Affliction Warlock M+ / Raiding

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

is there anyway to make a macro that use “Agony>Corruption” on new target/swapping, and if you use macro 2 times on same target it would cast for example “Agony>Corruption” and then you cast UA followed by DS, the next time you do the rotation it would change and use “Corruption>Agony>UA>DS” the hole fight, unless you target swap

Hi Carlos, I only can see one macro and I think that’s for ST. What can I use for AOE? Also, if I change the talent to 2232213 OR 2232212 for AOE, will the macro work as well?

[quote quote=55519]Hi Carlos, I only can see one macro and I think that’s for ST. What can I use for AOE? Also, if I change the talent to 2232213 OR 2232212 for AOE, will the macro work as well?
For AoE, the macro has a modifier for Seeds
 Just hold down the CTRL key for it to prioritize Seeds of Corruption casts (assuming you’re using AHK).

Hi new to using macros when I enter this in and I go to use it all that happens is it types out the macro into the chat box. Can anybody advise me as to what I am doing wrong. And also if possible have to make it not type that in the chat.

Edit I figured it out thanks for the macro :slight_smile:

There seems to be a general trend to use Drain Soul, Life Tap

I can’t work this out. Surely Life Tap, Drain Soul is better as you regain the life you used to create mana with the Drain Soul

In cases where there is an7y damage on you, that way round seems sensible

I use the Razer Synapse to set the key. So what i should set the the default delay? 100ms or 20ms? Also sometimes when I hold control the seed won’t cast and I have the resource to cast that, do you know what’s the problem? Now I am 26% crit, 29% haste and 116% mastery when I do a ST DPS test it’s only between 900k and 1.1m, is it normal or I did something wrong?

Depends on your ilvl. But the DPS seems reasonable. Moving around stop casting? I also find the mod also doesn’t always cast, so I multipress.

I have also played around by putting Reap Soul above Seeds of Corruption which means harvest is up most of the time.

The macro is still working great, for M+ i recommend using the first macro using 4 tier 20 pieces plus 2 tier 21 pieces combo. For raiding using the same set i recommend using the siphon life version in a multidot style way.

Look like a great macro but CTRL and ALT buttons do not work for me , even if keybinds cleared , any idea ?

I’d be interested as Ctrl and Shift don’t work for me and also Shift (which allows me to move icons on my action bars)

You need to unbind those keys, usually shift+1 its for bar1, you need to unbind shift+1, Ctrl+1, alt+1. this could be the reason the modifiers arent working for you.

I unbind the shift/alt/ctrl key, but it still need multi press to cast. When I press ctrl to cast seed, it always cast the unstable affliction first. Do you have the same problem?

Hello there

I am not seen the issue that you report, however a way around the issue you mention is to bind in your spell bar shift+1, ctrl+1, and alt+1, then add directly the spells to the them. shift+1 drain soul, ctrl+1 seed of corruption, alt+1 phantom singularity. If this doesnt work for you i am not sure what else i can do to help you with your issue. All this in the case you use the key “1” to spawn your macro.

Thanks for your reply, I’ll try. Honestly, I put the macro on “-” button to avoid any problem. And also, I set my keyboard macro as this “press -/release -/pause execution 20ms/press -/release -” and this macro will be repeated every 100ms. Is this right? Sorry for too many questions. Thanks for your reply and help.

then you will need to bind to your spell bar shift + -, ctrl + -, and alt + -, then add the spells directly into them. i use 100ms spawn.

In AHK, am I to use sleep 100 or 20? In raids I’ve noticed at times it cycles past UA, which can lead to build ups, and other times I end up shard starved. Any Ideas? I use your first posted macro with the talents 3,1,1,1,2,1,3. I don’t see how e.g. Demon Skin or Howling Terror is mandatory for the macro to function properly.

double post.

When i hit a mod key the macro just stops working until i release it
 am i missing something ?

This is how I fixed the modifiers not working.
First I bind shift-1, ctrl-1 and alt-1, then I unbind them. This way I made sure they weren’t bound to anything else. I thought ctrl-1 was unbound, but that was not the case. Now all modifiers work for me.

Sometimes it skips SoC when I press ctrl, but I believe this might be a global cooldown issue, and not necessarily an issue with the macro it self.

Now that I got the macro working, I just need the gear to get the DPS I’m looking for.

Thank you for this macro :slight_smile: