Adjustment for Tanking Tomb and Antorus

Cudos to ProtWarrior by Leroy@Kel’Thuzad for an awesome macro but I use Thunder Clap much more often to proc things like Shield Slam. I have been doing well in Tomb and Antorus with this. Also it procs Thunder Clap in a frequency enough to grab adds for off tanking in Tomb and Antorus…Love to hear your feeback.

Sequences['ProtWarriorTC'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Author="èrror @ Lightbringer",
  Talents = "3,2,2,3,1,3,1",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = [[Damage Tanking - Talents are 3223131]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Intercept",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Thunder Clap",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Victory Rush",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Revenge",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Shield Slam",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Ignore Pain",
        "/castsequence [combat,nochanneling] Thunder Clap, Shield Block",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Shield Slam",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Titans Wrath",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Thunder Clap",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Demoralizing Shout",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Battle Cry",
        "/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",

AHK x 300ms seems to work best

Works good, but i get very rage starved and get pauses doing nothing

I would recommend changing your lvl 100 and 60 talents to anger management and warlords, that way the more rage you spend the more cds you have back. I made a macro like this a few weeks ago and it seems to have been ignored. I even wrote as to why the talent choices are there.

i can not get it to work it imported and shows but when go to use it locks up and does nothing


Cholerabob mentioned rage starved, I gotta agree with him and I tested on my warrior prot spec 916ilvl very rage starved. it was lackluster rage that need used the defensive like Shield Block, and Pain Ignore buffering my HP. End up too much HP spikes even i died several time. Very embarrassed

I have only one legendary Aggramar’s Stride Boot and no warrior’s gear bonus from ToS or Antorus. In case you want to know.


I found the information on ivy veins website, Here below their quote and It probably why cause very rage starved which was doing dpsing actually part of Blizzard nerf that what i suspected of. This one need tweak properly macro. I am gonna create a macro and see if i can able gain lot rage and use ignore pain buffer my HP pool. I’ll post here and create a thread for anyone want it.

Your Rage generation with Devastator Icon Devastator should be pretty substantial, so keep a keen eye out for your current Rage level, and try not to cap it. This means that you will play slightly differently depending on how much Rage you currently have.

Realistically, your rotation or rather priority system is as follows:

  1. Use Shield Slam Icon Shield Slam.
  2. Use Revenge Icon Revenge (if Revenge is free).
  3. Use Revenge Icon Revenge (if needed for Vengeance Icon Vengeance weaving).
  4. Use Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap.
  5. Use Revenge Icon Revenge.

This playstyle will allow for a much more frequent use of Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain, and to do so effectively you must execute proper Vengeance Icon Vengeance weaving to maximise Rage and damage. If you are about to cap Rage and you do not have a Vengeance-enhanced Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain to make it cheaper, it is fine to spend a full 60 Rage on Ignore Pain rather than capping Rage. Remember that you only really make Ignore Pain cheaper if you have a free Revenge Icon Revenge proc, as otherwise you are till paying the same amount of Rage, and you are just getting a Revenge and Ignore Pain cast for the same price.