Arms Warrior 1 button 6.0.2 using Macro Toolkit r69

After about 10 min playing around with Hólýcrépé’s macro this is the finished result let me know what you think seams to be working ok everything firing off, I think!
Only spent half hour testing, please play around with the rotaion and see if you can make it any better, ive not played my warrior since the new patch, only just to make this work. please post any changes you make to make it better. Thanks again all keep up the good work.

#showtooltip Victory Rush
/castsequence [mod]!Victory Rush
/castsequence [@mouseover]reset=target/10 charge,Rend,!colossus smash
/castsequence reset=10 mortal strike,thunder clap,sweeping strikes,Whirlwind,rend, mortal strike,thunder clap,Whirlwind
/cast [combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] bloodbath
/cast [combat] Recklessness
/cast [mod] Victory Rush
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

spec? talents & glyphs? please :slight_smile:

…and YES it’s working fine!
Thank you

still curious about your talents and glyphs

Only talent that matters in the macro is [Bloodbath] but talents are 1,2,2,3,1,2 [Glyph of Sweeping Strikes] [Glyph of Wind and Thunder] need to choose another glyph they used to be usless was using non for quite some time the talents are mainly passive as they dont require any extra button bashing :slight_smile: hope that helps and thanks for the reply to the macro.


I can’t get this macro to work proper. I’m using version r69, do i need to do anything special in settings or anything. one moment he charges and then does nothing, the other moment he doesnt charge, procs recklesness and occasionaly fires another spell.

I see u use sudden death, so i miss execute in the macro?

thnx for the work :slight_smile:

Another new update today for macro toolkit is now r73, thanks again for this awsome addon, it alows you to expand the macro box from the standard 255 characters to 1024, this macro will need that!
Also need to have the mouse over the target you intend to charge at, whilst spamming your macro button.
Ive not put execute in the macro yet as I have not yet manged to get it to fire although im working on it.
this new patch has realy messed up the amount of spells you can use and the syntax for the macros so still getting used to what you can and cant do. Please do mess around with this macro and see what you can do will probaly need to take out 1 of the other cd’ and add a comand /cast [combat,exists] !execute some where in the macro getting the right order of the spells seams to make a big differnce and the number of the spells, to wether they fire off or not. Not had the time yet to find the right combo to make it better yet. If you do find somthing that works then please post it on this site. thanks again for the input.

I can`t seem to get storm bolt to work… any ideas why not?

how fast do you actually press the buttons?

I’m just hitting one button …not real fast. Are u not having an issue? I’m using macro tool kit

these macros always work better with a “turbo button” i have my naga setup to fire my buttons every .2 seconds because my internet latency is 24 ms average u would need a to use a keyboard or mouse “macro” program to get the to work “the best” but mostley just push the bitton as fast as you can to get it to work better

thanks heaps

yea i got something. the character limit is 255 for macros. this goes way past that! is 2 seperate macs or what!?

Thx for the macro. However, I always use tab to choose targets. Just become a habit…so is there a way to get the macro working, without the mouseover part. I tryed to delete the line, but that seems to mess up the whole macro, and I am not very skilled in this

This should work without the @mouseover

#showtooltip Victory Rush
/castsequence [mod]!Victory Rush
/castsequence [exists] reset=target/10 charge,Rend,null
/castsequence reset=10 mortal strike,thunder clap,sweeping strikes,Whirlwind,rend, mortal strike,thunder clap,Whirlwind
/cast [combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] bloodbath
/cast [combat] Recklessness
/cast [mod] Victory Rush
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Ryan this macro and most of the macro’s on this site use Macro Toolkit its an addon. You can get the latest update from , you can use the curse client to install, or download and expand into your wow/interface/addons folder. It’s been updated yet again since ive started this post, now version 6.003 .
Macro toolkit alows you to expand the normal 255 characters to 1024 when you make a new macro. Make sure your not in combat or any 1 elce in your groop or the macro wont save, make sure you have the 1024 characters befor you copy CTRL C and paste CTRL V. and there are no spaces at the start or error messages in the pannel on the right hand side of the addon when you save. I do use a Razor Naga2012 mouse with Razor synapse 2 software, saves me having to repeat button bash. Dont worry alot of people make the mistake of trying to eddit or make new macros whilst in combat, or paste a new 1 into the macro box without expanding it 1st, I have done this many times my self and wondered why the macro has not saved and is not working :slight_smile: this macro is by no means purfict and could do with the main line of spells in the castsequence changing to make it work better. hope you guys can come up with somthing better, thanks :slight_smile:

word brotha thanks alot didnt know there was an addon for it. this is gonna change everything lol

whats the mod on this script

The [mod] is CTRL ALT or shift to activate the Victory Rush.
You can change the [mod] to [mod:ctrl] [mod:alt] or [mod:shift] if want to use a certain mod key,
if you have already keybound another mod key to another action bar button. You could just use the spell thats on the mod key on another action bar button instead, but you can also have a macro with 3 differnt mod keys to cut down the number of different spells in your action bar.

Why have both /castsequence [mod]!Victory Rush and /cast [mod]!Victory Rush? Just to make sure they’ll go off? have you tried removing one or the other to see if they’re both necessary?

Nope havent tryed yet im sure 1 or the other would be fine but i know that 1 of them doesnt work, is why they are boath there was in a rush when i did the original post and was hoping some 1 would fine tune the macro whilst i fixed my other characters macros. Not much time left untill the new expantion hits, and they broke all the macros i had befor patch 6.02 stil trying to fix them all :frowning: /cry
Please Please play around with the macro and see what you guys can come up with.