Artaemis' Havoc [Ignition] Build [M+] Patch 11.0.2 - **Updated [08/20/2024]

Hello! It seems like you’re making some changes to a macro using Razer Synapse with a 0.03s
The changes are in the Version 2 tab
Damage is very crazy xD
itemlvl 463 4set, my stat:
41 crit
14 haste
65 mastery
13 versa


for now my rio

I’m using a mac right now and inside the GSE Options,

it shows where I can change the MS CLick Rate. Can you confirm this is the correct spot to use for 250?

What you are showing me is what i said, but take in consideration THAT IS ONLY EFFECTIVE if you use a pause block or click pause ( old way of saying ), in any of your macros.

Those 250 msec you need to put in your EXTERNAL keypress software ( icue, razer, ghub, reWASD , AHK, etc… ).


1.) I turned off the vengeful retreat block and I cast it manually as I found it firing off and it put me in some bad spots. I did try it with and without. This really had no impact on dps and was more about controlling mobility.

2.) DS if I am reading correctly is about timing it but im not sure. Im actually pretty confused on how to make it improve. All I know is it hits hard with the buffs and meta active. All sims seem to have it as #1 dps for 2-5min sims. This is regardless of if you run dungeon slice, target dummy, or patchwerk.

3.) I find longer fights my resources become impacted and I will have a period of in-activity. This could be gear for me though as I am not stat optimized and up until about 45min ago I still had some 430 blue level items.

4.) I have a razer naga. I have been testing the duration. Ive tried everything from 150ms as in your post from 10d ago down to non-recommended levels of 50ms. I am not seeing a ton of difference or missed spells based on sims. I was trying to help find a smoking gun for you and nothing yet.

5.) I am running your macro as written. I did try the code Xero posted with the nochanneling commands but I found the macro would lock in keys and all I could do is fire manually or just auto attack. I stopped using it after messing with it and still having the same results 3 keys later.

Cheers and thanks for all your work. I wish I knew more about how to write these things and I would help you refine it more but im happy to test to the best of my ability for you.

Just for reference on the sims and what I am talking about as to the death sweep damage. Notice the 1.1 million damage deficit on death sweep.

Below snips are from raidbots showing 116k overall

Below are snips from details after me running 5min on the target dummy 101k overall.


Thanks for the details!

This will help me improve the firing of it.

I’ll try and get a new and improved one out.


How important as a DH is it to cast Fel Rush and Vengeful Retreat? I cant seem to properly cast these two manually due to the macro running so fast.

If Fel Rush has procced, and you’re safe to cast it. I’d say spam it. But Vengeful Retreat not as much.

You want to vengeful retreat to potentially trigger Initiative again

I bind retreat and fel rush on my mouse separate from the macro for more control

Yeah, i customized the macro now, to fel rush on ctrl and VR on shift (it already was)

Now i have way more control and able to do alot more overall damage - It just took sometime to get used to, but now i have it under control. :slight_smile:

There was a macro that had vengeful retreat as shift then alt as fel rush was amazing mod anyone got code to add that modifier


ALT - Disrupt
CTRL - Fel Rush
SHIFT - Vengeful Retreat

Two things changed from the original macro posted by OP:

  • Profile 1 has been deleted since i didn’t need it.
  • I added Fel Rush to CTRL.

I attached a screenshot of how it’s going so far with my DH (started on it 3 days ago, i was originally doing BM hunter, but got bored of it, and i wanted to pump big numbers fast)

I’m still very much working on my RIO score, I’m aiming to do full 19-20’s with my team this week.

  • I have 4set pieces, and my ilvl is 469 - increasing a lot per day
    • I’ve been very unlucky with weapons, one of my weaps is still blue. :slight_smile:


The key to purple parses with this macro is figuring out how to get the killer death sweep procs. Ive got a little more out of this adding in an extra blade dance line but then fury becomes an issue. I was trying to find maybe a way to get throw glaive to cast less and I think the only way is a manual cast for it. Sim has it at 5 casts for 128k. I did 1.8mil with it. I think the fury saved by less throw glaive may warrant additional casts of otheR abilities as throw glaive is 25 FURY each spend. You also have no choice but to retreat on cd for the fury generation. 80 fury gen is a lot of extra smacks you can’t ignore.

Moving to 18-20s and with my changes of making fel rush more usable (and generally using VR more often). I am able to get purple parses pretty easily (with fuck ups and deaths). Here is two dungeons I’ve completed on 18 so far (I’ve been lacking :slight_smile: ) with purple parses.

Also, I do finish at around 230-280k overall, not sure how good that is, but i’m pretty satisfied, as i often find myself being at the top of the overall meter.

But I would also still like to see if OP can take your findings into consideration, and maybe find a solution to the death sweep procs.

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I am not getting anywhere near that in overall in dungeons. Maybe finishing 190k on avg.

Haven’t been as active as I’ve wanted to be with IRL work. I’ll have more time to sink into this macro based on the findings everyone’s posted. I’ll probably have something out either this weekend or before Tuesday reset :crossed_fingers:. So far what I’ve read out of these feedbacks/tests:

  • Best if VR isn’t on auto-cast
  • More consistent DS casts == more damage
  • Addition of FR on modifiers.

Huge thanks to everyone but specially those of you who are testing it, and posting your feedbacks and parses.

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Interesting. I can post some of my overalls later today, if it’s still available in my Details log (i’m at work right now).

Here is one from discord, that i sent to my friend. This was one of my “lower” overalls, but still 230k+
One of my weapons was blue here. :slight_smile:

My 260-280k overalls was with better weapons and better use of VR + Fel Rush.


hey just wana say after getting 4 pcs and testing out this macro, omg its pure insanity! ty for creating this awesome macro!

What ms are you running the macro at? Like what is your sweet spot? What level keys are you running as well?

Playing at 50ms atm - but i’m pretty sure latency matters when coming to running a macro at x ms. My latency ingame is 40 atm. If you have a higher latency, you should run higher ms.

Here is some more parses - I parsed the TOTT (80+) a few hours ago.

I’m aiming to 18+ all dungeons this week. My purple parses has all been 18+ keys.
