ok this will be a little complicated so ill try to do my best
Button 1 page 1 this is your opener
/castsequence Wrath,null
/castsequence Incarnation: Chosen of Elune,Nature’s Vigil,Moonfire,Sunfire,Starfire,Starfire,starfire,Starfire,starfire,Celestial Alignment,Moonfire,Starfire,starfire,starfire,Starfire,moonfire,sunfire
/use Starsurge
/use Starfall
/swapactionbar 1 4
Button 2 page 1 this is your starfire spam
#showtooltip Starfire
/castsequence reset=5 Moonfire,Sunfire,Starfire,starfire,starfire,Starfire,starfire,Moonfire,Sunfire
/use Incarnation;Chosen of Elune
/use Nature’s Vigil
/use Celestial Alignment
/use Starsurge
/use Starfall
/swapactionbar 1 4
Button 3 Page 1 this is your wrath spam
#showtooltip Wrath
/castsequence reset=5 Moonfire,Sunfire,Wrath,Wrath,wrath,wrath,Wrath,Wrath,wrath
/use Incarnation;Chosen of Elune
/use Nature’s Vigil
/use Celestial Alignment
/use Starsurge
/use Starfall
/swapactionbar 1 4
Button 1,2,3 page 2 this is for starfall on cd
/cast Starfall
/swapactionbar 4 5
Button 1,2,3 page 3 this is for starsurge on cd
/cast Starsurge
/swapactionbar 5 1
first you want to use Astral Communion to get within 1 wrath cast of going into lunar eclipse. Reason being is you will start with a starfall and as soon as you hit the lunar eclipse it will reset the cd.
spam the opener until celestial alignment is over and you see your dot reapply , then you spam star fire until you enter solar eclipse then you spam wrath till you enter lunar eclipse and repeat.
I put opener on button 1 of my action bar 1 wrath goes on button 2 acb 1 and wrath button 3 acb 1 , I put star fall on button 1,2, and 3 of bar 4 , and star surge macro on button 1,2,and 3 of bar 5. This is a work in progress feell free to adjust or comment.