AHK not working right? Try this..

Note: this assumes you know how to find and install autohotkey and can use a search engine :wink:

I decided to give autohotkey a try but was disappointed by either the over complexity of user’s scripts or them simply not working in wow

Most people who use gnomesequencer also want to be able to toggle the macro on and off so they don’t have to hold down a button while casting.

I finally figured out a plain and simple AHK script that works only in wow and toggles on and of a keybind I have to an actionbar button I have my GS macro on

A little about the script: in my example, I use the F7 key and have it set to 50 milliseconds of a delay before pressing again. this works flawless but of course I had to go through my keybinds and unbind anything else that F7 was attached to (including shift and ctrl as I use those modifiers in my GS scripts).

Anyway feel free to use this, just change the F7 to a key you want to use (google autohotkey keys if you use something like scrolllock) and the sleep to something you are more comfortable with.

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
    Toggle := !Toggle
     While Toggle{
        Send {F7}
        sleep 50

And if I want to use ctrl, shift, or alt in my GS macro as a modifier? No problem!

Here is an example of a simple (not perfect but it works) addition that uses the left shift, ctrl, or alt key

just remove the letter L or replace it with R on shift, ctrl, or alt if you either don’t want to only use a specific key or want to only use the right ones (perfect for those who bind a ctrl or alt for voice)

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
    Toggle := !Toggle
    While Toggle{
    if GetKeyState("LShift","p") {
        Send {LShift down}{F7}{LShift up}
	sleep 40
    else if GetKeyState("LCtrl","p") {
        Send {LCtrl down}{F7}{LCtrl up}
	sleep 40
    else if GetKeyState("LAlt","p") {
        Send {LAlt down}{F7}{LAlt up}
	sleep 40
    else {
	Send {F7}
	sleep 40

i want to use this but without toggle, ie, when i hold the 1 key it runs the macro then when i hold a mod key + 1 it spams the moded version of the macro, i tried messing around with the sript u have there but i couldnt get it to work

#IfWinActive World of Warcraft
While GetKeyState(“1”,“P”)
Sendinput {Blind}{1}
Sleep, 80

this will do as i was looking for above! for button “1”
im posting this for anyone that come looking in the future.