Affliction Warlock M+ / Raiding

Running this macro with great succes on mythic plus dungeons, manage to clear up to +18 using this macro. I use a variation in talents for this macro depending on what you are focusing, the first one for single target with some adds that dont last long, the second one with heavy AoE fights. You only need to swap talents in rank 60 line between phanton singularity and sow the seeds, the macro works well with both talents. The macro have 2 modifiers keys, Alt for using phantom singularity on demand when the talents is not on CD (if you dont use the key the talent will be used any way at a later time in automode), and Ctrl for seed of corruption. When you are spec into phanto singularity ctrl key also is used to spawn seed of corruption, when your arent using phantom singularity the alt key isnt doing any. I hope the macro help players to improve their gaming.

For mythic plus dungeons i use a heavy haste build (haste>mastery>crit>versa) since adds need to die really quick. For raiding you need a set with a balance between mastery=haste to be effective. Also using legendaries that help depending with weekly affixes in dungeons. You can use ask mrrobot web site to make your sets, single / multi target. I keep both sets to change quickly depending the fight.

Sequences['Affliction'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "3131213 or 2232113 or 3131113",
  Help = [[spawn at 100ms, key press time 20ms]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/combat  Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Null",
        "/use [mod: Shift] Drain Soul",
        "/use [mod: Alt] Phantom Singularity",
        "/use [mod: Ctrl] Seed of Corruption",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/target  Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Phantom Singularity",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",

I love your macro. I have one issue. When I channel a Summoning Portal before boss pull, my macro no longer works. /reload ui does not fix either. Any ideas why this would happen?

It’s cause of the long cast line I suppose.

Usually what I do when we get done summoning people into raid, I just cast Healthstone and just stop the cast. Probably anything like that will work. But Healthstone works for me.

just make a macro to stop casting after you use your summon stone


Hello, do i just copy and paste the macro into a macro on wow, I have done that but when i click on the macro button it just spams the actual macro in say, i have gnome sequencer installed.

make a regular macro in wow macros, copy paste the line, asign to a key, use it after you use your summon stone, the idea is to stop the previous long cast of your summon stone, thats why Roy solution also work.

Greg, just summon doomguard again or create Soulwell and this problem is fixed :slight_smile:

Hello Carlos and thanks for your macro. Can you explain the help line “spawn at 100ms, key press time 20ms”? I wanna set the logitech gaming software but don’t know if I should write the 100mg or the 20ms.

some hardware can set a spawn time and also the time that the key will be keep pressed, if your mouse or keyboard doesnt support this, just use the 100ms spawn time.

Thanks for the answer !

i will add my wowprogress just in case you want to check how am i doing with the macro.

im itemlvl 906 and i use your macro, according to simcraft i should be around 750k dps, but when i use your macro i only get 550k dps sometimes it can go up to 800k but that last only for a few sec then it goes down to 550 again…
i dont know if i do something wrong but hopefully you can awnser it :stuck_out_tongue:

so my question is bascily how much of a dps diffrence should i expect it to be,

i have shooting at the Skull dummy for about 30min to get a fear estimate about my dps
i spam the Macro key nonstop around 5 key strokes per sec

i know you mention something about “spawn 100ms” and i might be stupid but is that a settting or something that i need to do

otherwise i like the macro :stuck_out_tongue:

i do around the same dps that simcraft, if you arent close to your sim its probably the stats in your gear, i use 100ms spawn time, if you check my wowprogress you will see that i am doing well in mythic plus dungeons.

ic… hmm might be my gear then, i got
Mastery: 99%

you need around 25% haste, 120% mastery, 20% crit to be effective as a warlock. For dungeons you want a lot of haste, for raiding you need a balance between haste and mastery. The timming you need to set it in your harware (mouse or keyboard software) in case you have it, other wise you will use your finger to smash the key.

been using macro for some time now and it does really well,
atm im 940 item level with 39% haste, 114% mastery, 19% crit using soul of the netherlord and sephuz’s secret (2 legendary rings)

I do about 1.5 - 2 mill dps on trash groups, depends on the tank and how brave he is, and single target 1.1 - 1.3 mill dps with this weeks affixes.

I use a different legendary setup for raiding, it varies alot depends on the fight.

I only do 2-3 mythic+ runs a week, guild stopped playing so whenever i feel pugging thats when i do stuff :slight_smile:

How hard is it to tweak this to fit a “3,1,1,1,2,1,2” build?

this macro work best with 3,1,x,2,1,x,1,3 or 3,1,x,2,x,1,3 to add siphon life wouldnt be hard but you will be lacking shards for AoE with seeds of corruption or unstable affliction. Any way here is what you are asking.

Sequences['Affliction'] = { -- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04. Author="Ojoverde@Eldre'Thalas", SpecID=265, Talents = "3131213", Help = [[spawn at 100ms, key press time 20ms]], Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = "Sequential", KeyPress={ "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/combat Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Null", }, PreMacro={ }, "/use [mod: Shift] Drain Soul", "/use [mod: Alt] Phantom Singularity", "/use [mod: Ctrl] Seed of Corruption", "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/target Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap", "/cast [nochanneling] Phantom Singularity", "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction", "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction", "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction", "/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls", PostMacro={ }, KeyRelease={ "/startattack", }, }, }, }

Is the “Demon Skin” talent crucial? I see what you mean, but I love the mobility boost of “Burning Rush”.

no, you can use the one fit your needs, i just forgot to change the talent help line in the macro i gave you.