🤬 Aerrek's UI: FURY // Track Procs, Buffs, Depuffs, and MORE! Range Detection Triggers! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! PvP Talents! The War Within! [11.0.2]

🔹 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

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🔹 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

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Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.

✴️ Talent Builds

Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “..._NOMOD” GSE sequence.


:asterisk: I can add or update talent builds by request! (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling)

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Fury

💻 Controls
:dagger: Combat :no_entry_sign: Combat :computer_mouse: + Enemy :computer_mouse: + Friendly
NOMOD Damage
SHIFT Charge / Whirlwind Charge Charge
CTRL Recklessness / Reckless Abandon DPS Odyn’s Fury / Ravager
ALT Victory Rush Intervene
📝 Notes

If Improved Whirlwind is talented, the sequence will replace Slam with Whirlwind as your filler ability and incorporate Whirlwind as every 5th cast during Recklessness to maintain the Whirlwind buff.

⏬ Import

:no_entry: Does not include :sparkles: Additional Features.
:white_check_mark: Includes all class specializations and recommended macros!
:globe_with_meridians: Use the Wago App for automatic updates!


Edit: Great work btw!!

When i use your GSE, i get these texts:

aside from that it works! I notice when its telling me to use CTRL, which i assume is recklessness + avatar. and tells me again to use CTRL. it means to hold CTRL for Rampage, Bloodthirst?

Hey @ZeroSaku,

Ignore the ‘unknown macro option’ errors. Once my macros start getting really long those pop up. You won’t see them again until you reload or relog.

You’re exactly right about the usage!

  • SHIFT (Combat): Whirlwind / Charge (@mouseover)
  • SHIFT (No Combat): Charge
  • CTRL: Recklessness + Avatar
  • CTRL (Hold): Rampage, Bloodthirst (Repeater)
  • ALT: Impending Victory

The macro uses different damage rotation logic when holding CTRL (aka when recklessness is active). It ignores other spells like execute and onslaught; and repeats Rampage > Bloodthirst/Bloodbath.

  • It is also smart enough to incorporate whirlwind every 5th cast when Improved Whirlwind is talented.

Thank you for the quick reply. May i know what talents you are using? like for Raiding and for Mythics? or use the wowhead fury dps guide talents?

Also what is your priority when holding CTRL (Rampage, Bloodthirst). Sometimes Odyn’s Fury can be used, should i stop holding ctrl and let it use Odyn’s Fury then back to holding ctrl? or should i keep holding ctrl until timer is over then use Odyns after

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The macro is set-up is to only use Rampage and BT/BB while holding CTRL.
According to Icy Veins, Odyn’s Fury and Spear of Bastion are the only two talents that take priority over Rampage and BT/BB during Recklessness. So, you’ll get more DPS if you allow them through, however, by releasing CTRL, GSE is also inviting Execute, Onslaught, Rampage, Bloodthirst and other talents into the mix.

TLDR: By releasing CTRL, you’re not guaranteed to cast Odyn’s Fury and Spear of Bastion immediately, wasting your valuable seconds of the Recklessness buff. I would just hold onto CTRL until Recklessness is over.


This macro is capable of handling all talent choices because I use [known:xxxxx] and [noknown:xxxxx] conditionals to alter the sequencing.

I use these websites for talent references:

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Thank you so much!!! i hope you will continue supporting this for upcoming Season 4 and all the way to War Within. The Weak Aura is nice as well, i wonder if i can add a sound everytime it popups haha

You can!

Use the weakauras search bar (at the top) and search for “FURY_Recklessness Active”. Select that and navigate to the “Actions” tab, :white_check_mark: “Play Sound” and choose a sound.

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@Aerrek Is ‘Intervene’ supposed to auto-trigger in combat when you mouse over a friendly target?

Understandably, sometimes your cursor will naturally drag across an ally, casting intervene. Which is annoying :sweat_smile:

After some trying some different combinates of activation, I’ve updated it so that intervene is cast on Friendly Mouseover with the ALT modifier, this eliminates the accidental usage.

Macro & WA updated :+1:

is Shockwave and War Progress Bar working? i never seen them work.


storm bolt works:

Also it says [KB] which i assume is Keybind. Should it actually show the exact keybind of what i set?

I think need to stop using charge when moving away from the boss

Hey @ZeroSaku,

  1. Shockwave was trying to trigger off of Druid ability Shockwave, fixed.

  2. WAR_Progress Bar is an unused feature!

  • I have a ‘template’ that I stamp out to make new classes and, is this case, Progress Bar was not needed. I’m going keep it for now because I haven’t gotten to Arms or Prot and it may be needed there.
  1. Yes, [KB] can be changed to your keybind or removed if you don’t feel the need to see it.

Thanks for bringing up these points, I’m finding it very helpful and may update my descriptions in the future. :slight_smile:

WA Updated :white_check_mark:

Thank you for the new update, shockwave now works.

Also for anyone reading and wanting to remove charge, i just change these codes:

not edited:

/targetenemy [harm,noharm][dead]
// Mobility Logic
/use [nochanneling,combat,harm]  Charge
/use [mod:ALT,nochanneling,@mouseover,noharm,exists]  Intervene
/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling,combat]   reset=target  Hamstring, null
// Modifiers
/use [mod:SHIFT,nochanneling,combat]  Whirlwind
/use [mod:SHIFT,nochanneling,nocombat]  Charge
/use [mod:SHIFT,@mouseover,harm,exists,nochanneling,combat]  Charge
// Recklessness with Rechless Abandon & Improved Whirlwind.
/castsequence [mod:CTRL,known:Reckless Abandon,known:Improved Whirlwind,nochanneling,combat]   reset=1  Rampage, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Rampage, Bloodthirst
/castsequence [mod:CTRL,known:Reckless Abandon,nochanneling,combat]   reset=1  Rampage, Bloodthirst
// Avatar aligned with Recklessness.
/use [mod:CTRL,nochanneling,combat]  Recklessness
/use [mod:CTRL,nochanneling,combat]  Avatar
/use [mod:ALT,nochanneling,combat]  Impending Victory

edited (removed charge):

/targetenemy [harm,noharm][dead]
// Mobility Logic
/use [mod:ALT,nochanneling,@mouseover,noharm,exists]  Intervene
/castsequence [nomod,nochanneling,combat]   reset=target  Hamstring, null
// Modifiers
/use [mod:SHIFT,nochanneling,combat]  Whirlwind
// Recklessness with Rechless Abandon & Improved Whirlwind.
/castsequence [mod:CTRL,known:Reckless Abandon,known:Improved Whirlwind,nochanneling,combat]   reset=1  Rampage, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Rampage, Bloodthirst
/castsequence [mod:CTRL,known:Reckless Abandon,nochanneling,combat]   reset=1  Rampage, Bloodthirst
// Avatar aligned with Recklessness.
/use [mod:CTRL,nochanneling,combat]  Recklessness
/use [mod:CTRL,nochanneling,combat]  Avatar
/use [mod:ALT,nochanneling,combat]  Impending Victory
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The gse might need an update for ravager build for season 4:
Best Fury Warrior Talent Tree Builds - Dragonflight 10.2.6 - Wowhead

dps seems low


  1. FURY_Recklessness Text now triggers when:
Ravager Known: Recklessness & Ravager are off CD.
Ravager noknown: Recklessness is off CD.

Depths of Insanity made this a complicated.

  1. Ravager Aligned with Recklessness on CTRL.
  2. Fixed Execution Animation Timing Issue
  3. GSE: Removed auto Charge. Now charge on SHIFT with Whirlwind.
  4. WA: Charge prompts you when you are 8-25 yards from your target.

Thank you for the update,

Using Season 4 Mythic Talent Build i get low dps and CTRL prompt not showing up anymore.


Using Season 3 mythic talent build, the ctrl prompt shows up and dps also doing high damage.

I made a second update quickly after the first, I forgot to change something. The new one looks like the image below. (Storm of Steel talent)

Yep, its the latest. S4 Mythic Talent = Ctrl not showing up. dps is low, i notice holding ctrl sometimes the character doesn’t do much and just stands, does auto attack.

But S3 Mythic Talent = Everything works fine, dps is good.


Do u have a discord? i can send u video testing s4 and s3 talents

hi im having trouble getting the macos for alt, ctrl,shift??? ive loaded the GSE macro but notjing else comes up with the other macro?? cheers

Hey @Matt!

Please verify that you’ve completed these steps:

:exclamation: How to play your character with a single mouse button:

    1. Bind an unused mouse button to an unused keyboard key (I use ‘Num +’).
    1. Enable auto click on your mouse button (this now auto clicks on your key bind).
    1. Bind four different unused action bar slots to the keyboard key you bound to your mouse; one for the unmodified key, and three for each modifier (NOMOD, SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT). See image…
    1. Drag and drop my macro to each key. This enables use of all modifiers on a single mouse button.

And to clarify Step 3, that is 3 different action keys, not one.

Let me know if you’re still having trouble!

hey sorry im super new to this so all i have done is /gse and imported your macro but i only have the one macro or am i missing something?