Hey guys, I have been using GS for a while on my pally with great success. After some extensive research, I found I was not a fan of any of the current Affliction Macros. I built this one, and It seems to be working very well. Give it a shot.
Been using this for a while since you posted it. Love it for my lock works great. Thank you for all the work you did. Keep us updated on any twinks you see that helps. (if any)
Cant seem to get it to work? GS doesn’t report any errors when logging into WoW so doesn’t seem to be a format issue. Toon will take a defensive stance and pet will attack but that’s about it?
Hi Chad am big fan of your’s script am using it for my affli but since my gear change slightly (720-ilvl 4-set)
i feal like my affli dont give everything around 50/60k on dummy 40/50 on raid (hellfire citadel)
now BIG please can you or some one update it to meet today’s standards?
My talents are 2/3/1/2/2/1/3 glyph of unstable affliction
i really like the affli ‘AFF’ macro but can someone say how the haunt spam problem is solved? it is really a dps loss over time… at the beginning of a fight it is increadible dps but then…