Made an account just to ask this: Bladepro, which is the most updated version of pacman? I’ve tried most macros for dh on this site and am getting the HIGHEST DPS with yours, though I would like to test any newer versions if you have any or just making sure I have the newest in general… The one at the top of the post, is that the one that gets updated every time you make a change? Just wondering for future reference. Cheers

Oh, your tank macro is Amazing too keep up the great work!

This is what i am using for havoc its the same as first post


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Quick question…what dps are you all getting with this macro? my ilvl is 438 and Im only pulling about 30k in mythic 10+'s? double checking what I am doing wrong or is that about right?

Thank you!

I get 60k+ dps in mythic 10s. My M10 ilvl build is 445

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Azarite traits with this?

What are your stats sitting at atm?

I’d like to know more as well. I’m ilvl 433, and do about 27-28k consistent on the target dummy, and about 30k in M10s (full dungeon from start to finish, incl. bosses). Something feels off about that.

can i see stats? 60k is twice what im getting…

i have tried this some time it spam Demon’s bite even when have full fury how i can fix it ?

Stats are: 27% Crit, 21% Haste, 29% Mastery, 10% Versatility. You should get 60-75k DPS on 3 target dummies. I test mine without meta for 15 mins on dummy’s and walk away with 60-66k

Full runs on mythic 10-13’s I end up with an overall of 55k-62k DPS

Essences are: Focusing Iris-Purification Protocol-Conflict in Strife

Note: I took throw glaive out of the sequence.

I will say I am sim’d to a T for the gear I have and that could have something to do with the dps I am getting.

My friend has used my toon too and he doesn’t use GSE and he gets the same DPS as me.

Hope this helps.

Thank you Blade :smiley:

whats your MS set at?

50ms for me seems to be the sweet spot

thank you kind sir much appreciated

tbh on the razer synapse app i have my ms set to 0 lol

after i do this i right click on the razer icon on the taskbar and hit exit all apps

so ur mouse has to have internal memory and i have been using this superfast speed for years since razer naga trinity first came out :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, quitting the application is good so you are using the internal hardware on your mouse. i.e: faster, more consistent and holy! Just testing out on 0ms now. I have to run more mythics but I think it has just boosted my dps by 7k. Will get back to you guys when I have done more dungeons.

This macro really is OP :smiley:

now that u guys know how to set synapse like me u can see the increase in dps xD

dont take my word for it lol it speaks for itself

I set mine to 0 it causes me to disconnect from wow - tried it several times and it disco’d me each time