Best I've Used yet. (PHARMACIST BASE with Modifications)

Thats hilarious I actually don’t play with sound on, so I never noticed that.

Did you make a mistake when posting the talents you chose? If you’re using 1223211 why is chimera shot still in the script?

This Macro needs more clear instructions. If you import both the first macro (Make a hotkey, put in slot 1) then import the second macro (put it in slot 2) on the hot bar and use it in conjunction with AHK and the talent build 1223211 it does not work correctly. One, the dps is very low, 10k or so and two, when you press shift it disables the sound. My shift is not bound to anything. Pressing ctrl+s will re-enable sound.

This is true and i been swapping binds and no matter what it does turn sound off?!!! tips ideas?

Chimaera Shot is still in the macro if I choose to use that talent for a fight. When not used it simply skips the line.

I have never experienced the sound issue.
My logs prove your “dps is low” argument wrong and is proven so thats prolly due to your gear or setup. I use Razer Synapse and not AHK.

I have updated the OP with the macro situation I use a simple macro that runs both depending on if I hit shift or not, no reason really just personal preference.

If someone can make a macro that beats this then I am more than willing to test it and compare.

Using this with a Corsair Synapse, and setting the delay at 48-78 random, seems to work well. I dont have the sound issue, what i did was to put the macro on normal action bar at button 8 and on special action bar 8, then set the binds so normal was button 8 and special was Shift 8 (putting the same macro on both bars), that way the shift triggers AOE as well. It may be a roundabout way to do it, but worked for me.

Are Spirit beast abilities included? I noticed a few times when i went to hit the buttons for them, the cooldowns already were already counting down.

Not sure if its possible, but adding Healstones, Heal pots, or Exilaration at some arbitrary percentage might be nice.

EDIT: i was doing it wrong, i see now the right way with the additional non gse macro, will try that now.

How fast do u use it? 25,50,80 MS?

Hey Heffa its Grimm you helped me in Legion, I was wondering if you could spare a moment in game for some questions?

So, I got Ashvane’s Razor Coral tonight, and I want to turn of trinket usage. I’ve unchecked it in the macro secion, I’ve also unchecked it in the GSE options menu. When I do this, I do it for both versions of the macro. However, the check boxes go back to gold color and will not stay in the off position. Am I doing something worng? or missing something silly?

You have to save the macro after making any changes, then I usually reload ui but If you did these steps then It may be something else hopefully you just forgot to do the save and this is just a reminder and helps wink wink

what MS r u guys using for this macro?

There is a slight problem with the BMBFAST macro. The original macro is still there with a modifier that does what the external macro is already doing. This seems to cancel each other out, and the macro does nothing.

The 2nd version works just fine. So, change all the macro versions used in party, dungeons, raids, etc., to 2 and everything will work as is supposed to.

Anyone able to able some mend pets in this macro. I tired but iut just keeps spamming mend pet.
hmm i guess not it the macro itself doing this, im using on a leveling toon and its trying to spam something ( aspect maybe) over and over and over.