Basic Target Macro help

I use a basic targeting macro for pulling before I start on my rotation or switching to the next enemy in combat. I am trying to recreate the macro with GSE to create a key bind. What I don’t understand is why it works perfectly for me when I use the commands using the in-game macro tool but when I recreate the same macro in GSE it does nothing. When I use the in-game macro it completes all these actions at the same time instantly. I know the easy answer is just to use my in game macro but I really want to know why this is not working or what I am doing wrong so I don’t make the same mistakes in other applications.

BMH Target Macro

/cleartarget [dead,noharm]
/targetenemy [noharm,noexists]
/target mouseover
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Hunter’s Mark
/cast [@target,help][@targettarget,help][@pet,nodead] Misdirection

What this macro does for me is targets the nearest enemy and casts hunters mark on it, cast misdirection on my pet or an ally, starts auto attacking my target, starts my pet attacking my target and sets my pet from passive to assist. If I continue to click spam the button it will not change targets, turn off auto attack or do anything but recast Hunter’s Mark or Misdirection on my current target if the cooldown is up. If I mouseover a different enemy and click the button again it will target the mouseover enemy and casts hunters mark on it, cast misdirection on my pet or an ally, starts auto attacking my new target and starts my pet attacking my new target.

I like to easily and intentionally choose the targets for myself and my pet to maintain control throughout the entire encounter so I do not have any targeting built into my rotations. I solely rely on this macro for targets. I am having great results with the semi-complicated (in comparison) sequencing and achieving the intended priority casting on my ST and MT key binds now, but this lonely macro in one box will not work…It just doesn’t make sense to me but maybe I am missing something :slight_smile:

I do this by splitting the targeting aspect from the attack aspect, keeping attacking in the MT and ST sequence but using a separate targeting macro.

My targeting macro is very simple but you can expand on it

/target [@focustarget, harm, nodead]
/stopmacro [@focus,exists]]
/targetenemy [noexists][dead]

Then I configure my sequences to only fire if I have a target.

There are some things that WoW doesn’t allow in their secure macro text actions that are available to addons (I’m sure that isn’t the correct name but its how I remember).

What GSE can do is use a user defined macro in a sequence macro block.

You can find an example for this workaround on the GSE github issue tracker here:

You guys rock, thank you very much. These answers have led me to the right fix and based on the advice I was able to rebuild these with the workaround and better than I had the first time.