Artaemis' Havoc [Ignition] Build [M+] Patch 11.0.2 - **Updated [08/20/2024]

Isn’t bannable to play with one addon macro ?

I’d need more information, or screenshots to be able to help you

Not in this case! It’s only an offence if you your macro automates everything. In our case here, you’re casting Fel Rush and other spells such as interrupts, glaive toss, chaos nova, etc. yourself.

Cases vary, but I’ve been using GSE since WoD and haven’t had an issue

Great Macro! Are you actively using this for S3? If so, do you mind sharing your progress ( I’m very interested in seeing what is realistically achievable with this macro.

Morning! I haven’t done a lot of Mythic+s lately, but I’ve been doing Amirdrassil normal and being at top 3-5 DPS charts for most boss fights. Been levelling my other characters to 70 so I can test macros for them as well. After wow anniversary, I’ll have more time to do M+s. Other’s might be able to share their progress with the macro though.

I’m playing WoW on a Mac and I use a Logi MX keys keyboard and mouse (I’m a graphic designer), but this works great for me. I’m using the ingame MS under options and set it to 150. I have the macro on the #1 key and basically just mash it over and over again. Am I even doing this right? It works fine, but Im not getting insane DPS that I hear others are getting. I’m iL406 and averaging about 35k. Any advice would be great. THanks!

Youre somewhat low ilvl.

Get proper equipment with stats , weapons, embelishments, tier and big trinkets.

You will double easily your dps just more 30 / 40 ilvl.


What about the using the MS in game and putting the macro in the number 1 slot? Am I doing this correctly?

I’ve been in the forum for a long time, and I don’t really post much. However, I have mad respect for all the creators, and I had to jump in and say thank you. I can actually play my DH again. I haven’t touched the toon since BFA because I hate the momentum style builds. This has made it manageable for me having nerve issues in my hands. My only question is how do I increase death sweep dps with the macro? I am 455 and im barely cracking 130k overall in 11-13 keys usually 2nd or 3rd on the dps meter. I probably just need to understand the dps windows better for dh b ut I thought I would throw this out there.

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Majority plays around 250 msec keypressing ( in some softwares that would be 125 press key + 125 release key ).

What you should know, its properly not to use a toggle, use hold as everyone else would do.

Wherever you put your macro or keybind that, is all yours.

PS: almost forgot if you match your 250msec on your ghub soft, and exactly the same number on gse options, you could use the pause / block function … so it can counts in clicks or msec if you matched those numbers if i recall

So i have some issues with it but its mainly due to gear or I assume it is and not have teir set.

My other question is i use razer what do i put in the delay settings because it doesnt use ms

It does use msec, number + 3 decimals

Yours should be 0.250 ( entire keystroke up and down ).


like this?


Like that. :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Thanks for answering! Would you mind sending your warcraftlogs? So i can check how good it parsed etc? :slight_smile: Thanks

ty so much new to using this

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is this with or without 4 set? :slight_smile: (or even 2set)

4 set… 1 heroic, 1 normal, 2 raid finder (helm, shoulders, legs, chest). I was only 455 max for the blue parses. The more optimized my gear has become the better the parse. I just finished my ksm tonight. As I commented above I believe where the work is on the macro is in figuring out how to increases death sweeps completed. I have not been able to manage it yet.

Couple questions for you:

  1. Are you using the macro with Vengeful Retreat cast manually or automatic?
  2. Do you think DS should cast more often?
  3. Are you finding yourself resource capped, often?
  4. What rate are you running the macro?
  5. Have you added any conditions? aka [nochanneling,combat] etc.

These will help me improve it as I iterate.

Thanks in advance