I had a fellow on the AHK forums perfect a script for me. I will provide it below if anyone finds the same need for it. In a nutshell, I have physical issues and find that I can raid and even do general play better with the Razer Orbweaver (a game pad). The script basically toggles the 3 keys I have bound to Num1, Num2 and Num3. Num0 toggles all active keys off. It works well for me as far as basic rotations (I have Num1 as my aoe heals, Num2 as my minor heals and Num3 as my major heals macros). However, I have been reading about setting delays for AHK or Razer. Is this possible, or do I even need to do that, if I’m using AHK/Razer as I do? If so, WHERE do I set the delay? I’m not even seeing that option in Synapse unless I record my own macro, not sure that’s wise setting a recorded macro for a macro in game?
I present the script in order that someone might try it and see if it works as is or can see what I mean, and if I even need a delay added anywhere:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
toggles := [0,0,0] ;create an array with 3 toggle states for numpad1/2/3 default to off (0)
numpad0::toggles := [0,0,0] ;kill all toggles
toggles[1] := !toggles[1] ;invert toggle state 0>1>0>1 etc
if (toggles[1]) {
settimer, combat,1 ;having a goto here causes numpad1 not to toggle off idk why
} else {
;toggles := [0,0,0] ;reset all toggle states ;uncomment this if you want numpad1 to still reset all toggles
toggles[2] := !toggles[2]
if (toggles[2])
toggles[3] := !toggles[3]
if (toggles[3])
while(toggles[1] or toggles[2] or toggles[3]) { ;while any toggles are active
if (toggles[1]) {
ControlSend,,1,World of Warcraft
sleep 50
if (toggles[2]) { ;if numpad2 toggle == true
ControlSend,,2,World of Warcraft
sleep 100
if (toggles[3]) {
ControlSend,,3,World of Warcraft
sleep 100