No problem m8. I didn’t mean to offend you.
ok, let’s start…
When you post something or reply to someone… In this empty field/window were you type your message.
Above this window You see a bar with buttons:
{b} {i} {link} … {li} {code} {close tags}
When you want to post a sequence or macro and want All the special signs to stay as they are. (aka. keep the macro usable for yourself and others.)
Than after you have typed in normal text, on the next line you start with pressing 1x on the button. (second from the right.)
Press [Enter] to get to a new line.
Than you copy & paste your macro or sequence in this window.
Press [Enter] to get to a new line.
click the same [code] button again, it should show up now as
If you want to add more (normal) text below your macrofield, than hit [Enter] again and start typing.
Click [Submit] and wait a bit.
Look at the difference of your first post and my post.
I am sure that when you copy and paste Your macro back into your sequence.lua and try to use it you get error messages.
But when you do the same with the macro I have added below you won’t get a error.
Why? >> Look at the difference between your and mine opening and closing signs.
The way you posted your macro and you copy & paste it back without changing anything, the macro will crash already at the first line, namely on this >> [‘AFF’]
Sequences['AFF'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Agony,Corruption,Unstable Affliction,Drain Soul,Drain Soul,Unstable Affliction,Corruption,Drain Soul,Drain Soul",
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/8 Haunt,Haunt',
'/cast [nochanneling, combat] Dark Soul: Misery',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
For your convenience I have copied your macro and changed the signs.
I think you will see the difference between the two.
If you have more questions, don’t hessitate tot ask here or send a pm.
I won’t bite…
as I’m a crazy Worgen and Tauren.