⚡ Aerrek's UI: AUGMENTATION // Track Procs, Buffs, Debuffs, and more! // Range Detection! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! // The War Within! [11.0.2]

💠 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

🆕 New User Help Links

💠 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

A detailed description of what my interfaces are and how to use them.

🆕 Aerrek's UI: New User Setup

Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.

❇️ Approved Talent Builds

Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “..._NOMOD” GSE sequence.


:asterisk: I can review and implement other talent builds (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling) by request.
:no_entry_sign: If there are no talent on the talent panel you can use any talents (excluding Hero Talents).

⭐ Support: Thank you!

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:high_brightness: Augmentation

💻 Controls

:exclamation: Use your action bars for Fire Breath and Upheaval!

:dagger: Combat :no_entry_sign: Combat :computer_mouse: + Enemy :computer_mouse: + Friendly
NOMOD Damage Prescience / Return
SHIFT Eruption Azure Strike
CTRL Healing (Self) Living Flame (Self) Living Flame
ALT Healing (Focus) Time Spiral
📝 Notes

Hover is used with Ebon Might to maximize its effect on Eruption. Use Hover conservatively during gameplay.

:loud_sound: Robot Blip alerts you that one or more of your empowered abilities are off of CD.

Soar is used when you are outdoors and you do not have an enemy target.

Time Spiral is used when you are in a group, indoors, and not in combat. Empowered abilities glow gold if Time Spiral is active. image

⏬ Import

:no_entry: Does not include :sparkles: Additional Features.
:white_check_mark: Includes all class specializations and recommended macros!
:globe_with_meridians: Use the Wago App for automatic updates!

As a first-time user, things don’t seem to be working correctly. I’m following the on-screen commands and have my key binds set to one action bar with modifiers. However, when I use the macro on a training dummy, it just pauses until I’m out of combat. When I press Shift, it casts one spell and then stops. is there a more details video and explanation. i did skip the third party program for mouse buttons as i already have 2 action buttons on my mouse which are what i used to bind

Hey @c_s,

It sounds like you’re not configured properly :thinking:

Bind NOMOD to a keyboard key and set the key to repeatedly press.
If you’re using your mouse button as the activation key, see the note in “New Player Help”

Then bind that key + the modifiers to the corresponding sequences. Every sequence needs to be auto tapped.

“New User Help” describes it best :+1:

I have it set to repeat at 20 MS it works holding down with other gse macros that use similar setups as yours it will start the sequence but then just stops randomly i even went ahead and remapped the key on my mouse

i didn’t know if there was something missing in the middle i remapped the 4 on my mouse to / and have it mapped in red dragon for repeat on hold every 20MS*

and i set the key binds individually for each sequence / + shift / + alt / + crl ect. just trying to figure out where i went wrong on the setup… correction after i restarted computer it seems to be doing a sequence now. hopefully that fixed it.

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Not sure what you mean but ‘something in the middle’. Also not familiar with red dragon.

My best guess is that ‘stopping randomly’ is happening when you hit the modifiers, especially if the modifier sequences are only using ‘one ability per hold’

Double check that not only is your Activation Key being spammed but that the Modifier + Action Keys are being spammed.


EDIT: I see that it’s working properly now. Please, if you have any suggestions lmk :slight_smile:

Red dragon is similar to razor but it doesn’t have the turbo feature. i think the nomod sequence and the shift is working now.

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but scarlet adaption keeps causing a Lua error on WA.

Checking it out,

Aug is brand new. Adding a new spec is difficult; adding a new class to TWW is even more so. I expected some problems, ty for letting me know.

Looking at AUG, I can’t think of any instance of calling on Scarlet Adaption (SpellID: 372469). :thinking:

BugSack and BugGrabber are two lightweight addons that can help manage the way you see error messages.

Send me the error directly if you get a chance


I will send it if I get it again but got on the priest setup and turns out it was a WA that was unloaded from an alt that was corrupt causing the errors on the priest maybe the same with the Aug

Hiho, I’m trying extract only prescience cast from your sequence to select 2 top DPS and cast Prescience to them, but it very often overlap current buff. How did you handled that?
My goal is to cast prescience on top (1 and 2) dps (excluding me) and if both of them has prescience already it should be casted to next dps from details list (3 or 4)

Hey @filwing

I used Details to ask who is the top DPS and it should cast. I didn’t write the ‘formula’ (the variable) for this.

I may move prescience to auto mouseover cast. This is how it was when I initially setup AUG but the gameplay felt very ‘busy’.

I’ll check it out when I’m back on comp :+1:

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There is some issue with prescience spell itself (or I’m too dumb :D), I’ve created sequence that should cast prescience on dps 1->2->3->4->1 etc, but when I’m clicking the button it sometimes cast in correct order, but sometimes totally randomly (like 3-4x times on the same person etc).
That’s why the issue for me with selecting top 1-2-3 dps is similar I guess

I’ve noticed similar things. I’m in a follower dungeon testing.

The problem with Prescience is …

If they are not sequenced it makes the feel of the spec chaotic.
If I use Focus to cast Prescience I can’t cast at 2 targets and will overcast on one.
If I use Details to cast Prescience I can’t ensure that it won’t double buff the top DPS.

I could use it @player and the game will auto cast it to the closest ally. Obviously that has it’s down sides too.

I tried to auto mark the Top DPS with the WeakAura so they would be easy to track but it became complicated. Its too complicated for me to expect just anyone to know how to or even want to set up

I really try to like this addon.

Actually I only play Augmentation, so… I gave it a try.
I followed your guide. Imported WA and GSE import codes, bound keys to the 4 macros to the keys 1 to 4 on my Razer Tatarus. Set the keys to Turbo 20 in Razer software. Reloaded.

But… somehow on the dummys eigher Chrono Flames weren’t fired or Prescience wasn’t casted.

So let me put my questions here:

1.) I have to click the assined button for NOMOD repeatedly, right? Or do I have to long-press it?
2.) What do I have to press when your WA tells me SHIFT? Only press the shift macro button ONCE?
3.) Same question for HOLD SHIFT.

Maybe I’m dumb, maybe not… I really need some kind of video for this… Or a really good explanation.

I’m not sure on the Razr software if you are choosing the right option with Turbo 20, see below:

  1. repeatedly, most people use Auto Hot Key or mouse/keyboard software macros to repeatedly press every 50ms-150sm
  2. You would hold MOD + hotkey (or spam it if you aren’t doing step 1). I usually hold said button until I can see the ability bound to the SHIFT fired off, or the SHIFT mod WA goes away
  3. hold SHIFT + hotkey until it no longer says to hold.

Side note: this requires the Details! addon if you don’t have it. It targets the highest 2 DPS based on details with Prescience

hope this helps!

Hey @Verigorm,

I give AUG some updates! Details is no longer used and Prescience is applied by simply mousing over your selected DPS target. The cursor visuals will remind you that it’s off CD.


Question time :slight_smile: :

1.) I have to click the assined button for NOMOD repeatedly, right? Or do I have to long-press it?

  • HOLD your auto clicked activation button while responding to the modifier prompts. Non-modifier abilities need to be cast manually. Release the Activation Button to use non-modifier abilities.

2.) What do I have to press when your WA tells me SHIFT? Only press the shift macro button ONCE?

  • While holding the Activation Button, press shift. Your GSE keybindinds will swtich to the ..._SHIFT sequence.

3.) Same question for HOLD SHIFT.

  • The reason we “HOLD SHIFT” is because when Ebon Might is found, Eruption becomes our #1 DPS priority. The best way I’ve found to use mechanics like this is to temporally have the user hold an action button, overriding the ‘normal’ ..._NOMOD DPS priority.

You’re not dumb lol. I understand that first exposure may be confusing. You’re right I need videos but making a video for each spec is too much of a time commitment for me, unfortunately.

Until then I’ve updated the Controls & Notes in the post :+1:

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Hey @Reflekt,

  1. The more ‘potential actions’ you can attempt to cast within a GCD window, the more ‘things’ you can do in your sequences (GSE cycle through the entire sequence faster).
    Some creators use ‘click delay’ functions in their sequences which makes their setups reliant on a specific click rate. I avoid this because I don’t want my users to have to adjust their ms per spec. I just go with 20ms for all (20/ms has the most 'action potential). It’s essentially trying 20 abilities every second.

  2. If a MOD button goes away, it’s because the triggers are no longer qualified. You either cast it properly or some other condition changed, disqualifying the button’s activation.

Lmk if I did or did not answer your question lol :+1:

Augmentation Updated

  • A few changes, Controls and Notes are up to date