Hello. Been working on this for a while, and it works just fine for me.
set focus on tank
- auto cenarion ward focus
- mouseover = rejuv, rejuv, lifebloom
- shift is your individual “oh shit” button. mouseover + shift = ironbark, regrowth spam, swiftmend. if you mouseover yourself during an “oh shit” moment, it pops barkskin+renewal on you before regrowth spam. pop tree of life for the ultimate “oh shit”
- alt is your party “oh shit” button. innervate self, wild growth, essence of g’hanir, tranquility
- ctrl is your nature’s cure mouseover button.
The only thing this doesn’t do is the way I want is Lifebloom. Currently it’s on the end of the mouseover rejuvs. I don’t like that, but I can’t find a way to only cast it on focus+mouseover. If you know how to do that, I’d love to know.
Dual rejuv+lifebloom are on the post macro, to keep it casting quickly. If it’s in the standard sequence, there’s too much of a delay between casts.
Build is 22?2232.
Sequences['druid-healer-foo'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 22?2232",
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use [noform] Treant Form
/castsequence [@focus,combat,help,dead] Rebirth, Ironbark
"/castsequence [party,mod:shift,@mouseover] Ironbark",
"/castsequence [@mouseover,mod:shift,nodead] Regrowth, Regrowth",
"/castsequence [@mouseover,mod:shift] Barkskin, Renewal",
"/cast [@mouseover,mod:shift,nodead] Swiftmend",
"/castsequence [mod:alt,@player] Innervate, Wild Growth, Essence of G'Hanir, Tranquility",
"/castsequence [mod:alt,@player] Wild Growth",
"/cast [@focus,nodead,nomod,combat] Cenarion Ward",
"/cast [@mouseover,mod:ctrl,help,nodead] Nature's Cure",
"/cast [@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat] Revive",
/castsequence [@mouseover,help,nodead,nomod] Rejuvenation, Rejuvenation, Lifebloom
/cast [@player,combat] Barkskin
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
if you’re going to run this through autohotkey, you need to use the code below. as you can see, i use F7 as my macro key. you’ll need to unbind f7 from any actionbar in wow, and make sure ‘control’ or ‘alt’ isn’t set as your focus/self cast keys. (interface -> combat)
press numpad 1 to enable and disable autohotkey
toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotKey 2
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
While GetKeyState("Shift","P"){
Send +{F7}
sleep 100
While GetKeyState("Alt","P"){
Send !{F7}
sleep 100
While GetKeyState("Control","P"){
Send ^{F7}
sleep 100
Send {F7}
sleep 100
sleep 100