Arms PvP 7.0.3 GS-E (Rated/BG Spammable)

Updated build as of 9/26/16 in this post; Works in BG and 2v2/3v3 very well. Removed Warbringer and Storm bolt from the rotation. Those are better cast as needed.

Arms PvP (Updated 9/26/16)

Sequences['ArmsPVPST'] = {
specID= 71,
author="Dash Deschain",
helpTxt="Talents: 2233311",
StepFunction = [[
order = newtable(6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4)
newstep = (newstep and (newstep % #order + 1)) or 2
step = order[newstep]

-- Macro 1
/run('Executing macro 1! (Colossus Smash)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 2
/run('Executing macro 2! (Overpower)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Overpower
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 3
/run('Executing macro 3! (Slam)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Slam
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 4
/run('Executing macro 4! (Mortal Strike)')
/castsequence [nochanneling] Mortal Strike
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 5
/run('Executing macro 5! (Execute)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat]  Execute
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 6
/run('Executing macro ! (Battle Cry')
/cast Victory Rush
/cast Battle Cry
/cast Avatar
/cast [nomod] Charge
/cast Focused Rage

PostMacro = [[
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Revision added to main post.

Its great thank you very much, if you ever get any updates or changes please post them, very grateful for your work.


Curious as to why you have Cleave and WW in the macro. Have to tried this with removing those steps? having WW as one of the top damage abilities for yourself is probably not a good idea especially in PvP or am I missing something?

Trauma was taken to take advantage of WW and Slam causing the bleed, so people can’t heal/stealth on you and a little extra dmg over time.

I come in consistently top 3 in BGs and have no issues in 2v2/3v3s. If you’d like to modify the build, please do. Remove the steps you don’t like and adds ones you do. :heart:

Hi mate. Thanks for the macro but somethings is and locked all the time.

im sorry im new to this but i noticed you have like 8 maacros are they suppose to be on different keybinds or is it just one long macro that you just spam one button?

This wont work in GS-E without

author="Dash Deschain",

What o_O ?

it will not show in a /gs as its not a complete GS-E sequence.

See Converting a GS macro to GS-E - How To's - WoW Lazy Macros

This is directly made for GS-E… not sure what issue you’re having. Maybe I need to add something for other people but it should be an exact copy paste of my text file.

I only use GS-E.

Just tested again with current build; 30k DPS with no stutters or cycling issues.

Build updated as of 8/19/16 in OP.

Sequences['ArmsPVPST'] = {
specID= 71,
author="Dash Deschain",
helpTxt="Talents: 2233222",
StepFunction = [[
stepa = '78512643'

limit = string.len(stepa) or 1
if stepc == nil then
stepc = 1
if stepc >= limit then
stepc = 1
stepc = stepc + 1
step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc))
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

-- Macro 1
/run('Executing macro 1! (Colossus Smash)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 2
/run('Executing macro 2! (Overpower)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Overpower
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 3
/run('Executing macro 3! (Slam)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Slam
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 4
/run('Executing macro 4! (Mortal Strike)')
/castsequence [nochanneling] Mortal Strike
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 5
/run('Executing macro 5! (Execute)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat]  Execute
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 6
/run('Executing macro 6! (Cleave)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Cleave, Whirlwind
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 7
/run('Executing macro 7! (Blood fury')
/cast Blood fury
/cast Victory Rush
/cast Battle Cry
/cast Avatar
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 8
/run('Executing macro 8! (Storm Bolt)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Storm Bolt
/cast [nomod] Charge

PostMacro = [[
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Just added the following for GS-E.

author="Dash Deschain",
helpTxt="Talents: 2233222",

Nice macros. It works really nice.

Two minor things tho, I guess I will have to figure out altering it, but Mortal Strike debuff falls off from time to time, not for ages, but for a bit, which is not ideal. As it means MS isn’t firing as much as it could – and something, like whirlwind or slam is.

Also, the artifact ability could go in here right? Or am I missing something.

Will play around with my warrior some in the coming days.

Ok added Warbreaker into the castsequence with Colossus Smash (where I think it’s supposed to be used), and also removed the 3 from the stepa string, assuming that removes the macro 3 from firing.

I believe that Cleave + Whirlwind, when talented, are better than Slam, and thus slam should drop out of the rotation – at least, according to icy veins.

Thank you guys for updating my macro. Works been really busy and I didn’t have time!

I prefer Slam, which with the dmg boosts and all, ends up being a really great skill for little cost.

Sequences['ArmsPVPST'] = {
specID= 71,
author="Dash Deschain",
helpTxt="Talents: 2233222",
StepFunction = [[
stepa = '78512643'

limit = string.len(stepa) or 1
if stepc == nil then
stepc = 1
if stepc >= limit then
stepc = 1
stepc = stepc + 1
step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc))
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

-- Macro 1
/run('Executing macro 1! (Colossus Smash)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 2
/run('Executing macro 2! (Overpower)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Overpower
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 3
/run('Executing macro 3! (Slam)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Slam
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 4
/run('Executing macro 4! (Mortal Strike)')
/castsequence [nochanneling] Mortal Strike
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 5
/run('Executing macro 5! (Execute)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat]  Execute
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 6
/run('Executing macro 6! (Cleave)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Cleave, Whirlwind
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 7
/run('Executing macro 7! (Blood fury')
/cast Blood fury
/cast Victory Rush
/cast Battle Cry
/cast Avatar
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 8
/run('Executing macro 8! (Storm Bolt)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Storm Bolt
/cast [nomod] Charge

-- Macro 9
/run('Executing macro 9! (Warbreaker)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Warbreaker
/cast [nomod] Charge

PostMacro = [[
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Just a small note for other GS-E users: Don’t try to import or edit this via /gsse. The macro uses a custom stepfunction and layout and will break if you try. This macro will also not translate to anyone not using enUS.

To use this you will nee to use GS-myMacros

Thank you! Yes, this man is correct. I’ll add that to the main post.

Full credit to Dash Deschain…great macro (need to make more for other classes!) =)

But, my slightly altered version: No Slam in rotation. If you take the talents: Fervor for Battle (30% more whirlwind dmg to main target), and Trauma (bleed effect on whirlwinds - and slams), Slam should be replaced with Whirlwind. Also, threw in the lengendary ring if you have it. Lastly, removed charge in the macro - rather do that manually, also found activating abilities like Warbreaker, Collosus Smash and battle cry, before you actually get to the target is impractical, more specifically, non-ideal.

Again all credit to Dash, except for errors, which are mine alone =)

Sequences['ArmsPVPST'] = {
specID= 71,
helpTxt = "Talents: 2133212",
StepFunction = [[
stepa = '7851264'

limit = string.len(stepa) or 1
if stepc == nil then
stepc = 1
if stepc >= limit then
stepc = 1
stepc = stepc + 1
step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc))
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [combat] Commander's Draenic Strength Potion

-- Macro 1
/run('Executing macro 1! (Colossus Smash)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash

-- Macro 2
/run('Executing macro 2! (Overpower)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Overpower

-- Macro 3
/run('Executing macro 3! (Slam)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Slam

-- Macro 4
/run('Executing macro 4! (Mortal Strike)')
/castsequence [nochanneling] Mortal Strike

-- Macro 5
/run('Executing macro 5! (Execute)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Execute

-- Macro 6
/run('Executing macro 6! (Cleave)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Cleave, Whirlwind

-- Macro 7
/run('Executing macro 7! (Blood fury')
/cast Blood fury
/cast Victory Rush
/cast Battle Cry
/cast Avatar

-- Macro 8
/run('Executing macro 8! (Warbreaker)')
/castsequence [nomod, combat] Warbreaker

PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]12
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Updated in primary post 9/18/16

I am sorry that I’m kind of a noob here, but how do I put in your sequence into my gs? Because if i use gsse I can’t find it in game.