Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.
❇️ Approved Talent Builds
Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “..._NOMOD” GSE sequence.
I can review and implement other talent builds (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling) by request. If there are no talents on the talent panel you can use any talents (excluding Hero Talents).
That ability is off the global cooldown meaning it can be cast at any point in time, regardless of where the GCD swipe is.
Abilities that are off the global cooldown I tend to put in the PRE or POST variables, depending on what they do. I think this one is POST.
The scrolling GSE macro will always show this spell as it is always available to cast. It’s probably only not showing when it’s checking the STANCE variable.
I’ll double check tomorrow, but you can open your combat log to verify if the macro is truly stuck or not, or if it just looks like it.
I gave this a shot. I configured the keybinds like you said in the video (steps 1-4). For whatever reason when I press shift + mouse button it doesn’t cycle. I removed the Shift+mouse button from the keybindings and it still won’t cast Rake when holding shift. Per GSE > options I removed keybindings. Not sure what the issue is - any ideas?
If the macro is not cycling when holding SHIFT then it’s in input problem, not in game issue. The SHIFT mouse button won’t cycle if it’s not being clicked.
Are CTRL and ALT working? My best guess is to look into your mouse setup.
ok I dont know if im just short bus special or what, I watched your video 50 times in a row, you are saying 4 different buttons with 4 different key commands S,C,A and NO MOD…you can just use the same 1 and push the 3 MODS without occupying 4 action buttons, am I over thinking this or am I just losing it
You need to go into WoW keybinds and remove anything bound with “shift” in it or you cannot use shift as a mod for gse. Thats all i can think of. Hope you figure it out
Good call, I created an option for F4 (my random assigned key), and now I need to do the same for Shift+F4. I’ll keep you posted.
Correct me if I’m wrong - the entire point and significant value of your 4-key approach is that you can keep existing shift/alt/ctrl commands on your keybinds, while still leveraging shift with the macro, correct?
@Brandon_Radcliffe, when I was originally experimenting with setting up the 1 button mouse key for all of the mods I was running into trouble with using the GSE modifiers for SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT when only using one action bar slot.
I didn’t understand at the time but as @Ehrenlos describes, GSE does not play nice when in-game key bindings are using the modifiers that GSE is also trying to use.
The solution I found was to directly assign the 4 keys to their own action buttons.
If anyone else has a less complicated solution to the one I have, I’d be happy to hear it!
@Aerrek So want to try this. Questions. Do I have to create all 4 key binds AND have your WA installed before I can use it, or can I just bind a couple keys w/o WA to make sure I have things bound properly? Also, my shift, CTRL, and alt keys are just shift, ctrl, and alt. I am assuming I can just use those instead of binding all 4 to different mouse buttons? Using Elf’s and it works well- want to compare. VERY dumb when it comes to tech but I will get it. Thanks.
I think the video link near the top will help you a lot! Yes, you’ll need to bind your mouse to a keyboard button then the keyboard button to 4 action keys, one with no modifier and 3 with modifiers (shift, Ctrl, alt)
You do not need the weakaura to test the setup, just throw a few random spells on your 4 newly created actionbuttons and see if they cast
What Talents would work best with this ? maybe if possible list one for pvp mythic+ and raiding or rather just alternate builds for other niche content. I would really appreciate this much so as I am looking to do the pvp always see them on the battlegrounds. haha