🛡️ Aerrek's UI: PROTECTION // Track Procs, Buffs, Depuffs, and MORE! Range Detection Triggers! Healing Capabilities! Utilities Monitoring! PvP Talents! Ready for everything! [11.0.2]

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💠 Aerrek's UI: The Lazy Way To Play

A detailed description of what my interfaces are and how to use them.

🆕 Aerrek's UI: New User Setup

Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.

✴️ Talent Builds

Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “..._NOMOD” GSE sequence.


:asterisk: I can add or update talent builds by request! (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling)

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:shield: Protection

💻 Controls
:dagger: Combat :no_entry_sign: Combat :computer_mouse: + Enemy :computer_mouse: + Friendly
NOMOD Damage
SHIFT Shield Charge Shield Charge Intervene
CTRL Change Stance
ALT Avatar Ravager / Champion’s Spear
📝 Notes

Battle Stance is used if your health is above 80%.

Defensive Stance is used if your health is below 80%.

⏬ Import Links

:no_entry: Does not include :sparkles: Additional Features.
:white_check_mark: Includes all class specializations and recommended macros!
:globe_with_meridians: Use the Wago App for automatic updates!

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language update and weakaura

Talents? the ones in the post are out of date

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My sequences use [known:XXXXXX] conditionals to detect what talents you’ve chosen; the Weakaura detects talents and recommends abilities accordingly.

I grab them from Wowhead and icy veins

Ahhhhhh that makes sense now ty

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hi ctrl does nothing seems the macros bstanc and dstance are missing

Hey @Sertzu,

I’m in the middle of a big update, some GSE strings are not up-to-date.

Working on it :sweat_smile:

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no problem love youre macros ^^

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@Sertzu Thank you!


I just finished a several day, massive update. Please, use new imports and let me know if you have any problems. I’ll be happy to help you fix them :grin: :+1:

Hello there, Thanks a lot for the imports.
just wondering, what is the point of the CTRL mod here? just switching stances?
Am I missing something there?
Also Weakaura wants that I swap stances(CTRLmod) while I’m Prot

Hey @Eddie_Ro

First, I updated the GSE and WA. Please Update :+1:

CTRL swaps stances based off of you HP% (below). Protection uses Battle Stance regularly for the significant DPS boost.

:arrow_up: Above 80% HP: Battle Stance
:arrow_down: Below 80% HP: Defensive Stance

Been using this for the last week and it has worked great. Solo T8 delves on my 590 warrior no problem and tanking Heroics is a cakewalk.

Not been able to get into Mythics yet, but it would probably be fine there as well.


Love to hear it :+1:

Hey @Aerrek,

Thank you so much for your work—you’ve truly done an amazing job! I’m using your macros on both my Fury and Prot specs, and I’m sure I’ll be using them on any other character I play in the future.

By the way, would you consider adding an explanation for what each modifier does in the Prot sequence? It looks like there isn’t one, and I’m not quite good enough to figure it out on my own. :blush:

Either way, huge thanks for everything you’ve done! You’ve made my dungeons, raids, and overall WoW journey so much smoother. You’re a legend! :blush:

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Hey @Marcin,

Thanks for the kind words and I’m happy its working out for you, I went in a added to the controls and notes :+1:

Thank you so much! True hero :muscle:

Screenshot 2024-10-12 224407
been lvling my warrior with you’re prot macro and the WA and noticed it would tell me to hold shift for whirlwind but it never used it so I looked at you’re WA and noticed this should it not be only set to load the prot stuff in prot spec? and not in all specs

I just want to thank you for this, it changed the way i play the game really, i am enjoying playing as Prot Warrior a lot , keep it up.
Also for those who’s wondering how good is this sequence, i ran Delv 8+ almost all of them i am able to solo so easily.
I ran Mythic+7 multible times so far and no issue at all for me, just need to know when to use your deff spell such as Shield wall and Last Stand.

The sequence keep Shield block up almost 99% of the time, and always keep ignore pain enough, i downlaoded other WA to track these two.

All Thank you Aerrek for this, well done :clap:

The stance swapping function seems to not work now in the new patch.
Checked the keybinding, and its ok but nothing happens when i hold down the buttons for it to swap stance.

Hey dude. As always, your sequences are top-notch. The only issue with this is that it’s firing off Spell Reflect, Spell Block and Pummel as part of the rotation. Is it supposed to do that and if so can I stop it doing this? Maybe Spell Refect I understand as if you hit it enough times it will eventually reflect something.