveling and WQs",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence Holy Shock, Crusader Strike, Judgment, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, Crusader Strike, Consecration, Judgment",
        "/castsequence Judgment, Holy Shock, Crusader Strike, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, Crusader Strike, Consecration, Judgment",
        "/castsequence Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, Judgment, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, Crusader Strike, Consecration, Judgment",
        "/castsequence Holy Shock, Holy Prism",
        "/cast Judgment",
        "/cast Holy Shock",
        "/cast Crusader Strike",
        "/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath",
        "/cast Divine Protection",
        "/cast [mod] Hammer of Justice",

This is why we have a Ret spec. Why 3 cast sequence lines that basically do the same thing? Not a fan of cast sequences since everything else stops while it goes through the sequence. Even with holy prism we only have a couple of attacks to use and holy dps is just too mind numbing. I would rather just spec ret for world quests; BTW, you are just doing the other team a favor by trying to dps in pvp.

Not trying to rain on your parade, but I just don’t see a use for a dps macro for holy other than to judge.