Im attempting to get a macro working the ultimate would me to get it all wrapped up into one but i might have stumbled onto something here. so i had a bunch of macros in the sequence viewer and i dont know how to use it very well so i tried to modify a old macro one and for a new use i need coming up and this is what i got.
Sequences[‘TOPdps’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
Talents = “2,2,1,3,1,1,2”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning”,
“/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Frostbrand, Lava Lash”,
“/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash”,
“/cast [combat] Crash Lightning”,
“/cast Rockbiter”,
“/cast [combat] Doom Winds”,
Now I used this macro before with Rockbiter being boulderfist and with out frostbrand and pulled crazy numbers but with the times changed its time to use the ring with the legendary bracers so atm this macro is keeping both buffs up and hailstorm and lava lash are in the top 4 in damg crash lightning does not fire off at all, but im not even sure if we need crash lightning en the macro at all, since the only time they might even be used is during wolves. so one other thing i ran the macro for about 2 min and also saw i had a ton of maelstrom so if anyone thinks they can improve on this please feel free to put their 2 cents in. I use stormstrike on a seperate key incase your wondering i am down to trying it in the macro if u wanna put it in ive seen it done both ways.
how to you copy and paste stuff in code