Beast Mastery – 5.0

Thanks Michael Lynch for providing a temporary one :slight_smile:

This one should fire all the cooldowns as soon as possible and keep a steady rotation at the same time. Let me know if you guys like it and have fun with it. If you can improve it please make a post.

If you have chosen Fervor in the 4th row of talents, replace Dire Beast with Fervor. If you have chosen a different talent than Glaive Toss in the 6th row then replace it with whatever you took.

/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=1 Cobra Shot
/castsequence Arcane Shot
/castsequence Kill Command
/castsequence Dire Beast,Focus Fire
/cast Glaive Toss
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Lynx Rush
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Stampede

UPDATED September 2, 2012: Forgot to remove Hunter’s Mark, no longer needed with the new glyph Marked for Death. Added /startattack.
UPDATED October 20, 2012: Removed modifier for Readiness, reworded the macro to be more efficient. Included more cooldowns.

Sdm is awesome in my opinion combined witht the power of lazy macros BTW Ty every one who has helped make this site what it is you have made playing wow more enjoyable and allowing players such as my self to focus more on being able to " stay out of the fire" and not get tunnel vision on my rotation

SDM is awesome. I wish it would update more but it does what it’s supposed to. Extend the macros to be longer. I use it for many things including guild recruitment spam, as well as raid information.

On bm how many of the abilitys require focus and how Mich in total is that also was wondering about focus fire is it better to us and always keep up or wait for 5 stack proc and what causes the beast frenzy to stack

Hi Titus,

Most abilities require focus, but there some that don’t. If you shoot someone that will require focus, but casting certain abilities like Dire Beast or Lynx Rush does not eat focus. This is probably bugged at the moment, because on the beta servers they do eat up focus.

FF is currently bugged. Your only supposed to cast it when it hits 5 stacks. The button is greyed out for you before 5 stacks. Currently you can cast it when ever you wish, but this is a known bug and will probably get fixed later in the week.


Ok so like 2 arcane shots and kill command would kill command part of the macro moved up before arcane shot put a higher priority on kill command than arcane shot

Hi Titus,


Also a note on the macro, Kill Shot doesn’t work. I think there are too many /cast in the macro not allowing it. I remember reading a few months back when I was working on some API and Blizzard mentioned that they are restricting the uses of /castsequence and /cast inside macros.


I am also having the same problem with the previous post. The posted macros just appear to spam cobra shots most of the time. I am unable to use SDM since its saying its out of date for 5.0 and I don’t see any updates for it. Please help



In your addons section put a check mark next to “Load out of date addons” and it will work. As for the macro it self, try taking it into Microsoft Word and remove all the formatting (Line spaces, extra space) and then put it back into WoW. Should work then.

Hi Michael


Thanks for the quick response, I was able to make the SDM work but still it appears that the posted macros just spam cobra shots after 1 round of running the casts. I also removed the formating but the problem persists.


It shouldn’t be doing that. I’ll re-post it.


was able to modify it to be like MM 5.04 to increase dps and was able to do 25kdps on dumy with 386ilvl hunter


/castsequence [mod]Readiness;reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=1 Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=6 Kill Command,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot
/cast dire beast
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast lynx rush
/cast Kill Shot
/use 13
/use 14

just noticed rapid fire wasnt on there >_< so now that i added it my peak of dps was at 35k but still leveld off at 25k in 386ilvl gear

/castsequence [mod]Readiness;reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=1 Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=6 Kill Command,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot,arcane shot
/cast dire beast
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast lynx rush
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Kill Shot
/use 13
/use 14

Hi guys, once again thank you to all for their hard work and dedication in bringing these macros.

What would a AOE Macro look like? As an avid Hunter in WoW, I have 2, on targets of 4 or more multi shot and Bestial Wrath coupled together is the way to go, but how would we macro a AOE macro?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Peter,

I don’t use a macro for AOE, but if you wanted to do a rotation its very simple. I use my Exp Trap on the mobs and use Mutli-Shot until I burn all my focus. If I drain myself of any focus than one Cobra Shot and then Multi-Shot again. Keep repeating that.

You can’t judge how many Mutl-Shots you do as some might not eat as much focus. I know for Survival I can get in 2 Multi-Shots before I run out of focus, with BM and MM that depends.

I know next to nothing about macros. Is there a way to make it cast cobra shot less often? I never drop below 90% focus and my serpent sting gets refreshed when it’s only one quarter through it’s timer. It seems like a waste the cast time to use it so often, I would think that about half as often would be better. I could be wrong about the DPS being better, though.

Hi Jai,

You can, but doing so will clip it and you will lose not only DPS but you may not have enough focus for KC.

Hi Michael,

I’m now able to make the macro work and doing good dps with it. I usually spam the button a few times every second. Is that how its intended to be done? or should it be pressed once after a few seconds? Thank you in advance

I tend to mash it unless its a cast like Cobra Shot.

[quote quote=3136]Ok here is the code for Beast Mastery. Please note there are two macros here. You can not put all these spells in one macro any more. Blizzard blocked it. To get around it, you can put these into two macros. The first one is the main rotation or the spam macro. This is your main macro and it will give you about 20-25k DPS. /startattack
/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence !Cobra Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot
/cast Kill Command
/cast Kill Shot For the second macro this all depends on your abilities that you have talented. Replace with the new abilities that you choose. /cast Rapid Fire
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast A Murder of Crows It is best to do the above macro during Hero, or at the start of the fight then every 3 minutes after that. You will notice that Dire Beast is not in the main macro, and the reason it is not is because it breaks Cobra Shot as it’s on the same global cool-down. [/quote]


just curious what item level gear do you have to be pulling 20-25k dps with that?