7.3 Blood DK GS 2.0 Script

Adapted from the Icy Veins rotation, this is pretty close to optimal for Blood DK. Each time you select a new target, it prioritizes marrowrend to get the initial bone shield buff up and blood boil for blood plague. It will cast death and decay at your feet similar to consecration so that you recharge runic power while you stand in it. Everything else is prioritized pretty closely to the Icy Veins priorities. Note the marrowrend sequence towards the end, which is intended to build 5+ stacks of bone shield for the ossuary bonus before weaving in the occasional heart strike for dps and healing. Hit your mod key to use death strike to heal or spend runic power. Enjoy.

Talents are 3,1,1,2,1,3,3

Run as a priority sequence.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod,nochanneling] death strike
/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target marrowrend, null
/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target blood boil, null
/cast [nomod,nochanneling,@player] death and decay
/cast [nochanneling] blooddrinker
/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target marrowrend, marrowrend, heart strike
/cast [nomod,nochanneling] consumption
/cast [nomod,nochanneling] blood boil

can u put it in box

I just wanted to say here that this macro does seem to run very nicely. Good job. :slight_smile:

[quote quote=55869]can u put it in box

Agreed…can you use the export function from GS and post it?

Been using this macro for a while now, and it was what I used just now to complete the Blood DK Mage Tower challenge. Thank you for it!!

Sequences['WILL_BLOOD_ST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Author="Will G",
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,1,3,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod,nochanneling] death strike",
        "/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target  marrowrend, null",
        "/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target  blood boil, null",
        "/cast [nomod,nochanneling,@player] death and decay",
        "/cast [nochanneling] blooddrinker",
        "/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target  marrowrend, marrowrend, heart strike",
        "/cast [nomod,nochanneling] consumption",
        "/cast [nomod,nochanneling] blood boil",

I also modified the ‘nochanneling’ to be: ‘nochanneling: Blood Drinker’ and placed that in front of pretty much everything. Runs very smoothly, but since it’s prioritizing Death Strike, that can leave you vulnerable at times. So far, it’s worked for me though.

“Hit your mod key to use death strike to heal or spend runic power.”

God, I’m lost…what mod key ?

[quote quote=57692]“Hit your mod key to use death strike to heal or spend runic power.”
God, I’m lost…what mod key ?[/quote]

The [nomod] command means that unless you are pressing Ctrl,Alt or Shift, it will proceed with the line. If you have these command mods keyed to other things, it won’t work.

Hope that helps.

Edit: having tried it, I had to change some of the syntax:

Sequences['WILL_BLOOD_ST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Author="Will G",
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,1,3,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod,nochanneling] Death Strike",
        "/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target  Marrowrend, null",
        "/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target  Blood Boil, null",
        "/cast [nomod,nochanneling,@player] Death and Decay",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blooddrinker",
        "/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling] reset=target  Marrowrend, Marrowrend, Heart Strike",
        "/cast [nomod,nochanneling] Consumption",
        "/cast [nomod,nochanneling] Blood Boil",

[quote quote=57692]“Hit your mod key to use death strike to heal or spend runic power.”
God, I’m lost…what mod key ?[/quote]

"/cast [mod,nochanneling] death strike",

This line here states to hit the mod key.
[mod] with no futher conditional means it will accept any ctrl/shift/alt combination without being explicit to just 1 key and will fire off Death Strike

If you want to use Shift - Do it
Alt? Sure, why not
Right Shift? Does anyone use this?
Ctrl - Sure bring Shift and make it a party

Basically anything which will count as being a mod key will do :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen it asked yet, but I guess I might as well be the one; what speed? MS?

Okay, you two, thanks for the explanations but as I have a problem with my hands I don’t use any mods…Can’t quite reach any of them, so would it be okay to put death strike on a numbered key. And to tell you the truth Cym, I still prefer your ultra long one, works wonderful. Just like to test these other ones is all.

Yes, I also put Death Strike on a separate key to press when it procs, or I otherwise need it.

Haha no problem :stuck_out_tongue:
I am guessing it works well going fast with it?

Just FYI, I did take Death Strike off of the mod function when I began using this macro. Being a priority macro, it will DS as soon as the Runic Power is there to spend. It’s not optimal, I know, but it’s worked so far and I can’t raid these days so I mostly used it for the Mage Tower and dungeons.