Barathrun Arms Warrior full PVP Venthyr warrior with Battlelord

Hold Shift for Brust
Alt Bladestorm , Ignore Pain
Ctrl Shattering Throw
5 mounths works at this macro best at 33 MS



Talents: 2313222

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.51.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Mortal Strike, Execute, Victory Rush

KeyPress: Die by the Sword, Bladestorm, Piercing Howl, Shattering Throw, Ignore Pain, Avatar, Hamstring

Main Sequence: Sweeping Strikes, Overpower, Slam, Victory Rush, Hamstring, Mortal Strike, Execute, Colossus Smash

KeyRelease: Spell Reflection, Execute, Sharpen Blade

Post Macro: Mortal Strike, Execute, Victory Rush

try it and give me feedback pls :slight_smile:

Really good macro, dps rotation works well. Victory rush could go off a little quicker but that is a monor issue compared to the good rotation. Honestly stole the core of it and used it for my PVP macro. Great job!!!

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ty man :slight_smile: