Axem's One Button Macro - Mountain Thane

After playing with Arrek’s and Orbalisks macros, they are good but just made an all in One button macro (with Ravager as ALT). You can Single Target with this but to be honest, i can’t get over 800k with anyones ST macro and it will vary some. However any 2+ target scenario and this thing will rock your details dps off the chart so feel free to use it anywhere.

I am 617 Ilvl with a 4 tier piece.

AOE - 2 Minutes
AOE 2 min

Single Target - 1 minute

ST 1 min

Weak Aura - To identify what spell is casting next and see if your hanging up on something:



Does both AOE and Single Target DPS

Main Macro


ALT for Ravager

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hey man,

ur macro wont run. I guess u need to add Standard Version 2 maybe?

Are you referring to an older style of writing it for GSE?

@Axem It Freezes up for me also, I Charge in and hold the Main button, its Peaks at 2.6Mil DPS, Then after its 1 Full Rotation it Feels… it stops attacking, and doesnt do any more moves. does like 20 seconds of combat, before it only Auto Attacks. ( Would love for this to be looked at, since it seems like it Rocks AOE Fights)

I had that to after a while of use, it was getting hung up on Avatar/Rampage for some reason.

Took another script and edited it in the original post. So far no freezes but GSE is so fun!

Also added Impending Victory at end. Can disable it if you want, but works great to help out the healers.

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see, thats what seems to be getting stuck for me as we… Avatar/Rampage, Did you already update the main post? i still seem to be getting stuck

edited the original post to make sure it was the correct one. So far no issues and same dps.

Also thanks to Elfyau, for doing the basics of the GSE coding all these years of which i learned from.

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Check out my thane, I have been having really good results with it. Our ST is pretty crap, even at 620 on my warrior I pull 800k on aVg as well, but steadily 1.3+ in AOE.

Feel free to try mine, or look it over and see how its setup if youd prefer to improve yours in anyway.