Bam™ - BM Hunter [GSE3] UPATED FOR GSE3 - 08-JUL-2021

250 ms is the new normal now . alot of marco crafters have not fixed there macros to work the best with the new Normal .sometimes u just have to play with ur MS to get them working right . but with in reason of the new 250Ms Normal.


Hey dude, yes numpad5 is my button press to toggle the macro - i actually have numpad 5 also bound to a mouse click, so i toggle the macro from my mouse. If you don’t have a number pad on your keyboard then you can change this to 1:: for exmaple to use number 1.

and yes, I run most macro’s at around 250ms since updating to GSE3. I’ve not found any hang-up issues with this one specifically. Is it triggering a trinket perhaps which is causing the hang up?

Feel free to send me a private message on here and we can connect via discord if you’re still having problems i’d be happy to have a look at whats happening if you’re able to screen share on discord.


This script works with 250 ms and mouse button 4.

;; by Hadronox / Rezel

;; #################################
;; #################################

;; The purpose of this macro is to use 1 toggle key to spam 1 other key.
;; Default: “Mouse Button 4” will spam “1” at 150ms.
;; All keys are customizable along with the delays in the CONFIG section.

;; for a list of AHK Keys: List of Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick) | AutoHotkey

;; PROGRESS WINDOW: Progress / SplashImage - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey
;; Progress, M B1 X1325 Y675 C1 W75 ZH-5 ZX0 ZY0 FM0 FS25 WM1 WS600 CT40FF06 CW000000, ON1,ON1,Verdana
; M: movable window / B: No border / B1: thin border, no title bar / B2: thick border.
; Xn/Yn coord upper left corner / Cxy: centered sub/main text / Wn: width client area.
; ZHn: window height/thickness / ZXn: left/right margin / ZYn: top/bottom margin.
; FMn: main font size, 0=10 / FSn: sub font size, 0=8.
; WMn: main font weight / WSn: sub font weight, 1-1000, 600=semi bold, 700=bold, 400=normal.
; CTn: color text / CWn: color background, 16 primary HTML color names or a 6-digit RGB hex.

;; #################################
;; #################################

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2

;; #################################
;; #################################

;; Set your DELAY, in ms.
Delay := 250

;; Set the key you want to press to start spam.
KeyToPress = XButton1 ;; MB4
; KeyToPress = NumpadMult ;; Numpad multiplication (*)

;; Set the key you want AHK to spam.
KeyToSpam = 1

;; #################################
;; #################################

Hotkey, IfWinActive, World of Warcraft ;; enabled only in WoW
Hotkey, *$%KeyToPress%, Label

Toggle := 0

If(Toggle) {
Toggle := 0
Progress, Off
SetTimer, SpamKey, Off
} Else {
Toggle := 1
Progress, M B1 X1325 Y675 C1 W70 ZH-5 ZX0 ZY0 FM0 FS35 WM1 WS600 CT40FF06 CW000000, ON,ON,Verdana
SetTimer, SpamKey, %Delay%

Send, {Blind}{%KeyToSpam%} ;; blind mode to send modifiers

;; #################################
;; #################################

^PgDn::Suspend ;; Ctrl + PageDown to suspend script (if you want to chat)
^PgUp::Reload ;; Ctrl + PageUP to reload script
^End::ExitApp ;; Ctrl + End to terminate script

i use razer syn so for the key release does that work as the way i play i have it set to spam while button is pressed and basically dont let go, is that wrong to do ? should i use ank instead ?


Razer Synapse and AHK do the same thing.

ah ok so am i using it right by keeping it held down? as the keyrelease confuses me

Hey @robadabobada

The KeyRelease within the macro is just a variable… it could be named literally anything, i just named it ‘keyrelease’ because its used after the main /cast spell. so keypress are the variables i put before the /cast, and keyrelease comes after the ability.

Apologies for the confusion, but this has no interaction with razer synapse or AHK.


Have you updated this yet to not use the Heart Essence?


Yes this macro does not use the heart essence.

1 Like

Good morning, I’m still using this macro and it’s perfect for me. I have started doing arenas and problems is that it makes use of the trinkets, although these option have it disabled, from the macro and from gse “help please”. I want to use the trinket when I need it

Hey bam newer to wow but was wondering if you could spare me some time to help me with one buttons macro for my bum hunter trying to get better so I can figure out rotations and talents so I can dominate online :joy:


Hey @Flashdabest_1950 sure mate, add me on discord would be happy to help. Bam#3018


Sounds good sent you a add just whenever thanks a lot though :100::100:

1 Like

Great macro , wanting to add multi-shot as a key bind but I am unsure where would the best place to fit it in. Any help would be great thanks