Talents 3222312
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.07.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority
Pre Macro: Arcane Torrent , Avenging Wrath , Avenger’s Shield
KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.
Main Sequence: Hammer of the Righteous , Shield of the Righteous , Consecration , Light of the Protector , Judgment , Avenger’s Shield , Avenging Wrath
KeyRelease: Arcane Torrent , Avenging Wrath , Avenger’s Shield
Post Macro: Arcane Torrent , Avenging Wrath , Avenger’s Shield
what MS speed are you running your macro at
I run at 50ms. The macro will use 2 stacks of shield of the righteous and keep 1 in reserve. I suggest putting SotR on 2 to use for emergency.
been testing this for the last 2 weeks and i gota say wow its awsome good job
HI top macro I just added 1 thing to Pre-Macro /use Heart Essence and it fires off your necklace with whatever you have in it
Hello, could u make a retrie macro too pls? Your prot macro is awesome!
Hey, Flash, I’ve been trying this one out as well for Prot, but for me, when you say it will use two stacks of SotR, could you explain when you have the chance? Thank you.
its to keep 1 for oh crap moments and if you use seraphim im guessing, also good if you have innerlight as it helps with DR
No, I get that, but the macro in the cast sequence only uses one SotR every 15 seconds, which is why I didn’t understand the statement of using two while keeping one in reserve.
October 4, 2019, 10:38pm
Well what is it you don’t understand? It keeps 1 SotR available more or less for emergencies or whatever, I’ve used this macro many times and it works pretty well.
It works like this, it fires off SotR, then a little after the 1st one fires off it Fires it again. it fires a 3rd time, after the 1st charge came back. always keeping one charge available. just in case you need to use it for an active mitigation.
October 18, 2019, 2:23pm
Yo flashgreer,
Just a shout out to ya giving thanks to the macro you posted here! Slightly modified it for myself but use it consistantly with very good results. Makes tanking a breeze and lets me concentrate on what is “important” in higher keys (situational awareness, affixes, etc…)
Thanks again bud!
follow me on twitch! Twitch
can u add the Heart of Azeroth enhancements in this macro pls
December 16, 2019, 8:44pm
You can do that yourself easily - just type in /cast Heart Essence
Can You Test This one Please?
i tried to delay the Consacration re Apply
Talents 3222312 This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.24.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority
Pre Macro: Scudo del Vendicatore , Ira Vendicatrice
KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.
Main Sequence: Martello del Virtuoso , Scudo del Virtuoso , Consacrazione , Luce del Protettore , Giudizio , Scudo del Vendicatore , Ira Vendicatrice
KeyRelease: Scudo del Vendicatore , Ira Vendicatrice
Post Macro: Scudo del Vendicatore , Ira Vendicatrice
January 10, 2020, 4:55am
If you make a new macro why not post your own instead of hijacking this thread