9.15 Affliction Warlock - Admiral Smurf

Part 1 Affliction Macro Discussion

Part 2 Affliction Macro Test Dummy Short Video

This is my latest test run at Affliction. Let me know what you think. Its 2 macros a Builder and a Spender.

Note about Warlocks: I main warlocks. I love the class, the lore, the demons, the features. I have been making warlock macros for years now. I swap specs based on the fight and the need. My favorite spec is Destruction, Affliction and Demonology in that order.

My Destruction warlock forum page has a bunch of good macros that I will eventually incorporate here as well. Specifically the pet macros will be brought in for the affliction specs in due time. I plan on using my destruction macros for single target and two target scenarios. It can also handle good AOE when the mobs are close to each other and little movement is necessary.

My Affliction Macro is being set up as the macro to use for 3+ multi target, wide spread enemy mobs, heavy movement fights. Specifically think of the Kings Rest Dungeon, G’Huun Boss in Uldir.

I do have a deomonology macro but that one has not been my central focus this expansion so far (but we are only one month from launch). So I will continue updating each of the macro pages.

I hope you all leave me good suggestions on how to improve. Thank you and I hope you have fun using these macros.

Talents For HEAVY AOE Multi Dotting 3+ targets: 3113123 OR 2,1,?,2,?,2,3

Talents for Single Target: 33?20?23

MS Speed: 100 MS.

Builder Macro (Version 1/4 see my post on 09/15/18 for the all the versions or download then macro to see them all in one): Sequential
Key Press:
/cast [mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:alt] Drain Life

/castsequence reset=target Agony, Corruption
/cast Phantom Singularity
/cast Haunt
/castsequence Agony, Corruption
/cast Firebolt
/cast Shadow Bite

Spender Macro: Priority List
Key Press:
/cast [mod:alt] Summon Darkglare
/cast [mod:ctrl] Shadow Bolt

/cast Dark Soul: Misery
/cast Phantom Singularity
/cast Haunt
/cast Unstable Affliction
/cast Deathbolt
/cast Shadow Bite
/cast Firebolt


dy0viaalPs3cQQDjvL6xOQHHuogKwgL8mKyAQKRPi2guHVjvzCuQoNIY6OuCprunqrK6GqWcLQQhkIGjcHUOicTrvk(OiImsru6KqLSsPQ4LIeZejDtPKDcLFcv0qLIwkuPEQstvHRQsjBLsP3ks6UIuTxWFfrudM0Hv1IfP8yrnzPuxwYMfHplvmAi60iETkvZwf3gPA3O8BHgUu44kQwUGNtX0P66OY2vPu(ouLZRiTEvkv7NyaJi5jJOyXtvjdOWaWqHT)BHlQiMeXn(jzeU5gQ4kjmWfoXamlyaBYwNghc7oSiDVHXgEE8I4D(BFk9phIM(ohPZNig4OB49ydsM)tK4qYojYWhVpCI574)TPtc)bFdDUqc8TWNgpSJ)um3aBskkQhf1rwIISone9qy3fnrmikHLicBYwNgWABfmKituu8fTf3XjIo(qNYfTFoYPTO4rCKIIy4jmrPssuIgzIIa1HOpRTO4rCKroxuBjNs0XtyUOrMOiqDiAlCIO0hBRGHezIAHVOlH15uIo(qNYfTFoYPTO4rCKIIy4jmrPssuIgzIIa1HO4rCKroxuBjNs0XtyUOrMOiqDiAlCIOO9vsLmIEltj6sAGmYeLkjrj64pfZL(yBfmKituk4lAlUJteD8HoLlA)CKtBrXJ4iJCUOigEctuQKeLOrMOiqDikEehPO2soLOJNWCrJmrrG6q0w4erPp2wbdjYe9cFrxcRZPeD8HoLlA)CKtBrXJ4iJCUOigEctuQKeLOrMOiqDiQTKtj64jmx0itueOoeTforu0(kPsgrVLPeDjnqgzIsLKOeD8NI5sFGfXkXZDCadf2TrLXfIaMfoMalcCoYyaweAtNe(JOlDUqcyB95q02kyirMbgagkmamuy5ZVXn1CUILlrfnuMYtU)HoLlQOZStRROO9Samly5ZVXfTjYN5r6IUewhUZhi(uaJcS8534IEzh1okGDblF(nUPMZvSCj6m706kkAplaBcS8534IsbfLgGHdy5ZVXfDYfTRzWMsnTzOmgyayOWYNFJlAQ0JTTj7Ht6IA1Z6IcGzblF(nUOPsp22M)4PlQfLl0juah2MrJ36ZHimah2rGWUxUfKgSJaHDVCuinytPMI76uVPGb4W2muT(CicdWHD9QXnCSStImy3AoxXCYFahWSGbGHclF(nUPMZvSCjQOHYuEY9p0PCrfDMDADffTNvxrxsdKrMOujjkaZcw(8BCrBI8zEKUOlH1H78bIpfWOalF(nUOx2rTJcyxWYNFJBQ5CflxIoZoTUII2ZQROlPbYituQKefGnbw(8BCrPGIsdWWbS8534Io5I21myhbc7E5OqAWMsnf31PEtbdWHD9QXnCSStImy3AoxXCYFGTz04T(CicdWHDeiS7LBbPbBZq16ZHimah2uQPndLXadadfw(8BCrtLESTnzpCsxuREwxuamly5ZVXfnv6X228hpDrTOCHoHc4GdyuGbGHclF(nUPMZvSCjQOHYuEY9p0PCrfDMDADffTNfGzblF(nUOnr(mpsx0LW6WD(aXNcyuGLp)gx0l7O2rbSly5ZVXn1CUILlrNzNwxrr7zbytGLp)gxukOO0amCalF(nUOtUODnd21Rg3WXYojYGDR5CfZj)b2MrJ36ZHimah2uQPndLXadadfw(8BCrtLESTnzpCsxuREwxuamly5ZVXfnv6X228hVBsN5cMyiDrT6zNYeAGd7iqy3lhfsd2uQP4Uo1BkyaoSndvRphIWaCyhbc7E5wqAGdyxWaWqHLp)g3uZ5kwUev0qzkp5(h6uUOIoZoTUII2ZQROlPbYituQKefGzblF(nUOnr(mpsx0LW6WD(aXNcyuGLp)gx0l7O2rbSly5ZVXn1CUILlrNzNwxrr7z1v0L0azKjkvsIcWMalF(nUOuqrPby4aw(8BCrNCr7AgSRxnUHJLDsKb7wZ5kMt(dSnJgV1NdryaoSPutBgkJbgagkS8534IMk9yBBYE4KUOw9SUOaywWYNFJlAQ0JTT5pE3KoZfmXq6IA1ZoLj0ah2rGWUxokKgSPutXDDQ3uWaCyBgQwFoeHb4Woce29YTG0ahCyB9mU)GlMxHBRyojYG(bhCaaUsage Information
Version 1- Multi Target Build with Drain Life on ALT and without Vile Taint on ALT MOD
Version 2- Single Target Build with Drain Life on ALT without Vile Taint on ALT MOD – Use Siphon Life Talent
Version 3- Multi Target Build without Drain Life on ALT with Vile Taint on ALT MOD
Version 4- Single Target Build without Drain Life on ALT Vile Taint on ALT MOD – Use Siphon Life Talent

This macro contains 4macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Seed of Corruption, Drain Life

Main Sequence: Corruption, Agony, Firebolt, Shadow Bite, Haunt

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Seed of Corruption, Drain Life

Main Sequence: Corruption, Agony, Firebolt, Shadow Bite, Haunt

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Seed of Corruption, Vile Taint

Main Sequence: Corruption, Agony, Firebolt, Shadow Bite, Haunt

Macro Version 4
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Seed of Corruption, Vile Taint

Main Sequence: Corruption, Agony, Firebolt, Shadow Bite, Haunt

d4tYcaGEGOEjqXUqrABuWHvmtjepNOztPxluDtqLFbLBJs)duStiTxv7gW(v6NsOmmkACcP7cknuHyWigoj5GKOonuDmsDojKwij0sbsTyuelhPhce6PIwMuwhenrq0uL0KHW0P6IaLEfqKlt46OWgrrTvGGnlrBxcvVfe(SqzAKGVlbJei5zs1ObQESGtcsUfj11aPopOQvsH(gjYVr1x)6r1pZiGffsWcA1kZmZfbkqScvXqpA71NGsyvzXbI)eC3vjrIHvGxWoGm8StGYLmnWzXk5ugSsmNRcpGnLLw8GJZbuxyOwEiU6bbloDSQLSmOLQBQnXEwhRaWLp7ADx36pHuuomS(r1pbLWQ6zDScaxUKsoDjjoqmRyj1Hgt4ixsVdtZeMwFnwhRaWLlPKtxsBj1Hgt4sKlP3HPbtRVgRJva4YLuYPlPdslPo0ycxICjDTURB914AecwocKJ1HDjjdwwoWsGCOXJzhQyncblhbYGtTWUKe8bbVWsuKB9NPkrakipAZa0pvMHdoN(uzeS40XUKKLbT8jCtGYbbbvIZbKVEu9Rhv)elmsFjADpQbZJ2EIfgPVKMj0ALk6r7pXcJ0xIcr1r1hvHNyHr6lPBQnJEuOFIfgPVKMbf0MgoQHNyHr6ljbFqWlSefXDXrv6jwyK(s6AT5ZiCPd3eO8xV)emc4bTWkgP417pbJa(iuHu(6r1pXcJ0xceSCeihRd7sAMqRJAE02tSWi9LablhbYGtTWUKwVzqjZ7pRuCG4cxFM8mDHkMzaeCCoWZiuCof3H)zeQaUjq5VE)zLIdex4TZK73Fc3aWySqb4cAXfaooh4kE)(pUsage Information
Talents for Single Target: 33?20?23
Talents for 2 Targets: 33?2?23
Talents for 3+ Targets: 3113123

[mod:alt] Summon Darkglare
[mod:ctrl] Shadow Bolt

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Summon Darkglare, Shadow Bolt

Main Sequence: Firebolt, Haunt, Deathbolt, Phantom Singularity, Dark Soul: Misery, Unstable Affliction

Seems good, mind explaining a little bit about how you use these for the warlock scrubs like me? I get the concept of build and spend…but how long should I build…etc, thanks! :slight_smile:

Yup I will be releasing a video soon. I also updated them again. Please re-import. Thanks!

To be honest, none of this makes sense. The spender macro if spammed at 100ms would not really ‘prioritise’ as you spam it so fast that after the first cast ability it could cast anything randomly below it? If you are not spamming spenders then the whole lazy idea goes out the window right?

Also putting Deathbolt before Phantom Singularity seems pointless since Phantom has a higher CD so the sooner you get it off the sooner it is back and if Deathbolt is used after Phantom does it not buff Deathbolts damage?

Looking forward to seeing some logs from this. Thanks :smiley:

Following and waiting for video explanation…I’d like to be able to do more damage than I do. It’s annoying that my vengeance DH does more DPS than my warlock.
Thanks for your hard work!

[quote quote=65332]To be honest, none of this makes sense. The spender macro if spammed at 100ms would not really ‘prioritise’ as you spam it so fast that after the first cast ability it could cast anything randomly below it? If you are not spamming spenders then the whole lazy idea goes out the window right?
Also putting Deathbolt before Phantom Singularity seems pointless since Phantom has a higher CD so the sooner you get it off the sooner it is back and if Deathbolt is used after Phantom does it not buff Deathbolts damage?[/quote]

Thank you for the input, I am still tweaking this and will test your suggestions.

So I took a few notes and made some updates from what I gathered this last week. The video will be released when I think the macro is ready for raiding. I just did a normal G’Huun fight and it was working well but I need to test it in a few dungeons to be confident.

Here are the update notes:
-On the builder added to the first line reset=target for Agony and Corruption. This helps a TON with multi dotting.

-To compensate for the reset on the first line which will only activate when switching targets (meaning on single target encounters the macro becomes dead sometimes) I added a separate cast sequence for recasting agony and corruption.

-If you want to add Siphon Life to the rotation you need to add it manually within the macro. Currently I am using the Talent Build 2,1,?,2,?,2,3 Build which is what most people are using for the G’Huun fight in heroic. Therefore I took Siphon Life off. I will consider just making a whole third macro for ease of swapping.

-Builder MODS: Changed /cast [mod:alt] Drain Life - It will cast Drain Life. I am considering making this /cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Shadowfury. The more testing I do the more specific this will become. Specifically I need to see what I would personally prefer in dungeons and raids with more testing.

-Spender MODS: they remain the same:
[mod:alt] Summon Darkglare
[mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption

–Spender Cast Sequence: Moved Phantom Singularity higher in the priority function macro.

–Builder Cast Sequence: Added Phantom Singularity to the body. I want this casted on CD no matter what.

-Considering removing Shadow Bolt from the spender macro. My shard regeneration is honestly very good in multi target. But if the encounter dies back down to one target it may be needed. So we will see. For now it stays.

Thanks again for some great macros and even more important - your reasoning behind them. Really helps when I try to set them up for my use.

Added a video discussion/guide. Updated the macro to is likely final version. I used this macro to kill G’Huun while also doing ORBS yesterday on normal. The full fight is in the video.

Video Notes for the Discussion Video

The Affliction Warlock Talent/Trinket/Azurite Gear Suggestions:
I also want to briefly mention my process of choosing Talents, Azurite Gear and Trinkets. It is important to state that any talent suggestions I have are based off what is best now. This will constantly change based off the azurite armor I am wearing and the nature of the encounter. To put it simply there are different Talent sets you would choose if the fight is single target, single target with an add phase, multi target with wide spread of enemies and multi target with a clumped up spread of enemies. As such your DPS may vary significantly from my tests and you need to find out what it currently performing higher than others. To figure these things out I use three main methods:

  1. Experience – Testing out with my own two eyes what works best is the biggest determining factor.
  2. https://lockonestopshop.com – Their website consistently updates their sims and tell me what the best talents are, azurite gear, trinkets and more. I review this website anytime I get new loot and before any difficult content I want to do. When I refer to look up the “SIMS” I am talking about go to this website.
  3. https://www.warcraftlogs.com – This tells me what success people have had with in the actual encounters and what has worked best. This website is amazing, and I suggest everyone use it. When I say look up the LOGS I am talking about researching warcraft logs.

The Affliction WarlocK Macros:
My Affliction Macros are Split into two macro rotations. The Builder Rotation and the Spender Rotation. The builder rotation applies the standard dots on the target and the spender rotation applies the Unstable Affliction DOT and cooldowns on the target. These two macros are very different and mastering them will take time. These macros are intended to be used for Raiding, Mythic Plus Dungeons, Mythic Island Expeditions and even PVP (PVP Talents are not Included). As such they have been tuned to that and do require some muscle memory to master.

Lets start with the Builder.
The “BUILDER-_AFFLICTION” Macro contains 4 versions. The version you choose should be based off the enemy encounter you are preparing for.
Version 1- Multi Target Build with Drain Life on ALT and without Vile Taint on ALT MOD
Version 2- Single Target Build with Drain Life on ALT without Vile Taint on ALT MOD – Use Siphon Life Talent
Version 3- Multi Target Build without Drain Life on ALT with Vile Taint on ALT MOD
Version 4- Single Target Build without Drain Life on ALT Vile Taint on ALT MOD – Use Siphon Life Talent
Version 1 – Builder Affliction
Version 1 is used for Multi-Target Rotations with a Talent Build of 3,2,?,2?2?3, 31?3?23, or 3,1,?3?13. Once again the best suggestion is to look up the specific encounter and see what is performing best on the sims and the logs.
Version 1 is a Sequential Macro that will cast spells from top to bottom with no priority system. On this screen we see what is contained within the macro.
The Macro will cast Agony, Corruption, Then Phantom Singularity , Then Haunt Then Agony and corruption again. The first line of the Cast Sequence is reset=target for Agony and Corruption. This helps a TON with multi dotting. This means that whenever you switch targets those will be the first spells to cast off. To compensate for the reset on the first line which will only activate when switching targets (meaning on single target encounters the macro becomes dead sometimes) I added a separate cast sequence for recasting agony and corruption.
Also, I added some Pet Flavor within the macro by forcing my pets to use their resource more often. Cast Firebolt is for the Imp and cast Shadow Bite is for the Fel Hunter. This is great when you want your pet to switch targets fast and help you kill the enemy. For reference my Imp does 2,416 Fire Damage and my Fel Hunters Shadow Bite does 1,812 Shadow Damage. That is something you do not want to ignore. Furthermore the pet is on a different Global Cooldown than your own abilities. Thus it is baked within the macro.

Key Press
/cast [mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:alt] Drain Life
If you cast CTRL you will Spam Seed of Corruption
If you cast ALT you will Spam Drain Life
Cast Sequence:
/castsequence reset=target Agony, Corruption
/cast Phantom Singularity
/cast Haunt
/castsequence Agony, Corruption
/cast Firebolt
/cast Shadow Bite
Version 3 – Builder Affliction
The only difference in this is that instead of instead of Drain life on the ALT key modifier you cast Vile Taint at the position of your cursor. I felt the need to do this in a different version to minimize the errors some people may have and simplify the macro changes when you talent into Vile Taint. So keep that Drain life on your hot keys as you may need it!
/cast [mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Vile Taint

Version 2 – Builder Affliction
This is the same macro as Version 1 but it adds Siphon Life into the rotation. This is the suggested talent for most single target rotations. That is the only difference. Everything else I said about Version 1 applies here.
Key Press:
/cast [mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:alt] Drain Life

Cast Sequence:
/castsequence reset=target Agony, Corruption, Siphon Life
/cast Phantom Singularity
/cast Haunt
/castsequence Agony, Corruption, Siphon Life
/cast Firebolt
/cast Shadow Bite

Version 4 – Builder Affliction
The only difference in this is that instead of instead of Drain life on the ALT key modifier you cast Vile Taint at the position of your cursor. I felt the need to do this in a different version to minimize the errors some people may have and simplify the macro changes when you talent into Vile Taint. So keep that Drain life on your hot keys as you may need it!
Key Press:
/cast [mod:ctrl] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Vile Taint

AND THAT’S THE BUILDERS. You will only need to change the builders as I only have one version for the Spender.

Version 1 – Spender Affliction
This is the macro that packs the punch and delivers it too. You need to stop using the builder macro while you use this. This is a Priority List Macro which means it will always attempt to cast the spells in this order: 1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, etc. Putting my big cooldowns on the top allow me to focus those CDS then spam unstable affliction and pet spells.
The Key Press here if very different from the builder. For using these mods you should stop using the builder macro while you use the spender macro. If you have everything dotted up with the builder macro you will not need to use the builder again for about 13-15 seconds because Agony lasts 18 seconds. If you master and maximize the Pandemic feature of the DOT class it will last longer.

To quote the wowhead.com guide
“Maximizing Pandemic is what makes a good Affliction warlock. Pandemic is a passive that all casters now have that allows for 30% of the duration of DoT effects to be added onto new DoTs when they are refreshed. Be aware that refreshing Agony <5.4 seconds remaining is optimal, refreshing Corruption <4.2 seconds remaining is optimal and refreshing Siphon Life <4.5 seconds remaining is optimal.”
Affliction Warlock Rotation Guide - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - Guides - Wowhead

Press ALT while using this macro to Summon Darkglare. I suggest refreshing Agony, Corruption and Siphon Life (If talented) and THEN spend as many Unstable afflictions as you can before using Darkglare to maximize the DOT Extension it provides.
I have Shadow Bolt on the Control Key Modifier because I do not want to use it in the cast sequence. I always want the choice to be Unstable Affliction over Shadow Bolt and this was the best method I found. I may update this later and entirely remove Shadow Bolt and instead put Seed of Corruption there.
Key Press:
/cast [mod:alt] Summon Darkglare
/cast [mod:ctrl] Shadow Bolt

Cast Sequence:
/cast Dark Soul: Misery
/cast Haunt
/cast Phantom Singularity
/cast Unstable Affliction
/cast Deathbolt
/cast Shadow Bite
/cast Firebolt

Video Notes for Video 2, the short test dummy video:
First I target the enemy dummies with my builder macro. You can use weak auras or the WOW User interface to track when the abilities land on the target and how long of a cool down they have left after the cast. In this example I am using absolute corruption so I am mainly tracking my agony stacks.
Once my macro casts Agony and Corruption I immediately move to the next target. I target several dummies here and build up to 5 shards.
I then stop using the Builder Macro and transition to using the Spender Macro to unload on my targets. My Spender will Dark Soul: Misery, Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Affliction, Deathbolt, then Shadow Bite, or Firebolt for your Fel Hunter or Imp respectively.
Once I have all a lot of Unstable afflictions on the target I instantly summon my Darkglare with the ALT key.
Once I run out of Shards I am only focused on maintaining my Agony Stacks and my Corruption. If Agony and Corruption does not need to be re-casted I go ahead and teeter totter between the Control KEY modifier for my Shadow Bolt and the unstable afflictions I cast in the spender macro.
Once I need to refresh my dots I stop using the spender and go back to the builder. That’s the macro.

Ok so I kind of understand this.

Suggestion though and this I have not tested and do not wish to test personally.

Instead of having 2 macros which means you need to ‘stop’ said keypress for 1 macro and ‘start’ said keypress for second try this.

Have a macro that is: /swapactionbar 1 2

Make bar 1+2 look exactly the same.

In your macro all you need to do is add both your gse macro codes, that is your keypress/etc all in the same gse profile.

Then for Builder lines add or create [actionbar:1] also the ones that have mods can look like [mod:alt, actionbar:1], you only need to change the spenders to have [actionbar:2].

The only thing I can see that may give flat results is the ms speed of the key spam. If you can drop it to 80ms, alternate the builder/spender lines and nothing seems to feel any different then great right?

Key Press:
/cast [mod:ctrl, actionbar:1] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:ctrl, actionbar:2] Shadow Bolt
/cast [mod:alt, actionbar:1] Drain Life
/cast [mod:alt, actionbar:2] Summon Darkglare

/castsequence [actionbar:1] reset=target Agony, Corruption
/cast [actionbar:2] Dark Soul: Misery
/cast Phantom Singularity
/cast Haunt
/castsequence [actionbar:1] Agony, Corruption
/cast [actionbar:2] Unstable Affliction
/cast [actionbar:2] Deathbolt
/cast Shadow Bite
/cast Firebolt

I did try to alternate and not create the same line twice. Anyways I hope this helps or gives you ideas.

Man. Good night

That macro work in pvp?

I need 1400 point in ranked. Aff warlock.


First off I would like to express my admiration for how you thought out all sides on this macro and your design going into it. Going to a builder/spender model does seem to be the way to go. I had no idea about adding pet attack lines to the macro. You got me thinking on a lot of things, and was wondering if you could answer any of my questions in this thread. In particular I was hoping you could chime in on mods like alt, control, and shift with toggle macros.

Next I would like to add some constructive input. For the builder macro, you have a reset=target line. 2 things. First I think GSE added a box you can check on the upper right (above all of the trinkets and ring stuff) called ‘reset’ which is supposed to reset your macro on target. My understanding is this. In the sequence section, resets for targets and timers are disabled because there is a fundamental difference in how the game treats a KeyPress as opposed to a KeyAction. KeyPress uses KeyPresses, and Sequence uses KeyAction. Target and timer resets on castsequence work on the KeyPress, but not on KeyAction, so any reset for time or targets in Sequence gets ignored. But you can still do it in KeyPress. Thus if you have

/castsequence reset=3/tar Agony, Corruption

in the KeyPress section, it should work fine for target switching. Or maybe you can do it with the toggle on the GSE interface for the macro itself. But putting it in the body will not work if my understanding is right.

Next on how your macro plays out. YOu load up as many targets as you can with your builder, then when you hit 5 shards dump with the spender. Here is the thing that bothers me. Unstable affliction increases the damage to your target by 10%. This means if you usually do not have it running, all of the DoTs on target do less. This becomes a lot more problematic if you are using Siphon Life and Haunt, as that are more spells not doing that 10% extra damage. But also I think it is an error if are using Creeping Death, which shortens your DOT duration. I think this kind of approach works very well with a more bursty build (such as one with Deathbolt, Writhe in Agony, and Dark Soul: Misery) because you stack all of that stuff into a single burst phase and it all amplifies each other. But I am not so sure for a more sustain build such as (siphon life/creeping death).

For this reason my philosophy was to create a timing pattern that tried to hold 1 stack of UA on the target at all times. That way your off burst mode time was still doing the extra 10%. You seem to have done a lot of testing, and I was wondering if you though this out…does the stacked advantage of bursting outweigh that 10% dps loss for all specs?

Next I am not sure if you know this, but I ran across this

/cast [talent:6/2] Haunt

If you put that in the line, unless you have Haunt talented (it is talent tier 6, 2nd talent), GSE ignores it. So instead of having 4 different versions of the macro, you can roll them all up into one version with those talent caveats. Works really well for priority step functions.

EDIT 18Sep2018

Got this AHK toggle script to work, toggles mb4, mb5, f1 (use in windowed mode)

WinGet, wowid, List, World of Warcraft #ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; to force the hotkey only to WoW

toggleST := false
toggleAOE := false
toggleHealdmg := false

CustomColor = 000000 ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below).
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item.
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
Gui, Font, s14 q3 ; q3 to non-antialias the text, only works in AHK_L
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cLime w200 +Center
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText2 cLime w300
Gui, Add, Text, vMyText3 cLime w300
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150
sw := A_ScreenWidth/100
sh := A_ScreenHeight/100
Gui, Show, % “x” . sw44 . " y" sh2, NoActivate ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window.

if(toggle1) {
toggle1 := false
SetTimer, Send1, Off
GuiControl, MyText,
} else {
toggle1 := true
toggle2 := false
toggle3 := false
SetTimer, Send2, Off
SetTimer, Send3, Off
GuiControl, MyText2,
GuiControl, MyText3,
; Choose a delay here!
SetTimer, Send1, 100
GuiControl, MyText, F1 ENABLED

if(toggle2) {
toggle2 := false
SetTimer, Send2, Off
GuiControl, MyText2,
} else {
toggle2 := true
toggle1 := false
toggle3 := false
SetTimer, Send1, Off
SetTimer, Send3, Off
GuiControl, MyText,
GuiControl, MyText3,
; Choose a delay here!
SetTimer, Send2, 100
GuiControl, MyText2, MB4 ENABLED

if(toggle3) {
toggle3 := false
SetTimer, Send3, Off
GuiControl, MyText3,
} else {
toggle3 := true
toggle1 := false
toggle2 := false
SetTimer, Send1, Off
SetTimer, Send2, Off
GuiControl, MyText,
GuiControl, MyText2,
; Choose a delay here!
SetTimer, Send3, 100
GuiControl, MyText3, MB5 ENABLED

ifWinActive, World of Warcraft
Send {F1}

ifWinActive, World of Warcraft
Send {Xbutton1}

ifWinActive, World of Warcraft
Send {Xbutton2}

; to end the WoW key binding

Am using 3 macros inspired by you. I can not use mods with toggles. So I toggle on builder on mb4, toggle on spender on mb5, and if I want to blow long CDs, toggle on my long cd macro which does darkglare. I would need to generate other variants on the builder, but you get the picture.

Builder (for mb4)

Talents 33x2x22

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Siphon Life, Corruption, Agony

Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Firebolt, Haunt, Agony, Phantom Singularity, Siphon Life, Corruption

Spender (for mb5)

Talents all

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Main Sequence: Haunt, Firebolt, Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Unstable Affliction

Long CD (for F1 toggle)

Talents all

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Main Sequence: Haunt, Firebolt, Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Unstable Affliction

[quote quote=65489]/cast [mod:ctrl, actionbar:1] Seed of Corruption
/cast [mod:ctrl, actionbar:2] Shadow Bolt
/cast [mod:alt, actionbar:1] Drain Life
/cast [mod:alt, actionbar:2] Summon Darkglare[/quote]

[quote quote=65489]Ok so I kind of understand this.
Suggestion though and this I have not tested and do not wish to test personally.
Instead of having 2 macros which means you need to ‘stop’ said keypress for 1 macro and ‘start’ said keypress for second try this.
Have a macro that is: /swapactionbar 1 2
Make bar 1+2 look exactly the same.
In your macro all you need to do is add both your gse macro codes, that is your keypress/etc all in the same gse profile.
Then for Builder lines add or create [actionbar:1] also the ones that have mods can look like [mod:alt, actionbar:1], you only need to change the spenders to have [actionbar:2].
The only thing I can see that may give flat results is the ms speed of the key spam. If you can drop it to 80ms, alternate the builder/spender lines and nothing seems to feel any different then great right?
eg: Key Press: /cast [mod:ctrl, actionbar:1] Seed of Corruption /cast [mod:ctrl, actionbar:2] Shadow Bolt /cast [mod:alt, actionbar:1] Drain Life /cast [mod:alt, actionbar:2] Summon Darkglare
Sequence: /castsequence [actionbar:1] reset=target Agony, Corruption /cast [actionbar:2] Dark Soul: Misery /cast Phantom Singularity /cast Haunt /castsequence [actionbar:1] Agony, Corruption /cast [actionbar:2] Unstable Affliction /cast [actionbar:2] Deathbolt /cast Shadow Bite /cast Firebolt ======End=======
I did try to alternate and not create the same line twice. Anyways I hope this helps or gives you ideas.[/quote]
I like where this is going, /click [mod:alt] SPENDER does not work efficiently, even with the correct mod for Spender it still goes back to Build macro between casts, /click does dump UA efficiently, but it’s really not an optimized solution, I’m looking for a more optimized solution, could you go into a bit more detail on your idea?

Great Stuff here. I think you inspired some curiosity in me also. I will test these theories and give feedback.

[quote quote=65573]AdmiralSmurf
First off I would like to express my admiration for how you thought out all sides on this macro and your design going into it. Going to a builder/spender model does seem to be the way to go. I had no idea about adding pet attack lines to the macro. You got me thinking on a lot of things, and was wondering if you could answer any of my questions in this thread. In particular I was hoping you could chime in on mods like alt, control, and shift with toggle macros.
Next I would like to add some constructive input. For the builder macro, you have a reset=target line. 2 things. First I think GSE added a box you can check on the upper right (above all of the trinkets and ring stuff) called ‘reset’ which is supposed to reset your macro on target. My understanding is this. In the sequence section, resets for targets and timers are disabled because there is a fundamental difference in how the game treats a KeyPress as opposed to a KeyAction. KeyPress uses KeyPresses, and Sequence uses KeyAction. Target and timer resets on castsequence work on the KeyPress, but not on KeyAction, so any reset for time or targets in Sequence gets ignored. But you can still do it in KeyPress. Thus if you have
/castsequence reset=3/tar Agony, Corruption
in the KeyPress section, it should work fine for target switching. Or maybe you can do it with the toggle on the GSE interface for the macro itself. But putting it in the body will not work if my understanding is right.
Next on how your macro plays out. YOu load up as many targets as you can with your builder, then when you hit 5 shards dump with the spender. Here is the thing that bothers me. Unstable affliction increases the damage to your target by 10%. This means if you usually do not have it running, all of the DoTs on target do less. This becomes a lot more problematic if you are using Siphon Life and Haunt, as that are more spells not doing that 10% extra damage. But also I think it is an error if are using Creeping Death, which shortens your DOT duration. I think this kind of approach works very well with a more bursty build (such as one with Deathbolt, Writhe in Agony, and Dark Soul: Misery) because you stack all of that stuff into a single burst phase and it all amplifies each other. But I am not so sure for a more sustain build such as (siphon life/creeping death).
For this reason my philosophy was to create a timing pattern that tried to hold 1 stack of UA on the target at all times. That way your off burst mode time was still doing the extra 10%. You seem to have done a lot of testing, and I was wondering if you though this out…does the stacked advantage of bursting outweigh that 10% dps loss for all specs?
Next I am not sure if you know this, but I ran across this
/cast [talent:6/2] Haunt
If you put that in the line, unless you have Haunt talented (it is talent tier 6, 2nd talent), GSE ignores it. So instead of having 4 different versions of the macro, you can roll them all up into one version with those talent caveats. Works really well for priority step functions.
EDIT 18Sep2018
Got this AHK toggle script to work, toggles mb4, mb5, f1 (use in windowed mode)

WinGet, wowid, List, World of Warcraft #ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; to force the hotkey only to WoW toggleST := false toggleAOE := false toggleHealdmg := false CustomColor = 000000 ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below). Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item. Gui, Color, %CustomColor% Gui, Font, s14 q3 ; q3 to non-antialias the text, only works in AHK_L Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cLime w200 +Center Gui, Add, Text, vMyText2 cLime w300 Gui, Add, Text, vMyText3 cLime w300 WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150 sw := A_ScreenWidth/100 sh := A_ScreenHeight/100 Gui, Show, % “x” . sw*44 . ” y” sh*2, NoActivate ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window. return $F1:: if(toggle1) { toggle1 := false SetTimer, Send1, Off GuiControl,, MyText, } else { toggle1 := true toggle2 := false toggle3 := false SetTimer, Send2, Off SetTimer, Send3, Off GuiControl,, MyText2, GuiControl,, MyText3, ; Choose a delay here! SetTimer, Send1, 100 GuiControl,, MyText, F1 ENABLED } return Xbutton1:: if(toggle2) { toggle2 := false SetTimer, Send2, Off GuiControl,, MyText2, } else { toggle2 := true toggle1 := false toggle3 := false SetTimer, Send1, Off SetTimer, Send3, Off GuiControl,, MyText, GuiControl,, MyText3, ; Choose a delay here! SetTimer, Send2, 100 GuiControl,, MyText2, MB4 ENABLED } return Xbutton2:: if(toggle3) { toggle3 := false SetTimer, Send3, Off GuiControl,, MyText3, } else { toggle3 := true toggle1 := false toggle2 := false SetTimer, Send1, Off SetTimer, Send2, Off GuiControl,, MyText, GuiControl,, MyText2, ; Choose a delay here! SetTimer, Send3, 100 GuiControl,, MyText3, MB5 ENABLED } return Send1: ifWinActive, World of Warcraft Send {F1} return Send2: ifWinActive, World of Warcraft Send {Xbutton1} return Send3: ifWinActive, World of Warcraft Send {Xbutton2} return #ifWinActive ; to end the WoW key binding
Am using 3 macros inspired by you. I can not use mods with toggles. So I toggle on builder on mb4, toggle on spender on mb5, and if I want to blow long CDs, toggle on my long cd macro which does darkglare. I would need to generate other variants on the builder, but you get the picture. Builder (for mb4) dWZGcaWsLG3kPIxlPmtfvDmeZgupgPBcIFbvFtL6YO2PG9sTBs2VcNxjzykYVHYPvXqvkgSugUq6GsQQ1jPshwvhxcwOeAPcLfRuTCapurLEkXYKQNtQjQuAQqAYaLPl6Ikk6Qkk8mj66qSrfLSvfvSzfLA7sQY0uIAwG0NfQ(UkPrceJtj1OvjgVsKtcuDxHixdiDpHOoNqyBsYTvcTjg1bIfP4maF(TZmMdDJAb9HzvQTuwUuFPE3cima2H6aXcKNcGnhgqFWuAJ6aXOoqSGtFDoA9jqj3r4q3co915OvN8Hzvw3k8EKgTLxtwtCO0co91PMlGWkkpA9YE19e0rJC3Dyzl40xNAUacRO8O1l7v3tqhTQsYuLdGAbN(6uZfqyfLhTEzV6Ec6OfX6jhQSGtFDoALeYKd3wWPVohn5Ydg21rR4jzlBW0jKNcGzuNwaHFW8ULatR5Dlfz407wIDuXjE3IKC0zHOO5btzr4ciSkppSLf4vBayT2OoqSGtFDQ5ciSIYJ2ObWAoJC(aX5eVC0gTiwpbD0QkjtvqhnYDh6OPqGHDOBbpkNFMpTMtllWRIXW8RzJ60ckWrvJZU3TmxSf3)0fTe7OI39ULnamKNcGzuNwqboQACs8UtNwGSkVCOBGr0oqSa5vipm4QKbQhRYdMYfTSfrfNXuoqSacdh1ILT8SFe40bIfjktbFRd9kqTazvE5qDGyj2FaZbIf0ZI81hU2rf3bIL6JKxWaSmphLV60PnaSBUILDER Talents 33x2x22 This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10. Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential KeyPress: Siphon Life, Corruption, Agony Main Sequence: Shadow Bolt, Firebolt, Haunt, Agony, Phantom Singularity, Siphon Life, Corruption
Spender (for mb5) dCJVbaWsKK3kr2Msz2k6Mus)cKBJezNIAVKDJy)a(Re0VvLbIemuGmyv1WPGoOK4XcDmQCoKOwisvlLcTyk1YPQxRu9uuldupxWevGPQKjJuz6qxeP0Hv5YsDDkQnkPSvGsBgOY2rkMgL40I8zjW3rcnsGQwNeA0uG7kjDsKudtHUMKQZlr9mkY4uqFdOy50szN4k1QvidI28aAnQmSwIx3Sjyq8nNIh0G7mprLDIzd7i1dugERU4kMrdEEX8EIGP4ofQqOjnP05fB9I(hyBFi9ibTu2PLYoXqXlGa)s4nBcw0ceCvGp8yDhyOSYWIHIxab(LWB2eS4geCvGVLHUHoLnjgkEbe4BA0nouzlIHIxab(LWB2eSOdYuvGp8Mf34MY1fdfVac8n5CJkVjgkEbe4ZgC09OiWN(e2Ib9cO1l6FAjum47Jozlo3XDzlM(EIYwSXePaNSfV8jYEJWYwSXePayzlMQUmiFhcAju8YNi7n6KTygBdRzMeX0JigKp98jSSyq(26f9pTekMQUSXE2xO1sOqHITEeZ3KAc2EAAcMEezluOeaAFF_SPENDER Talents all This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10. Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority Main Sequence: Haunt, Firebolt, Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Unstable Affliction Long CD (for F1 toggle) dCJVbaWsKK3kr2Msz2k6Mus)cKBJezNIAVKDJy)a(Re0VvLbIemuGmyv1WPGoOK4XcDmQCoKOwisvlLcTyk1YPQxRu9uuldupxWevGPQKjJuz6qxeP0Hv5YsDDkQnkPSvGsBgOY2rkMgL40I8zjW3rcnsGQwNeA0uG7kjDsKudtHUMKQZlr9mkY4uqFdOy50szN4k1QvidI28aAnQmSwIx3Sjyq8nNIh0G7mprLDIzd7i1dugERU4kMrdEEX8EIGP4ofQqOjnP05fB9I(hyBFi9ibTu2PLYoXqXlGa)s4nBcw0ceCvGp8yDhyOSYWIHIxab(LWB2eS4geCvGVLHUHoLnjgkEbe4BA0nouzlIHIxab(LWB2eSOdYuvGp8Mf34MY1fdfVac8n5CJkVjgkEbe4ZgC09OiWN(e2Ib9cO1l6FAjum47Jozlo3XDzlM(EIYwSXePaNSfV8jYEJWYwSXePayzlMQUmiFhcAju8YNi7n6KTygBdRzMeX0JigKp98jSSyq(26f9pTekMQUSXE2xO1sOqHITEeZ3KAc2EAAcMEezluOeaAFF_SPENDER Talents all This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10. Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority Main Sequence: Haunt, Firebolt, Phantom Singularity, Deathbolt, Unstable Affliction