Alvino's Slayer Fury Warrior - Single & AOE (Updated: 9/10/24)

Talent Build-out


Both rotations below utilize Avatar, Recklessness and Trinket Slot #13 as soon as they’re available.

Usage Information - Single Target

Macro Flow:

  • Initialization: Clears and targets the nearest enemy, starts attacking.
  • Trinket Activation: Uses the trinket for additional benefits.
  • Major Cooldowns: Applies major cooldowns like Recklessness early to enhance subsequent abilities.
  • High Impact Abilities: Uses abilities with significant burst damage or sustained effects (Odyn’s Fury and Thunderous Roar).
  • Damage Abilities: Executes high-damage abilities and consistent DPS skills.
  • Execute: Final ability to use when the target’s health is low for finishing damage.


  • Order of Abilities: Major cooldowns and high-impact abilities are prioritized at the beginning of the macro. This ensures that you make the most of these abilities during their uptime.
  • Consistency: Abilities like Bloodthirst, Slam, and Whirlwind are included to ensure consistent damage output throughout the encounter.
  • Testing: Always test the macro in a controlled environment to make sure it performs as expected. Adjust the sequence based on the results and encounter specifics.

Feel free to adjust or further optimize based on your specific needs or playstyle.
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.12-g.


Usage Information - AOE

Macro Flow:

  • Initialization: Clears and targets the nearest enemy, starts attacking.
  • Trinket Activation: Uses the trinket to enhance overall damage.
  • Major Cooldowns: Applies major cooldowns early to maximize their effectiveness.
  • High Impact AOE Abilities: Uses Bladestorm and Odyn’s Fury for high burst and AOE damage.
  • Sustained Damage Over Time: Applies Thunderous Roar for consistent damage.
  • Additional AOE Abilities: Uses Whirlwind for additional AOE damage.
  • Defensive and High Impact: Uses Spell Reflection for defensive needs and Execute for low-health targets.
  • Rampage and Raging Blow Rotation: Manages Rampage and Raging Blow in sequence for maximum damage.
  • Consistent Damage: Applies Bloodthirst for steady damage output.


  • Order of Abilities: Major cooldowns and high-impact AOE abilities are prioritized at the start to deal maximum damage to multiple enemies.
  • Consistent DPS: Abilities like Bloodthirst and Thunderous Roar are used to maintain consistent DPS throughout the encounter.
  • Testing: Ensure to test the macro in real AOE scenarios to verify its effectiveness and adjust as needed based on performance and encounter requirements.

Feel free to adjust or further optimize based on your specific needs or playstyle.
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.12-g.


Categorization of Attacks by Damage Potential

  1. Bladestorm
  • Damage Potential: 404,999
  • Modifiers: Storm of Steel (-30% damage, but can be cast twice), Overwhelming Blades (+12% damage), Culling Cyclone (+20% damage)
  1. Champion’s Spear
  • Damage Potential: 213,973 + 213,057 over 4 seconds
  • Modifiers: Piercing Challenge (+50% damage)
  1. Odyn’s Fury
  • Damage Potential: 282,724 + 110,046 over 6 seconds
  • Modifiers: Titanic Rage (+10% damage)
  1. Fearbreaker’s Echo (Trinket)
  • Damage Potential: 310,894
  1. Rampage
  • Damage Potential: 192,018
  • Modifiers: Slaughtering Strikes (Each Raging Blow causes +20% damage, up to 5 times)
  1. Execute
  • Damage Potential: 181,323
  • Modifiers: Slayer’s Dominance (+15% x 3 stacks)
  1. Raging Blow
  • Damage Potential: 139,273
  • Modifiers: Wrath and Fury (+15% damage), Critical Thinking (+10% damage), Opportunist (+30% damage), Slayer’s Malice (+30% damage), Cruelty (+15% damage)
  1. Thunderous Roar
  • Damage Potential: 149,392 + 163,627 over 8 seconds
  1. Bloodthirst
  • Damage Potential: 112,003
  • Modifiers: Improved Bloodthirst (+10% damage), Cold Steel, Hot Blood (+72,442 on crit), Crushing Force (+10% damage), Reap the Storm (20% chance to cause 136,164 damage)
  1. Slam
  • Damage Potential: 83,514
  • Modifiers: Barbaric Training (+20% damage)
  1. Whirlwind
  • Damage Potential: 51,312
  • Modifiers: Meat Cleaver (+25% damage), Barbaric Training (+20% damage)

Suggested Looping Sequence

To maximize your damage output, you should focus on looping the highest damage abilities while ensuring you’re taking advantage of all available passives and modifiers. Here’s a suggested sequence based on the damage potential and enhancements:

  1. Bladestorm
  • High damage, but use it strategically due to its high damage potential and modifiers. Use when its damage reduction and enhancements provide maximum benefit.
  1. Champion’s Spear
  • Significant burst damage with a high over-time component. Use it to deal heavy damage quickly.
  1. Odyn’s Fury
  • High damage with a decent over-time component. Use it to benefit from its initial burst and DoT.
  1. Rampage
  • Good damage with synergy from Raging Blow. Use it to increase the effectiveness of Raging Blow.
  1. Raging Blow
  • High damage with multiple modifiers. Use it frequently, especially after Rampage.
  1. Execute
  • Effective when enemies are at low health. Ensure to use it when you can capitalize on the additional stacks.
  1. Thunderous Roar
  • Good damage with an over-time effect. Use it for its strong initial hit and sustained damage.
  1. Bloodthirst
  • Consistent damage with various enhancements. Use it to maintain steady DPS.
  1. Slam
  • Lower damage compared to others, but still useful for maintaining damage output.
  1. Whirlwind
  • Lower damage compared to other abilities, but useful for generating additional damage and managing multiple targets.

you should put both those posts (ST andAoE) in one thread. make people find it easier.

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Done! :slight_smile: Thank you for pointing that out, it will for sure make it easier to manage as well.

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Were is your talent build for us to copy?>

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Added :), didn’t think to add it when I made the post.

sorry, no avatar in talent?

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Originally no, there was no avatar as I focused on using Thunderous Roar’s cooldown buff which reduced Thunderous Roar by 45 seconds, keeping that high damage skill up. However, after some testing, the twenty seconds afforded by Avatar with the 20% boost outweighs the damage afforded by the Thunderous Roar. I’ve went ahead and modified the scripts above to include it in rotation and fixed the talent tree.

I appreciate the feedback.

How do I get my trinket to go off? It won’t with this macro. Also, do you have a macro for champions spear you recommend? Its in the build you share but not in the sequence. I imagine because of how the spell is used it would be hard to do that. Just looking for an effective way to utilize it with the sequence. Thank you!

Tried this out today, thanks for your work. I’m finding Thane builds by far more dps