Assassination **PvE** (MoP - 5.4.2)...

I’d appreciate some feedback on these. I’ve tested them, but not sure if they help or hinder DPS output…


  1. Shadow Focus
  2. Combat Readiness
  3. Elusiveness
  4. Shadowstep
  5. Paralytic Poison
  6. Anticipation


/cast [stance:0] Stealth
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Vendetta
/castsequence [nomod] reset=0.5 0,0,0,Mutilate
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,Dispatch
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, combat] reset=0.4 0,Rupture; [mod:alt] reset=0.5 0,Envenom
/castsequence reset=12 Slice and Dice, null
/cast Sprint
/cast [nomod, combat] Shadow Blades
/cast [nomod, combat] Combat Readiness
/cast [nomod, combat] Evasion
/cast [nomod, combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/use [nomod, combat] Virmen's bite
/use [nomod, combat] 10
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
/startattack [combat]


/cast [stance:0] Stealth
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Redirect
/castsequence [nomod, combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,Vendetta
/castsequence [nomod] reset=0.5 0,0,Fan of Knives
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, combat] reset=0.4 0,Rupture; [mod:alt] reset=0.5 0,Envenom
/castsequence reset=12 Slice and Dice, null
/cast Sprint
/cast [nomod, combat] Shadow Blades
/cast [nomod, combat] Combat Readiness
/cast [nomod, combat] Evasion
/cast [nomod, combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/use [nomod, combat] Virmen's bite
/use [nomod, combat] 10
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
/startattack [combat]

IMPORTANT: These macros work well if you have an easy way to tell when to cast your next “finishing spell”. Personally, I use the Weakauras-2 addon to help me.

The CTRL key modifier will cast RUPTURE, and the ALT key modifier will cast ENVENOM. Also, because the macros only try to fire SLICE AND DICE once, it’s a good idea to keybind that spell to another button on your action bar in case it falls off for some reason (ie. you didn’t refresh it in time with envenom).

Let me know how things work out. :wink:

Enjoy! :smiley:

I like your macro… I run something very similar so I think it is interesting that we came up with similar mechanics independently. I tried your macro and didn’t run into any hang-ups; I have a few suggestions and observations since you asked for feedback. Bear in mind that I am very new to this community and with macros in general; I am by no means an expert and if I make any mistakes I apologize. Thanks for sharing your wonderful macro! Before critical observations I have to thank you in particular for sharing the tricks of the trade line. I am definitely stealing that one. Genius!

First off I would replace your first line; as it is, the macro will attempt to cast stealth anytime you are not already in stealth, even when you are in combat and cannot stealth. This generates an error. I recommend changing to:

/cast [nostealth][nocombat] stealth
/cast [stance:0][nocombat] stealth

second thing… the reset timer condition on your slice and dice is set to 12, which isn’t really necessary. Doesn’t hurt anything… but the timer condition in macros used to confuse me until I learned what they meant. I used to think something like “reset=12” meant the line reset to the first spell in the sequence after 12 seconds passed. Sad thing is, “reset=12” means the condition will reset if 12 seconds passes without a GCD-triggering ability being executed by the macro. This is meant to be a spammable macro so I don’t think a timed reset would be necessary. Just reset=target. (if I am wrong on this can someone let me know?).

Third… all of your “nomod” conditions are redundancies; the language is coded to execute without a modifier unless a modifier is specified. Once again this doesn’t hurt anything as-is, however you can free up some text space by eliminating those qualifiers.

Fourth… if you are using this in PVE I would add this line right before your startattack line to ensure quick re-targeting once you drop a mob:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

This will automatically target the nearest available enemy if your current target is not harmful to you OR your current target is dead.

All together with changes it would look something like this (assuming I didn’t mess something up):

/cast [stance:0][nocombat] Stealth
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Vendetta
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Mutilate
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Dispatch
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Rupture; [mod:alt] Envenom
/castsequence reset=0.5 Slice and Dice, null
/cast Sprint
/cast [combat] Shadow Blades
/cast [combat] Combat Readiness
/cast [combat] Evasion
/cast [combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/use [combat] Virmen's bite
/use [combat] 10
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/startattack [combat]

Thanks for the feedback Dean. Much Appreciated. :smiley:

  1. As I have Error Messages turned OFF, I didn’t even realize the first line was producing an error. Still works, but annoying I’m sure (to those who have Error Messages turned ON) - Thanks.

  2. When I have more than one spell in a castsequence (or a spell and “null”), I generally set its reset timer to either 1 or 2 - Looks like my fat finger pressed the 1 and 2 keys simultaneously this time; thus the reset=12 - Ooops! - Thanks for identifying this.

  3. I added the “nomod” condition specifically, as I found (during testing) that without it, my modifier spells were less instantaneous. Slice and Dice would fall off at times, because Envenom would not be cast right away due to the non-existing conditions on the other spells.

Do you notice this with the macro written the way you have shown in your post? - Modifier spells not casting right away?

  1. I have never understood the targetenemy [noharm] [dead] line, and do NOT use it in any of my macros, but I will try it out and see if it actually makes a difference. - Thanks.

Other than that, does the macro help with DPS output or hinder it do you think?

I am noticing a slight improvement with the nomod conditions added – but I only ran cycles of about 5 minutes per macro (with and without). My gear isn’t that great so I am not sure if I am getting lucky with RNG on crits with one vs the other. Either way its comparable, with your version coming up ahead in a couple of tests.

Overall I think its a solid macro. The only thing I do different is remove the Rupture/Eviscerate from the macro entirely but that’s entirely personal taste; I don’t like having two mod conditions I find myself getting confused sometimes.

Instead I delete those lines and make another macro for another button:

/castsequence reset=target [mod] Envenom; Rupture

This was I have my damaging finishers on a separate button… I press it with no mod and get my rupture refresh. If I press it with any mod (ctrl, shift) I get an Envenom.

I have yet to run across a macro that is a perfect substitution for manual rotations… but you have a very nice blend of efficiency vs ease of use here.

Hi there,

This seems like the perfect macro for me however when i hold down cntrl it doesn’t apply rupture on either of the macros, but if i hold down alt it reapplies envenom, do you know what i am doing wrong?

[quote quote=12100]Hi there,

This seems like the perfect macro for me however when i hold down cntrl it doesn’t apply rupture on either of the macros, but if i hold down alt it reapplies envenom, do you know what i am doing wrong?

YOU are doing NOTHING WRONG. However, your CTRL key is likely BOUND to something. Open the WoW Game Menu > select Key Bindings > and look for the key combination that is overriding your macro.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Thanks man, works a charm, this a damn good macro and seems to work perfectly!

How does tricks of the trade work as part of the macro? do i need to target the tank and use it or is it done auto?


/cast [combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade should cast TotT AUTOMATICALLY.

As it’s written, @targettarget will be your TANK most of the time.

The combat condition ensures that this spell is cast only during battle. And the help condition ensures the target-of-target is a helpful player.

NOTE: I think TotT can ONLY be cast on helpful targets anyway, so this condition may not be required; but, nonetheless, I’ve added it in there.

Hello, recently picked my rogue up and dusted her off after a couple years… This page has been light years of help! There is one thing I feel that I am not coordinated with or doing correctly was the rupture macro that others have mentions. What I Have done, is taken the Rupture and Envenom to their own short macro. I have the main macro on one, minus the stealth, rupture and envenom. Again, my coordination must suck…

My Rupture is:

/castsequence reset=target Envenom
/castsequence reset=0 0,Rupture

With that bound to the key next to the main macro, I am pulling 90K with my 2 crappy daggers!

Right now she has 502 in MH, and 450 in OH. (I said crappy! LOL!)

Thank you to all of you! My rogue, I have had since early Vanilla. Good to bring her out of retirement!

Revisiting my last comment, I am hoping for some feedback as well. I cannot determine what I am doing wrong here.

Above I have the first attempt at a rupture macro.

Revised, I have been using this:

/castsequence reset=target Rupture
/castsequence reset=0 Envenom

Anyone notice if one works better than the other? If so, please advise. I am very confused what I did wrong or possibly stumbled on to doing something right.