Arms Warrior Swap Bar Macro (with video)...



Double time
Enraged Regeneration
Sudden Death
Dragon Roar
Mass Spell Reflection


Resonating Power
Bull Rush
Rude Interruption



#show Thunder Clap
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Execute; [mod:alt] Bladestorm; [nomod] reset=target Rend, Thunder Clap, Thunder Clap
/cast [nomod] Charge
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nomod, combat] 1 2


#show Colossus Smash
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Execute; [mod:alt] Bladestorm; [nomod, combat] Colossus Smash
/cast [nomod] Charge
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nocombat] 2 1; [nomod, combat] 2 3


#show Mortal Strike
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Execute; [mod:alt] Bladestorm; [nomod, combat] Mortal Strike
/cast [nomod] Charge
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nocombat] 3 1; [nomod, combat] 3 4


#show Siegebreaker
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Execute; [mod:alt] Bladestorm; [nomod, combat] Siegebreaker
/cast [nomod] Charge
/cast [nomod, combat] Recklessness
/cast [nomod, combat] Berserker Rage
/use [nomod, combat] Pure Rage Potion
/use [nomod, combat] Robo-Rooster
/use [nomod, combat] Sticky Grenade Launcher
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nocombat] 4 1; [nomod, combat] 4 5


#show Dragon Roar
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Execute; [mod:alt] Bladestorm; [nomod, combat] Dragon Roar
/cast [nomod] Charge
/cast [nomod, combat] Recklessness
/cast [nomod, combat] Berserker Rage
/use [nomod, combat] Pure Rage Potion
/use [nomod, combat] Robo-Rooster
/use [nomod, combat] Sticky Grenade Launcher
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nocombat] 5 1; [nomod, combat] 5 6


#show Sweeping Strikes
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [nomod, nostance:1] Battle Stance
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Execute; [mod:alt] Bladestorm; [nomod, combat] Sweeping Strikes, Whirlwind, Whirlwind
/cast [nomod] Charge
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/swapactionbar [nomod] 6 1




  • see video (above) for more details

Cheers! :slight_smile:

** updated 11-FEB-2015 **

  • increased Rend uptime
  • changed the way Bladestorm, Colossus Smash & Victory Rush are cast
  • increased DPS output by roughly 5%

What UI were you using in the video?

The UI is called LUIv3

cant seem to copy your weakauras string. can you help me out? or send it to my email at

I emailed u the string I currently use.

So I’m trying to use this on my 91 warrior, but don’t know if I have it set up right or if I’ve done it wrong. I’ve got all the macros set up correctly, have them all positioned on the correct bar points.

I’m under the assumption, that once I’ve set up the macros correctly, then placed them in the right place on the bars, I would be able to just hit the “1” key and everything would work and fire off correctly, and be able to hit ctrl or alt to use bladestorm and execute.

However all that is working is rend and thunderclap (B1B1.)

Does this work slightly different then the standard one button kinda thing? I watched the video, but haven’t watched it a second time.

Would the fact that I am not 100 yet be factoring in to it not working either? Since I don’t have siegebreaker?

[quote quote=23350]So I’m trying to use this on my 91 warrior, but don’t know if I have it set up right or if I’ve done it wrong. I’ve got all the macros set up correctly, have them all positioned on the correct bar points.
I’m under the assumption, that once I’ve set up the macros correctly, then placed them in the right place on the bars, I would be able to just hit the “1” key and everything would work and fire off correctly, and be able to hit ctrl or alt to use bladestorm and execute.
However all that is working is rend and thunderclap (B1B1.)
Does this work slightly different then the standard one button kinda thing? I watched the video, but haven’t watched it a second time.
Would the fact that I am not 100 yet be factoring in to it not working either? Since I don’t have siegebreaker?

If you’re using Bartender4, you’ll need to make changes to the State Configuration of BAR1. Specifically, you’ll need to ensure the “Action Bar Paging” checkbox has a checkmark in it.


i take it there is no way this macro could be used with stock Blizz ui?

Actually, the /swapactionbar function was designed to swap from one bar to another regardless of what UI is being used. So, yes, these macros can be used with the “stock Blizz ui”.

The only thing to be aware of, is that some classes automatically switch bars when you change forms (i.e. when a druid switches from noform to cat form). This could throw a wrinkle into your expected outcome, as you may not advance to the desired action bar. Nonetheless, you can still work around this problem by copying the required macro to this “undesired” bar.

I hope this helps.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

well i want to use this on my warrior . and ive used swap bar macros alot . but the blizz ui only has 4 bars . whereas the one you have put here is 6 . so i wont be able to just pound one key?

Blizzard will actually allow you to swap through 6 bars total; however, the problem with the “stock Blizz UI” is that the bars are not visibly labeled. This makes it hard to know which action bar is which. Also, as I mentioned in my previous comment, Blizzard binds extra action bars to certain stances (for some classes). The Arms Warrior is one of these classes…

For Arms Warriors, Battle Stance is bound to BAR7; meaning, when your macro says “swap to BAR1 (/swapactionbar ? 1)”, it will actually take you to BAR7, so the macro you place on BAR1 (typically) should be placed on BAR7 instead (confused yet)?

Check out this short video clip to see how things are setup and working with Blizzard’s “stock UI”:

Tried to set this up using bartender 4 also made sure on bar 1 to have action bar paging set. wouldn’t go through the whole rotation seem to get hung up on bar to or 3 any help would be great.

Which spells ARE casting?
Any chance you could post a link to a short video that demonstrates the problem?

SETHADON can u please repaste your weak auras code

[quote quote=23879]SETHADON can u please repaste your weak auras code


Sorry Bob, I have temporarily ended my subscription; thus, I cannot export the WeakAuras string you are asking for.

Ok so here’s the problem.

I decided that the best way to try out your macro is do the exact same setup as you. So I dl’d all the relevant addons and activated them. Over many hours I painstakingly copied and pasted all the macro’s. Affiliated myself with how it works, adjusted the new UI addon to make it look nice and everything. Then I started on the target dummy. It worked as intended. Everything seemed to be activating except the Execute. I could hold the mod button and use the Bladestorm but Execute wasn’t firing. So to make sure there wasn’t any problems I decided to activate Execute manually and so I placed it on 2 (Action bar 7, button 2). But it wasn’t firing. I tried 3,4,5…nothing.

Then I realised that the keybindings were removed. So I fiddled some more and found I could set the keybinding in the new UI addon and so I did. =,-,0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1…Oops what just happened…an error message game came up but faded off before I could read it. Something about Actionbutton…I guess I just unkeybound button 1. But what was it before…idk. So I tried to attack the target dummy…no charge no attacks nothing. Button 2 onwards was working so I just removed the macros and replaced them…still nothing. So I unkeybound all the buttons again and tried repasteing the macro’s, still nothing. Now I’m starting to get worried.

Ok it’s fine I’ll just reset the UI. So I reset to defaults still nothing. So I figured I’d reload the profile and try something ele…uh oh…It’s not working I just reset it to default. Now I’m really worried. I tried to set the original bliz UI and try the macro’s…not working. I’ve since removed all my addons and stayed with the original UI for now but since I’ve about 15 buttons to press at various times my dps has dropped considerably. I’d like to get it back up and have your swap bar macro working but I can’t work out how to get button 2+ to work without keybinding and I’d rather not waste another 8 hours without some help from people that have done this before.

A future issue I’m thinking could happen also is that if I can’t keybind the buttons then any alts I have that don’t use macro’s on button 1 won’t be able to use button 1.