Arms Warrior 6.0.3 gnome macro

This one seems to be working, but any improvements are greatly appreciated,thx.

Sequences["arms"] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack ]],
'/cast charge',
'/cast slam',
'/cast mortal strike',
'/cast !colossus smash',
'/cast defensive stance',
'/cast hamstring',
'/cast charge',
'/cast rend',
PostMacro = [[
/cast !victory rush

Hey Todd,

Seems to me you have “pet attack” in the fourth line.

Shouldn’t it look like this?:

Sequences[“Arms”] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast charge’,
‘/cast slam’,
‘/cast mortal strike’,
‘/cast !colossus smash’,
‘/cast defensive stance’,
‘/cast hamstring’,
‘/cast charge’,
‘/cast rend’,
PostMacro = [[
/cast !victory rush

Thanks for your hard work!

yep your right, wasn’t thinking

any aoe macro for arms and what talents and glyphs

I am totally new to the sequencer thing. I went to the WOW Interface website and downloaded the sequencer and added the three files directly into my AddOns folder. As I understand it, all I should then have to do is paste your file at the end the instructional demo file “examplesequence” rename it to “sequence”, create a macro in game called “Arms” that is totally blank, put that on an action bar and I am ready to go.

So I did all that an still cannot get anything other than the cape proc and autoattack to fire. Can anyone provide some help please. I also disabled Macro Toolkit because I heard that might cause a glitch.

[quote quote=18816]I am totally new to the sequencer thing. I went to the WOW Interface website and downloaded the sequencer and added the three files directly into my AddOns folder. As I understand it, all I should then have to do is paste your file at the end the instructional demo file “examplesequence” rename it to “sequence”, create a macro in game called “Arms” that is totally blank, put that on an action bar and I am ready to go.

So I did all that an still cannot get anything other than the cape proc and autoattack to fire. Can anyone provide some help please. I also disabled Macro Toolkit because I heard that might cause a glitch.

Same problem here they seem to have extra code causing problems or did me anyway try this.

Sequences["arms"] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast charge',
'/cast slam',
'/cast mortal strike',
'/cast !colossus smash',
'/cast defensive stance',
'/cast hamstring',
'/cast charge',
'/cast rend',
PostMacro = [[
/cast !victory rush

Can someone please exlain why change to the defense stance?

Sequences[‘arms’] = {

NOTE the change in “” to ’ ’

Does that macro even work? i couldnt get it to work.

uknown atm, i havent been able to get it to work either, but currently working on single target macro and aoe macro without GCD’s

this macros dont work!

Using this one seems to be good::

Sequences[“arms”] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Heroic Throw’,
‘/cast charge’,
‘/cast !victory rush’,
‘/cast !Execute’,
‘/cast slam’,
‘/cast mortal strike’,
‘/cast !colossus smash’,
‘/cast Recklessness’,
‘/cast Berserker Rage’,
‘/cast Sweeping Strikes’,
‘/cast charge’,
‘/cast rend’,
PostMacro = [[
/cast !victory rush

2 quick questions,
what is your spec and glyphs?
why do you have your macro switch to defensive stance?

Many of the comments in this thread seem to indicate several problems with this GS macro. If any of you are willing to try a working swap bar macro (using Macro Toolkit), this swap bar macro works quite well. :slight_smile: