Anyone having problems today with GSE

I used [Elfyau’s DF v1.1 Unholy Death Knight last night and now not working, i have re-updated everything, turned all add-ons off sept GSE.

tried my mage, same and my warrior is same.

not sure if i did something or Bliz did :frowning:
any help would be ace :smiley:

done some testing and they are only working for me on right mouse click, not even key-binds work, as i number 1 key.

not sure why this has done it in the last 12 hours :frowning: grrrrr

One of your mods or blizzard chsnged this setting: ActionButtonKeyDown or ActionButtonKeyUp and Why this matters Macro Cycling not firing · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler Wiki · GitHub

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done some testing and they are only working for me on right mouse click, not even key-binds work, as i number 1 key.
working perfect :smiley: tyvm LD