Artaemis' Havoc [Ignition] Build [M+] Patch 11.0.2 - **Updated [08/20/2024]

322k dps on cleave dummy after 5 minutes even with the no move build from WowHead.
this macro slaps

@475 ilvl with 4pc [witherbark’s Branch 483] [Cataclysmic Signet Brand 463]
[Thoncaller Claw 483] [Double Time 476]

edited to update dps after fixing MS delay back to 150 in ICUE and GSE3

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Died three times, but still pretty OK for a 1 AM +20 key.
I could’ve def pushed 330-340k at least.


  • Ilvl 477 - still a lot of stuff upgradable pieces, and i haven’t crafted with spark yet this week.
  • Still running shit weapon, shoulders, ring and amulet
    • Weapons are: x1 489 Double Time, x1 random 476 weap
    • Trinkets are: 483 branch + 467 (upgradable) Accelerating Sandglass (dont have any better)

Running at 50ms (0.05s on both up and down key in razer synapse)
two deaths

Overall thoughts about the recent update:
I feel like the macro is overall doing better (?), for some reason while testing on dummies i found the old one (with fel barrage changed to essence break) to do a tiny bit better, but I still chose to go with the newest version of the macro after seeing others results from using it.

Maybe my testing wasn’t so thorough, anyhow, the difference is only 2-3k more/less DPS. So i will stick with the newest for now - with my usual Fel Rush, VR modifier changes to fit my gameplay.

Also, some people might say 50ms is too fast, but i tried increasing it to 100ms and i dealt significantly less damage. So I’m sticking to 50ms for now, even though it might seem like it sometimes can skip a skill, but i dont know tbh - I’m playing on 40-45 latency.

Thanks @ODAVING for your amazing work. I hope you can get motivated to perhaps make a demonology macro next? :open_mouth:

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If I had a warlock leveled, and maaybe played one ever! I would! :sweat_smile:. Balance Druid/Warlock/Hunter are next on my list in no order


Just checked my parses for the two 20s I recently did with the 1.4.1 macro.

One of them I parsed the same as the older macro and the other one I parsed 2 lower than the older macro…

Not so good, but I guess it’s fine. There could be a lot of explanations for that :slight_smile:

I would def go with one of the first two. There is already “optimized” macros for BM hunters at least on this forum.

Balance or demonology would be big.

Trying DH for first time, qq on rotation using this 1.4 macro: Using FR only when Unbound Choas procs, but not sure when to use VR if at all. Since you use modifiers for these just curious when you fit them into your dps rotation. thanks

what version of macro would you say would be best for M+ I’m trying the 1.4 out now & its not firing EB or EB on cooldown

1.4 or 1.4.1?

I’ve been using 1.4.1 for everything. Raid and M+

When you import, the title says 1.4. Not sure if that is still 1.4.1 though

Sorry should have clarified - I meant from the drop down in the original post. if it’s the 1.4.1 then EB should fire last I tested it was Wednesday of last week. I usually optimize it to 150ms on both keyboard and GSE

and wich one is the right makro and talent <<-1.41 as exsample or should I have to use all 4 ?
otherwise good work in all

I Have the isue with macros, itš not refreshing at somepoint tryed on 150 100 50 MS and still it just stucks at some skill rotation and doing nothing

There are different ones you can use. 1.4.1 in the drop down is the most recent. The talent itself is in the GSE, and in the 1.4.1 tab.

Hmmmm, I just tested the same one last night, and it was working fine. I’ll give it a shot again today, but not entirely sure why it would freeze up. For me to be able to replicate it, did you do anything special with it? abilities on CD or something?

Eb and blade dance are not firing for me

Deleted the GSe macro and reimported it and it works now. thanks

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My only recommendation is to control Meta on your own.

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hey love the macro but just a question could you make one with Glaive Tempest sins i get higher dps’s from it then Essence Break and in high M+ they use it more then EB i tryed changing EB by GT but the macro sometime seems to freeze for a sec dono why

Can you tell me what the thought process is with having it fire last?

Hi I’m sorry if this is a dumb question I just started using this addon today. My problem is I want to do just this, control Meta on my own because having it fire when the last trash mob is at 10% feels really bad! But when I try to alter the macro to remove Meta from the list and remove the variables for Blur because it will just use it randomly without me holding down the keybinds for it my chat is spammed with “KeyPress KeyRelease” forever and I’m confused why. If I don’t make any alterations everything works perfect and that’s great but I just want to improve it for my playstyle and can’t seem to figure out how. Any thoughts?