Stumbled across this site the other day and love what you guys are trying to do. Addon’s and site’s like these really make it possible for physically disabled to enjoy the game.
I couldn’t however find a decent Balance Druid Macro that wasn’t sequential. Balance Druid’s don’t have a rotation they have a priority system largely. Meaning that the macro’s already here have problems with wasting Astral Power and Lunar Empowerment’s, which negatively impacts DPS.
Anyway all this made me make my own priority based macro for GSE.
Sequences['MP_BAL_ST'] = {
helpTxt = "Balance Talents; 3233233",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [noform] Moonkin Form
"/castsequence reset=target/shift Moonfire, Sunfire, null",
"/cast [combat] New Moon(Artifact)",
"/cast [combat] Starsurge",
"/castsequence [combat] Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike, Lunar Strike, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
Moonfire/Sunfire is reapplied with the shift key, if you were unable to keep it up with Nature’s balance.
I haven’t included Celestial Alignment/ Incarnation as these in my opinion should be used for burst and handled manually.
With my 867 Balance Druid on Ursoc Heroic, i finish around 290k dps. On Target dummies after a 60 seconds about 350k dps.
It’s not perfect by any means yet, so please let me know your feedback and i will do my best to improve it.