A Hermits Fury 8.2

Look what version is used by default, and simply put it there :slight_smile:


This is really a nice macro. Thanks for this!!!. Evenso i see a good result on puppets, but unfortunally it is far away if you are going raiding or M+. Would it be an idea to work togehter on a macro, which also consider all cooldowns and “react” in the right way.

I mean thats just a Thought from me. I guess it is not easy manageable, but a discussion worth??

@ All: Give a reply and feel free to answer in which direction ever :slight_smile:
Again. This macro is for me the best fury atm!!

Yes, that’s true. It is not perfect.

If you want to do good in M+ and raids, install a WeakAura that will track your whirlwind (It is up in this topic).

This macro is a bit behind at the start of the fight, and to avoid this you should manually press Recklessness following by Charge at the start of the fight. Then your DPS should be good.

Managing essence is a different question. If you use an AOE/Channeling one, I advise you to put your Essence active skill on the separate, accessible button (or just do a macro mod). You should know better when to use it.
But, for example, if you are using something that should be pressed on CD, like Breath of Undying, put it high in the priority list and add a ctrl or shift mod to press as soon as available.

Sadly, but no macro will do perfect rotation. If you leave it like this, it will do more than fine. If you want it to be as good as possible, you need to find a way to manage your procs/essences properly and with a high presicion.