Blood DK, 1 button rotation

After many tests, I settled on the current version of the GSE Macro, divided into several groups for more sensitive control over the character

Macro 1 is the main rotation which includes the opening rotation with disease and pestilence which is universally suitable for both solo target and AoE. The presence of a disease glyph is mandatory here and the glyph for increasing the range of our pestilence is ideal

Next priority is spamming Rune Strike, then Death Strike, then Heart Strike, which makes it possible to fully live both in PvP and PvE

winter horn is used intermediately for buff and accumulation of rune power
Intermediately, Death Coil is used to drain the RP

disease update I do via manual click pestilence

In case you overslept the update of diseases, use macro 1 with modifier shift to reapply disease

Macro 2 includes a quick burn of 2 key abilities that allow us to heal quickly
Used Vampire Blood and Rune Capture , if Blood of the Vampire is on cooldown - you use Rune Capture anyway

In case all your abilities are on cooldown (Vampiric Blood and Rune Tap)
Use macro with shift modifier, to summon the Ghoul and lethal alliance

To pre-pool a big pack and hold aggro, I use death and decay via a regular simple macro

/cast [@player] Смерть и разложение

Also, for the correct operation of auto-spam buttons 1-4, I use an AHK macro that allows you to spam buttons together with a modifier and does not require releasing the spamming button

Those. if you are spamming button 1 (macro 1) and you need to refresh diseases with ice touch and plague strike just additionally press shift and wait for diseases to appear on the target, then release shift while continuing to hold button 1

Talent WotLK Classic Talent Calculator


;; by Hadronox / Rezel

;; ########################
;; ########################

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SendMode Event	; default
#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 20000

;; ########################
;; ########################

;; ------------------
;;   1st Hold Key   |
;; ------------------

;; Set your DELAY, in ms.
DelayA := 150

;; Set the key you want to hold down to start spam.
KeyToHoldA = 1

;; Set the key you want AHK to spam.
KeyToSpamA = 1

;; ------------------
;;   2nd Hold Key   |
;; ------------------

;; Set your DELAY, in ms.
DelayB := 150

;; Set the key you want to hold down to start spam.
KeyToHoldB = 2

;; Set the key you want AHK to spam.
KeyToSpamB = 2

;; ------------------
;;   3rd Hold Key   |
;; ------------------

;; Set your DELAY, in ms.
DelayC := 150

;; Set the key you want to hold down to start spam.
KeyToHoldC = 3

;; Set the key you want AHK to spam.
KeyToSpamC = 3

;; ########################
;;		MAIN
;; ########################

Hotkey, IfWinActive, World of Warcraft	;; enabled only in WoW
Hotkey, *$%KeyToHoldA%, LabelA
Hotkey, *$%KeyToHoldB%, LabelB
Hotkey, *$%KeyToHoldC%, LabelC

SetTimer, SpamKeyA, -1

SetTimer, SpamKeyB, -1

SetTimer, SpamKeyC, -1

While GetKeyState(KeyToHoldA, "P") {
	SetKeyDelay, %DelayA%
	Send, {Blind}{%KeyToSpamA%}	;; blind mode to send modifiers

While GetKeyState(KeyToHoldB, "P") {
	SetKeyDelay, %DelayB%
	Send, {Blind}{%KeyToSpamB%}	;; blind mode to send modifiers

While GetKeyState(KeyToHoldC, "P") {
	SetKeyDelay, %DelayC%
	Send, {Blind}{%KeyToSpamC%}	;; blind mode to send modifiers

;; ########################
;; ########################

^PgDn::Suspend	;; Ctrl + PageDown to suspend script (if you want to chat)
^PgUp::Reload	;; Ctrl + PageUP to reload script
^End::ExitApp	;; Ctrl + End to terminate script

GSE Macro 1


GSE Macro 2

1 Like

I would be grateful if you leave your feedback. This will help optimize the macro and get more profit.

Been away for a while is this 50ms?

in GSE and AHK settings I use 150ms

Am I doing something wrong? The macro is just spamming Heart Strike and occasionally casting HoW and DC.

I don’t know the translation for the spell into English for me.

You can update the name of the spells for your locale, just delete the skill level in the macro and press the save button, GSE will update the name and skill level itself

Today I updated the macro, from level 67 and rune strike, if you are lower level - remove rune strike or replace it with blood strike / heart strike

If you have questions or need help adapting the macro, you can ask them on the stream - YouTube

Night chill stream on macros

Let me know if there is any interest in me updating the macro and talents for leveling in WOTLK?

1 Like

i’m interested in anything you update. lol

Updated main post with current GSE and AHK macros

Hello thanks for the update really appreciate it!, but i’m confused how to translate into english. I tried deleting the skill level in the macro and saving but nothing changed.

Please update to an English version


# BLOOD_DK - English Version

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.06.


Hey, Vrumpel!
Does it work well for heroic dangeons and naxx?

Oh sure
only for raiding I would recommend using other talents (43/6/2) without HS,
HS must be replaced with BS


the macro 1 does not work as propper rota.

it should be like this:

BS/HS > BS/HS > DS > DS > repeat

currently when the deathrunes are unsynchron, it uses 3-4 BS/HS, but i dont know on how to fix. it should only use BS/HS with Bloodrunes and stop using Deathrunes and let them only used for DS.

i want to mention that i dont use AHK, would be nice to have some kind of manual spam, without breaking it.

Here’s the Macro 1 done in English as well as updated with ranks at level 80. There’s one cast in here that I didn’t translate, but it’s Blood Fury Racial which isn’t going to relate to everyone, so I left it as is.



Talents: Wrath CLASSIC

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.15.

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