Hey Guys…
If like me you care about dps more than you should, and actually want to be pushing your way up the meters but don’t want to roll a Frost mage, this might help!.. I have tried various 1 button Macro’s and I’m not overly impressed with casting Envenom with only 3 or 4 Combo Points, So I wrote a few and they were no better then I decided this class cant be maximised with 1 macro… Due to the class mechanic’s it needs to be broken down into 2 macro’s. I’m not a fan of the [mod:alt] macro’s so this is split into 2 macro’s … 1, a Combo Point Generator, and 2 a Combo Point Spending macro. I have also included an AoE and Pre-pull macro. Always start in Stealth
....<strong>You still have to monitor the Combo Points!</strong><em>
Have Both the Pre-Pull Macro and Combo Gen Macro on the same hot key… (I Have Pre-pull on key 7 while in stealth, and the combo point Gen macro on key 7 while out of stealth… so when you start mashing 7 the toolbar will change to non stealth toolbar and continue to use the same button)
Pre-Pull Macro -
#showtooltip Ambush
/castsequence reset=target Shadowstep, Ambush,null
Combo Point Generating Macro -
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/cast [stance:0][nocombat] Stealth
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Vendetta
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Mutilate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Dispatch
/cast Sprint
/cast Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Shadow Blades
/cast [combat] Combat Readiness
/cast [combat] Evasion
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/startattack [combat]
Combo Point Spending Macro -
/castsequence reset=target Slice and Dice,null
/castsequence reset=target Rupture,Envenom,Envenom,Envenom
Simple AoE Macro -
#showtooltip Fan of Knives
/cast [combat, @targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/castsequence reset=target Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Crimson Tempest