BlackKnight's Onebutton ST Outlaw

Hi All, this is my first time posting an add-on, so bear with me. My Rogue is still leveling (58) so not all aspects of the Higher levels have been added in. Note, Pistol Shot is on a separate button as it’s a conditional fire (on proc). I do notice that often I have a full combo bar, and one of the finishing moves has yet to fire, so I’ll fire off a different Finisher (on other buttons)

Talent wise I’m figuring on the following: 1313113
15: Weaponmaster (Sinister Strike 10% chance to hit twice) the main combo point attack so worth it)
30: Hit and Run (Still leveling, so movement is a key attribute)
45: Vigor (More Max Energy, increase in regen! Rogues seem always power starved)
60: Elusiveness (Either Solo or partied up, Fireing Feint on cool down)
75: Dirty Tricks (Plays back to energy starved)
90: Loaded Dice (Our Secondary Combo spend behind Dispatch)
100: Dancing Steel (Combat Rogues don’t have much Aoe, this helps keep it up)

There are some abilities in the macro that as a 58 I don’t have yet. These commands were scabbed from Unnamed others in this forum (thank you)

As I level up further, I’ll modify the Macro, and Likely add a second button specifically for AoE…


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Stealth, Pick Pocket

KeyPress: Cheap Shot

Main Sequence: Dispatch, Roll the Bones, Feint, Sinister Strike

Note, When I exported it was filled with other crap, so hoping I pasted in the right section.