7.3 Papa Frost dk macros (Overhaul)

I added a new macro if anyone wants to test it+

I’m Back.
1: Added New ST Macro
2: Added New Aoe Macro
3: Removed old test /castrandom macro
If I screwed up with the new macros i have the old ones still in the post.
In my test I added 200-300k to the macros ,but it was brief test (just dummy)

Can I test your new Macro???

[quote quote=56168]Can I test your new Macro???
You can if you want

Hi All! Thanks alot for this!

Few questions Because I am fairly New to this:

Whit the ‘alt’ or ‘control’ in the macro, How does this work.

If i alt - press the macro iT casts that spell?

Also, would this macro work for pvp?

Last questions, do u guys use the macro amd still have ‘single spell keybindings’ for certain situations?

Looking forward to test this. Lvl 60 now…

[quote quote=56268]Hi All! Thanks alot for this!
Few questions Because I am fairly New to this:
Whit the ‘alt’ or ‘control’ in the macro, How does this work.
If i alt – press the macro iT casts that spell?
Also, would this macro work for pvp?
Last questions, do u guys use the macro amd still have ‘single spell keybindings’ for certain situations?
Looking forward to test this. Lvl 60 now…
The mod lines are keybinding to cast that spell.
The pvp thing idk since i dont pvp.
since this is an all in one you prob dont need any.

Can you add a modifier for those with Cold heart for single target, when you press shift it uses chains of ice…

[quote quote=56288]Can you add a modifier for those with Cold heart for single target, when you press shift it uses chains of ice…
I make my macros based off my gear and stuff first but you could add /cast [mod:shift] Chains Of Ice

papapancake1 what ahk speed have on your macro?

[quote quote=56437]papapancake1 what ahk speed have on your macro?
I don’t use ahk alot but if i would guess it would be 80ms

[quote quote=56288]Can you add a modifier for those with Cold heart for single target, when you press shift it uses chains of ice…
I added it in the overhaul

Hello, I’m new to macro’s and I have some doubts. Do I just have to copy paste into game macros?
And another thing, about Chains of Ice, what does that Alt means? Thank you and sorry but I know nothing about this

install the gnome sequencer addon from curse.
go to this page and copy the macro you want to use.
log into wow on the character you are going to use that macro for.
in the chat window type “/gs” to bring up the gnome sequencer window.
click import.
use “ctrl v” to paste and then hit ok or what ever it is.
you should see something pop saying import successful. if you dont… go check and make sure you copied the entier thing and didnt miss anything.
you should now be able to see that macro in the gs window. drag it to where ever you are going to use it like 1 or 2 or whatever.
if it stays like a little book click on the macro and click create icon and it should turn into a “?” which you can then drag onto your toolbar.

hope that helps.

Thank you! I managed to make it.

In which situations do you guys use it? Since it triggers buffs, can’t use it all the time or you won’t have cd on bosses right?
Thanks again

New and Improved macros

what the diff between the cold heart and not the cold heart one?

Cold Heart is for the Legendary Chest if you have it.

how does one use? do you just spam the macro button? or do u click it every second?

spam and watch for mods for the procs

hi papa … do you feel you could do a macro without having to use mods and more, just to spammare 1 button and off to beat?