Asbobunny 8.3 BM Macro V3!

you cant tell you pets to target one and you target another it wont happen

Off the top of my head you might be able to do something like an assist focus (on the tank) while attacking someone else.

/petattack [target=focustarget]
This will make the pet always assist the tank if they are your focus


/petattack [mod:alt focustarget, target=target]
On alt should attack focus target otherwise your target. It may not work however as adding alt modifiers interrupts the flow of the normal macro.

Both of these are untested so they may not work.

In part its BM hunters, we need to get to three stacks of frenzy. Looking through logs it looks ok. You should peak about 10 sec into the fight. If yours are different go ahead and link them and I might be able to see whats going on.

Thanks for that I forgot to include that you need to delete the cobra shot line. :crazy_face:

Yeah it does that to the best of us. In part it could be a string of bad procs. Otherwise if you do use an active azerite trait it does seem to be slightly worse on the uptime and there is a correlation in how long the essence cd is so your probably right about this. I messed about with a barbed shot pause macro as well to try to keep it up all the time but it ended up as a major dps loss.

Iā€™m glad it worked for you but I canā€™t take credit for it. Someone else posted it in another thread I just reposted it here.

it will attack the focus target but as soon as you attack a different target thats where they will go Deranged.

First off , no, you cantā€¦and second, why would you?..the bulk of your dps comes from the abilities your pets have thus a dps loss ā€¦your spells specifically are telling your pets what to do to the target you are onā€¦not some other mob / boss in the same area. Just think of your pets as an extention of you, whatever you are focused on doing, so are they.

Well , its more for older content not anything current, dps means nothing in old stuff , at least to me that is . Like Id love to finish some older Mythic Raids but for example TOV, I cant bc the first boss of trash is 2 mobs and the goal is to keep them apart, and I saw a video of a hunter using his pets on one and then focusing another, thats all i really need it for

link that vid if you can. like to see it, maybe figure out how he did it.

when one starts to cast an ability like the heal, you just need to gain agrro and kite one away about 40 yardsā€¦easy to do

my best guess is that you take out the pet attack option, so you cant tell your pet to attack what you are attacking.

First off, Iā€™m pretty new at the macros so I may be looking at this all wrong. When Iā€™m using the macro, at times it looks like Kill Command is available for use through 2-3 full cycles on the macro, but it stays unused. Eventually it will go off, but it doesnā€™t seem to catch it when it is off cooldown even though the macro passes the command. Anyone else notice an issue like this or know a solution? Also, if Iā€™m just completely wrong and donā€™t know what Iā€™m looking at please inform me. Thanks.

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Are you checking to see you have sufficient focus?

I added another /cast Kill Command above Bestial Wrath and it uses it off cool down but my hunter is only lvl 56 not sure how good it works at 120

Hi All, I am reading through the comments and I see the biggest issue is Barb shot and kill command not firing as much as it should, what I found is with high crit build it procs more often than the macro rotation so I placed it barb shot and kill command on either side of the macro and once it lights up I manually click it to maintain up times There is really no way that I know of to have it fire immediately on uptime, Unless someone can embed a trigger to fire on uptime you may just have to do it manually, if there is a way to add an IF statement or an after TRIGGER in the macro please let me know

You wonā€™t find that here as adding conditional statements treds over the line into botting territory.

And yes a high crit build works wonders as does the skit bow. I usually maintain a 90% or better uptime on 3 frenzy unless I have to stop dpsing for mechanics.

I saw the COBRA thread further up this threadā€¦I did insert it but somehow my DPS went WAAAAY downā€¦I am prety sure I have created an error even after the instructions
So my ask isā€¦do I remove all cobra shot references and only paste the Cobra one? can this be updated in the original post of this macro?
Thanks for help/repliesā€¦this allows me to keep playing else with my severe RSI i would have long ago have to abandon this game so thank you!

yes, remove the cast sequence line of cobra shots

OT- What is this Skit bow everyoneā€™s talking about ?

@cholerabob The bow you get from 3rd boss in new raid! It has the corrupted effect of : Your auto-shots reduce the remaining cooldown of a random Hunter ability by 2.0 sec.

Which Version to use in Solo Macro and Aoe

the first 2 are the most recent. asbo just left the old one for people that like it better.