Azura's all purpose Feral

This is a basic one button macro for feral updated for DF, all major cooldowns you will have to manage yourself, only Tigers Fury will be cast on cd.

You will have 3 points to spend, maybe Soul of the forest and the 2 druid points in whatever suits you best.

It will also cast Regrowth without taking you out of cat form.

I am running AHK on 100ms, take a look at your ping and set your AHK to the same number.


Usage Information


This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.21.

Works pretty well on my setup at 100ms. I also like that you didn’t force Prowl and Wild Charge in there. Nothing is as annoying as dropping into prowl after something dies, then looting, and having to wait for prowl’s CD to countdown to use it again.

I am glad you like it, and same, I found a lot of macros with prowl worked in there and having to wait to be able to prowl again after looting xD

what talents you use

Talents are in the macro.

This still working after the updates? I’ve tried it and it’s not casting regrowth, it’ll rotate through the sequence portion of the macro then just autoattack from then on with the regrowth icon flashing off and on.

Someone posted this in another thread. I’ve used it a few times to convert old gse2 macros to gse3.

Hi, I tried importing from here to see if this might be the problem but it still works perfectly for me.

This is what it looks like after the update, you can check if yours looks the same.

out of curiousity, what leggo are you using for the build?

Hi, I play with Draught of Deep Focus.

Pls aoe set++++++++++++

Just a question or two for other users here, I never seem to have regrowth casting using this macro. Anyone else run into that? I’ve tried setting MS from 100 in increments of 25 all the way up to 250 just to make sure it wasn’t a speed setting.

Also what would be the purpose of the Autounshift 1 at the KeyRelease portion of the macro?

EDIT: Figured out “some” of why regrowth wasn’t casting for me, something about the autoshift and unshift, along with whatever the Ifcombatlockdown (sp?) is was bugging it out. I removed those references and can at least get regrowth to cast now.