7.3 Arms Working Macro list

Hey guys.

I was wondering if you are willing to post your 7.3 Macros you been using lately and what performance you are getting on a Boss Dummy (Single Target Damage) over the duration of lets say 3 or more minutes since that will show an average that we can work on.

We can post in a layout as such so its clear for all and we can figure out what is working for us best :slight_smile:

(No pots/Flasks/Buffs involved,Trinkets are fine)

ilvl = xxx
Duration = 3m
DPS = xxx K
Talents = xxxxxxx
Full GSE2 Macro that was used

Hopefully the list will workout and we can get some data much needed for the Community.

Naga Mouse = 0.100 delay
ilvl = 931
Duration = 4m
Burst DPS = 2.63m
DPS = 1.11m
Talents = 3321323 or 1321322

The Arms Compendium

TOS Talent Specs for Arms and Fury

Updated: Trama or Rend, Tested and Validated. Please note that you will could loose 100k DPS if you use Trama Build.

Sequences['WAA'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "3321323",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence [mod:shift] reset=2  Cleave, Whirlwind, Whirlwind",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Victory Rush",
        "/cast Colossus Smash",
        "/cast Mortal Strike",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/castsequence [talent:3/2] reset=target  Rend, Colossus Smash, Slam",
        "/castsequence Mortal Strike, Slam",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Execute, Execute, Mortal Strike",
        "/castsequence [talent:3/2] reset=target  Rend, Slam",
        "/cast Slam",

This Macro is used as an Opener or AOE depending on the fight mechanic.
Updated: I have updated this Macro to use either Ravager or Bladestorm

Sequences['WAA2'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "3321323",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Warbreaker",
        "/use Umbral Moonglaives",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/cast [talent:7/3, @player] Ravager",
        "/cast Bladestorm",

Thanks for the input looking good :slight_smile:

what is the second one for?


Second one is for Burst and opener.

Btw is [talent:7/3] on the first macro wrong? Shouldn’t it be [talent:3/2] for the Rent ? :slight_smile:

Fixed thanks!


Please feel free to your Macro’s and the performance they have.

can you post one with out modifiers its hard for me to use them

This, to me, seems like a poor attempt of circumventing the common question of what’s the top dps macro but focusing on arms warrior this time.

Asking for ilvl and dps numbers to find out if they are better or worse than average without putting any effort in yourself by testing them

[quote quote=54895]This, to me, seems like a poor attempt of circumventing the common question of what’s the top dps macro but focusing on arms warrior this time.
Asking for ilvl and dps numbers to find out if they are better or worse than average without putting any effort in yourself by testing them
[/quote]. Due to not having all my fingers I cannot use macros with modifiers other then that I love to try it but I cannot

NOTE: Without Modifiers… but I will not support the possible results that you may encounter.

This Macro is used as Single Target DMG… you will have to use Cleave and Whirlwind on a seperate binding

Sequences['WAA'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "3321323",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Colossus Smash",
        "/cast Mortal Strike",
        "/cast Execute",
        "/castsequence [talent:3/2] reset=target  Rend, Colossus Smash, Slam",
        "/castsequence Mortal Strike, Slam",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Execute, Execute, Mortal Strike",
        "/cast Victory Rush",
        "/castsequence [talent:3/2] reset=target  Rend, Slam",
        "/cast Slam",

This Macro is used as an Opener or AOE depending on the fight mechanic.
Updated: I have updated this Macro to use either Ravager or Bladestorm

Sequences['WAA2'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.07.
  Talents = "3321323",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Warbreaker",
        "/use Umbral Moonglaives",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/cast [talent:7/3, @player] Ravager",
        "/cast Bladestorm",

Thank you as long as I can put them on buttons next to macro I can use them just can’t do the whole ctl alt thing


Can you make an all in one macro, that uses whirlwind only and not slam? :slight_smile:


[quote quote=54895]This, to me, seems like a poor attempt of circumventing the common question of what’s the top dps macro but focusing on arms warrior this time.

Asking for ilvl and dps numbers to find out if they are better or worse than average without putting any effort in yourself by testing them[/quote]

Grats on the bust and foiling his grand evil scheme. Had it not been for you catching this I surely would have fallen for this dubious trap and listed that I also use the same macro as Nenii posted, along with my info such as my Item Level being 918 and my ST dps on a 3min dummy fight being right at 1 mil. So again thank you for saving me from giving that lazy p.o.s. any of that info.

Roflmao I mean c’mon dude, get a friggin life.

Will try this out, Thank you

[quote quote=55359]–
[/quote]You updated the macro, care to share it with us please?

Thanks Nenii for a Great Macro. I’m using this for pvp also and it is working great. My question is can I add Hamstring to this line and does its effect the outcome of the macro as a whole in term of Lost DPS or it is doesn’t matter?

/castsequence Mortal Strike, Slam, Hamstring
