AHK Issues

Not sure what has happend, but the past week my AHK has refused to work with WoW. I have the most current GSSE. iv uninstalled and reinstalled it multiple times, firewall is turned off… and now im just out of ideas.

Script for AHK
toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
Send {ctrl}
sleep 50

I always have had my ctrl set as the AHK start/stop button and used the 2nd slot on my action bars for the macros. AHK says its running but in game it wont register at all with the any macros that i try. Any ideas on why this is? Iv also looked up Punchkey but cant find it, was it taken down recently?

any help would be awesome!

Here is a simple 3 button AHK I got from Deadly Hunters Camp on Discord:

;; by Hadronox / Rezel

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#IfWinActive World of Warcraft	;; enabled only in WoW
Toggle1 := 0
Toggle2 := 0
Toggle3 := 0

Toggle1 := !Toggle1
While Toggle1 {
    Send, {Blind}1	;; blind mode to send modifiers
    Sleep, 100

Toggle2 := !Toggle2
While Toggle2 {
    Send, {Blind}2	;; blind mode to send modifiers
    Sleep, 100

Toggle3 := !Toggle3
While Toggle3 {
    Send, {Blind}3	;; blind mode to send modifiers
    Sleep, 100
#IfWinActive	;; disable WoW context sensitivity

^PgDn::Suspend	;; Ctrl + PageDown to suspend script (if you want to chat)
^PgUp::Reload	;; Ctrl + PageUP to reload script
^End::ExitApp	;; Ctrl + End to terminate script

Just need to change the “Sleep” to what you want.