Hey as always great stuff theres a few things I’d change though.
Move essence break to cntrl
Because Demon hunters are constantly using mobility It’s very easy to just flat miss everyone with your essence break after a fel rush or vengeful retreat or if your just not expecting it to go off because its on the nomod button theres no real warning. It seems like Cntrl is just there to maximize your EB window so moving EB itself to Cntrl should be fine and let u set up a big EB on a full pack
Change sigils from @ player to @ target
Kinda the same reason as above things like felrush and retreat can cause you to cast it under your feet after moving away from the pack.
Include a weakaura for ‘The Hunt’
I see that you have The Hunt as a mouseover for the shiftmod but theres no visual weakaura letting you know that its back up or that its even included in the GSE I almost thought it wasnt and was manually casting it in the dungeon while testing the GSE.
I’ll show havoc some love later in the day, All good suggestions.
I didn’t test it but my intuition told me sigils won’t work @target, I’ll have to double check.
Away from computer right now, for The Hunt, I know I had some visuals on screen but then I thought it was looking a little too cluttered. I’ll have to look back to see what I can turn back on
All good the gse works perfectly and does some great numbers in dungeons just thought id toss my 2 cents. And your totally right the @target doesnt work because theres a talent that places sigils at targets called precise sigils think i might try to talent into it so I dont miss so many sigils dashing around.
Essence Break
As is, a Blade Dance / Chaos Strike sequence is attached to CTRL, both of which consume essence break
The Hunt
You should be seeing a “(S) The Hunt” cursor text (in-combat) and a Blue Rune (in and out of combat). If Fel Rush is available you won’t see the Blue Rune.
Just wondering is there a problem with my setting or is this normal behavior. When pressing shift as suggested by weakaura i get vengeful retreat. While keeping shift pressed sometimes it fires The Hunt right away, sometimes it does take second or two. If Hunt is not available, it will do felrush but that is never ever happening right away, always second or two. So is this normal ?