I’d appreciate some feedback on these. I’ve tested them, but not sure if they help or hinder DPS output…
- Shadow Focus
- Combat Readiness
- Elusiveness
- Shadowstep
- Paralytic Poison
- Anticipation
/cast [stance:0] Stealth
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Vendetta
/castsequence [nomod] reset=0.5 0,0,0,Mutilate
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,Dispatch
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, combat] reset=0.4 0,Rupture; [mod:alt] reset=0.5 0,Envenom
/castsequence reset=12 Slice and Dice, null
/cast Sprint
/cast [nomod, combat] Shadow Blades
/cast [nomod, combat] Combat Readiness
/cast [nomod, combat] Evasion
/cast [nomod, combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/use [nomod, combat] Virmen's bite
/use [nomod, combat] 10
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
/startattack [combat]
/cast [stance:0] Stealth
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Redirect
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,Vendetta
/castsequence [nomod] reset=0.5 0,0,Fan of Knives
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, combat] reset=0.4 0,Rupture; [mod:alt] reset=0.5 0,Envenom
/castsequence reset=12 Slice and Dice, null
/cast Sprint
/cast [nomod, combat] Shadow Blades
/cast [nomod, combat] Combat Readiness
/cast [nomod, combat] Evasion
/cast [nomod, combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/use [nomod, combat] Virmen's bite
/use [nomod, combat] 10
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
/startattack [combat]
IMPORTANT: These macros work well if you have an easy way to tell when to cast your next “finishing spell”. Personally, I use the Weakauras-2 addon to help me.
The CTRL key modifier will cast RUPTURE, and the ALT key modifier will cast ENVENOM. Also, because the macros only try to fire SLICE AND DICE once, it’s a good idea to keybind that spell to another button on your action bar in case it falls off for some reason (ie. you didn’t refresh it in time with envenom).
Let me know how things work out.